Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 04/05/18> Looking back at Martin Luther King Jr.

in #blog6 years ago

Yesterday was the anniversary of the tragic shooting of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis, TN back in 1968. In ’68 when King was shot I was 12 years old, civil rights I knew nothing about, so when it was reported on the news I really didn’t pay any attention to it. I know now a lot more now that I am 50 years older and just a little bit wiser than my 12 year old self from back then.

What I do know, or what I should say, I do believe that Dr. King would be deeply saddened on how things have turned out in this country. Dr. King wasn’t about trying to work the system to gain an advantage for blacks or any other minority group; he just wanted an equal playing field for all folks when it came to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

So I believe Dr. King would be saddened that in typical fashion of how the government works it has taken one injustice and in trying to fix it has created several others. Identity and gender discrimination has been added to replace the racial discrimination, instead of equality for all; we now have broken it down to levels way below the white vs. black as in the days of MLK.

Racial discrimination hasn’t been replaced either, there are some folks who make their livings trying to keep that boat a float. Do the names Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton ring any bells, how about Tawana Brawley ?

The problem with elected government officials is that they will give any group, be it ever so small, whatever the group wants in exchange for the group members votes come election time. That is how we end up with gay, lesbian, transgender, transvestite groups which all have “their rights”. How about we just do the simple sane thing and have one damn group, Americans.

We don’t need hyphenated Americans either, just plain old Americans. If you want to identify yourself as being from some other country I’m fine with that; do it from the soil of that country. In case you couldn’t understand that last sentence let me clarify it for you. If you are black skinned and identify as an African-American, fine, go back to Africa and make the claim there, in Africa. If you are here and just want people to know your heritage try using this, “I am an American. My ancestors are from Africa.” See how easy that is? The same goes for Mexican-Americans, Italian Americans, Polish-Americans, Japanese Americans or any other country name you want to put in front of America.

The same goes for the LGBTQ folks, be Americans first and foremost. Don’t seek preferential treatment just because you happen to be in a group that doesn’t have the same amount of people as the heterosexual folks. What you do in your bedroom and who you do it with is of no concern to me and it shouldn’t be of any concern of any government official either. Your sexual preferences should have no bearing on anything just like mine shouldn’t either. Now, if you are going to point at the marriage license issue and holler discrimination, just stop right there. Calm down, and you will see I am with you on the issue of marriage licenses, not because I think you are being discriminated against though.

A license is a permit that is issued by the government to do something that is otherwise deemed illegal, how on this green earth did marriage become illegal in America? It is nothing more than government overreaches and another form of taxation, there shouldn’t be any marriage license in any state in America. I have no problem with anyone marrying anyone; I have an issue with marriage licenses as being the source of controversy, so get rid of the license.

The civil rights movement of the 1960’, which Dr. King was a very large part of, was about “equality”, nothing more and nothing less. All people treated equally in the eyes of the government and each other.

I honestly believe that if Dr. King were to be alive today he would be very disappointed in how things have played out here in America with regard to civil rights. We still to this day have not achieved equality for all because we keep splintering things down to smaller and smaller groups and issues, for which there really is no need to do, and the elected officials only see votes and voter groups.

Set aside all the petty BS, be a true American.

Until next time,



Wow, how very profound, I found this aticle courtesy of the "Whistle Stop". I'm not an American, but an Australian with external heirtage and I'd like to add that I cringe and correct poeple when they say "Have you made a trip home lately?" I reply by saying "This is home! I live here and therefore Australia is my home, more than three quaters of my life has been spent here". I couldn't agree more with this. Well written. Well done.

Well thank you for riding the train over here and stopping in. I don't know how it is in Australia but from what you have shared it sounds like it is very similar to America with people trying to identify with a country other than the country of their residency. Nice to know that you agree and are one who verbalizes your thoughts on the subject.
I don't make the Whistle Stop all that often, there are so many talented writers and bloggers @thesteemengine, I do write my Daily Dose everyday and the bulk of them are my outlook on things in life and the happenings taking place. Feel free to stop by anytime and visit with me.
Thanks again and thanks to The Whistle Stop for providing you the ride.

You said it right! It is soo simple...

Thanks DC, it is very simple, but it seems like every group wants to be a "victim" of something and then get special treatment or privileges because of it.

Yes ! We finally agree on something..that something is of much importance and unfortunately not everyone sees things like you and I..no matter our differences! 😁just be..

Can I change my opinion? Heaven forbid we agree on something, the earth might come to an end. Just kidding , I think we agree on more things than we actually realize, we just say them differently.

Well seems like the world didn’t come to an end..still waiting for it to end..pff nothing happened yet..kinda bummed ab it...we agree on many things that’s the beauty of just living and not worrying too much about anything..yeah you gonna find ppl that have a different opinion and good if they do cuz in the process you might just learn something about life about you or about them and that is great that is spectacular because that is life!! That is why we live so we learn and grow! I know you and I see things differently but that is the beauty of life to be able to learn and see things that you would not normally agree on and use your fucking brain! See the world from different perspectives and then and ONLY then make a decision of what you belive in! Be that minority be that majority and for fuck sake be that person that you wanna be! No judgement no hate no excuses and no victimization! Just fucking be for fucks sake! ..pfff @sultnpapper you got me started..great blog and great issue you brought up! Keep in touch my friend!

The dose you shared today is so powerful, inspirational and educational. Truth be told, LUTHER KING JNR WONT BE HAPPY TODAY SEEING A LOT IS IN MESS UP, HOW I WAS THINGS CAN BE CHANGED. @sultnpaper

Thanks man, always appreciate you views and comments. Had he not been shot I think the USA would be a much better place because he was colorblind when it came to equality, and he would have made sure the congress understood that the goal was equality for all, not special for any.

We have become so concerned about being politically correct we have forgotten how to be human. Governments are over controlling. Folks no longer think for themselves. MLK must be turning over in his grave. Instead of equality and freedom, we have micromanagement. We as humans have less freedom now than we did 100 years ago.

All very true what you have said, I forget which Rockefeller, I think it was David, said that he didn't want a nation of thinkers, he wanted a nation of workers. So he started the Rockefeller Foundation for Education, which ended up being the fore runner to the US Department of Education. He did that so he could have direct influence on what was being taught in the schools back in the early 1900's.

And look at how far we have come. He must be pleased with himself...wherever he is.

Yes, I think he got exactly what he wanted for a long time.

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