Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 04/01/18> A contest as simple as sultnpapper,…. pretty simple I’d say.

in #blog6 years ago

I am considering running a little contest, I’ve never run one before on here but I have seen enough and entered enough to know that there are good things and bad things about contests.
First the good things, people who enter can win steem or sbd. I think that about does it for the good things from my perspective as a contestant.

So what are the bad things? Well number one is I hate to have to jump through hoops to enter a contest. Writing contests especially, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1,000 no more than 2,000 words, there are limits on almost every writing contest. Some people can tell a story in 10 words, I can hardly say hello and how you doing partner, in ten words or less. The thing about story telling is if your story sucks, or your just bad at telling stories it doesn’t matter how many words you have or don’t have. People will read as long as the story holds their interest, lose their interest and adios.

Secondly I upVote things I like on a regular basis, if I like your contest enough to take the time to enter it chances are pretty good that I will upVote it, like 100% pretty good. Don’t play me as your little pawn and require me to upVote your contest. The same goes for resteeming, and following you, let me decide if you have quality content besides your contest that I would like to have showing up in my feed. There have been several contests that I just never entered because of all the requirements.

The other thing is prize money; if you are having a writing contest give a set amount for prizes, don’t tie it to the amount of money the post makes and then divvy it up. People spend a lot of time writing for contests and deserve to know in advance if the effort required is going to be worth the prize if they win or place in the contest.

I won’t be holding any writing contests any time soon, but I am considering a photo contest. The contest will have requirements, as much as I hate them, since I am only interested in seeing pictures of signs. Signs are non-verbal communication and I like reading signs. As much as I travel for work I see plenty of signs, all kinds of signs. There will be fixed prize money too, nor will you have to resteem the post or even upVote the contest. I won’t be doing this contest to get more followers, following won’t be a requirement.

I am going to do this contest as my way to give back a little to the community that has been nice enough to accept me and allow me to do my thing, my daily dose, which is the reason. Nothing more or nothing less, just take a picture of a sign and when I announce the contest; just post your picture in the comments. It will be pretty darn simple to enter.

I will be the judge, so if the sign is in a language other than English you might want to translate it to English for me so I will understand what I’m reading. Don’t take that last sentence to mean that the sign has to have written text, it doesn’t, it is just that most signs do have some sort of text on them.

So, just what am I looking for? Hell, I’m not sure, it could be something funny, something misspelled, even just pretty colors. It can be an outdoor sign or an indoor sign I really don’t care, a sign is a sign, and I’m looking for a sign.

Oh yea the prize money. First Place / $10
Second Place / $ 6
Third Place / $ 4
Prize money will be paid in steem.

Since I have pretty much laid out the rules, consider this as the announcement and start of the contest. Since this isn’t tied to any post payout nonsense and I want everyone to have a fair chance at finding just the ‘right” sign, the contest will end on 04/14/18 at 12:00 noon Texas time, which would be the Central Time Zone of the United States.

So. post your sign picture in the comments and good luck, limit one entry per user name.



Contest is officially closed for entries. Results will be published as soon as completed.

Here's a photo as my show of support for such a contest. It isn't a particularly good photo, but it makes me shake my head every time I see it.

Yep, I surprised it isn't one of those circle with the bar across it like the no smoking signs, except with a glass half full of water.
Nice entry, thanks for supporting the daily dose and the contest.

From one of the sanctuary cities?

I really hate vague comments. Can you elaborate?

Sanctuary city: refers to municipal jurisdictions, typically in North America and Europe, that limit their cooperation with the national government's effort to enforce immigration law. Like San Fransisco, I was just wondering where the picture was taken if it was taken in a city that is a sanctuary city? Or was it a border city? A city with a lot of immigrants? I was wondering what city would find it necessary to spend money on a sign like that, Money that come from taxpayers.

Yes, I know what a sanctuary city is, but I didn't understand the connection to such a sign. It's actually in Philadelphia, but it is literally the only location I have ever seen such a sign in the entire city, which baffles me. It is clearly not a city ordinance to have them. The best I can come up with is that under normal circumstances, toilets are connected to regular tap water; the same source as the sinks. So these toilets must be connected to a non potable source, therefore they have to be labeled. I guess this is in case someone actually was tempted to dunk their water bottle into the bowl! Or, maybe more if there was some sort of emergency, and people were actually holed up in the school and surviving on limited access to food and water. I still have no idea what connection this would have to a sanctuary city, or to a high population of immigrants (two very different topics, since the large majority of immigrants are in the US legally). I have done a lot of travel and my sense is that no one drinks from toilets, no matter what country they are from!

I think you DO understand the connection - but that you are just being facetious to indicate that you disagree with his premis ... you even connect the two yourself at the end of the post when you say that no one drinks from toilets...that was pretty the point and the connection... just saying....

I don’t play the passive aggressive game here. I truly don’t understand the connection between immigrants and the drinking out of toilets. His commments were quite vague, and I wouldn’t be able to agree or disagree without really knowing what he means.

I believe your assumption is correct. Unless it’s a specific system, it would be tap water, meaning potable (my husband works in water treatment). So more than likely they run on a water recycle system and that’s got grey water in it. (Ps I live in a border town, we don’t have those signs anywhere)

Well, the things that I would do in a place full of pretty bikini-clad beauties of different nationalities.

Beautiful beach, great weather, the cool water, nice fine white sand,
a cold beer in one hand and other rubbing the shoulder of a beautiful woman. Paradise!

Cool looking beach, and sign

Yeah when you dropped it It in the contests I had to join :)

I'm just so lucky to see this post... English was born in Britain, Grew in America and Died in Nigeria.

I am glad you saw this post also, nice entry.

Am just angry you said one entry per person... I have a lot of those you would love to see

I like signs , I'm just to lazy to look at hundreds from two or three people. My contest, my rules; it wasn't done to make people angry, just for my convenience.

Hey am just joking man... I kinda like how you talk... Too straight forward and open minded

Well I take people at their word, if you were angry that would be fine with me. I have made plenty of people angry at me in the past so it really has no effect on me, it isn't my goal to make folks angry either. I appreciate you entering and commenting, maybe you should do some posts with those other signs showing how screwed up people can make things. Might even gain you a few nickles and dimes with them.

@sparrowbernard That is an awesome find! LOL! 😂

@sultnpapper that's a nice idea man... coz i have like 15... i will put them together and see how i can come up with... Hope am free to mention you on the post... @thekittygirl I can tell that you have been laughing since the past 4 hours... lolzzz

You can mention me all you like, in a good way or a bad way, it makes no difference to me.
I am a firm believer in freedom of speech, it would be wrong for me or anyone else to tell you what you can or cannot do when it comes to writing or speaking.


Louisiana hurricane evacuation sign! Hehe

Sounds like a good plan. Thanks for entering the contest.

Yep !! No problem I hope I win hahaha😂

I am so glad that I came across this contest! Thank you very much @sultnpapper for running this. I love the simplicity of how you are running it :)

Here is my submission:


I found this sign at the first beach I ever visited on my travels to Australia. Up in Far North Queensland you pretty much can't go into the ocean because of these stingers along with salt water crocodiles. Everything in that country is trying to kill you haha Hope you enjoy!

Thank you for entering, very nice,

I took a photo of the sign at this little place I went to the other day and saw your post today about your sign contest and took that as a sign to send you my sign photo..lol!!

Thank you for your entry, what town is that in?

It is actually a little bar in an area known as Fells Point in Baltimore City, Maryland! Has a great history to it also. They say it was established in 1775 and is America's oldest continually operated saloon but I believe it became "The Horse" (as we call it) in 1972. I'm planning on doing a post on my visit soon.

Thanks for for sharing the location. I'll look for that post, it would be interesting to know who has frequented that place in the early days when the country was in it's infancy. I hope you got a lot of the history to share.

I have some. I'm hoping to have it up next week. I didn't even know the building was that old either so it was interesting to visit and learn a little about it.

Everyone has heard of the famous Hard Rock Cafe restaurant chain,
but this little gem is in a nearby town. I laughed so hard when I saw
the name of this little place! 😂


Very clever play on words by the owners. Nice entry, thanks for joining the contest.

Here is my photo sign entry. A welcome sign at one of our street at the Philippines, it's written in tagalog "Maligayang Pagdating, Patnubayan Kayo ng Poong Maykapal", and the translations is

"Welcome, May the Almighty God Guide You"


Thank you for your entry and the translation, I would not have had any clue as to the meaning without it.

You are much welcome @sultnpapper it is my pleasure to join at your good contest, That sign is very important for the people who passing by coz it's a long road going up and down to the mountain and it's very dangerous especially at night...more power and goodluck to your contest😊

Thank you, you are very kind to take the time explain.

I like your contest rules. No vote, no resteem, no follow, just post a damn sign. Any sign, inside outside, roadside, toilet side (liked the very first sign post) I need to let @newbiegames know about this contest of yours I hope you don't mind.

Thanks for the heads up, @bashadow.
Finally a contest without all those rules. I don’t like them either. Did you know that it’s stated in the FAQ that asking for an upvote to be allowed to join a contest is forbidden?

I’ll be joining this one for sure. We’ll put our heads together to make sure the @newbiegames team will come up with the best sign and win this contest :0)

Yeah, I mean if you play in a contest, you should upvote it, but i really do not like how many require it, I mean a new user only has 10-15 votes to use a day. My wife is going to like this one I think, it is a shame it is only one sign allowed, but with a two week time frame plenty o time to find that perfect sign.

I don't mind at all the more the merrier, invite any and all. I like simple so there is really no reason not to enter because of demanding rules.

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