Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 03/25/18> Sunday is the day of “rest”… I’ll buy that.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Normally I write my daily dose column in the evenings before I go to bed and then publish on steemit around midnight Eastern Time here in the USA, so I can be sort of consistent and people can find it easier. Well that didn’t happen Saturday night, so I am trying to catch up with it now on Sunday morning.

The failure to get it written on Saturday night is because of total exhaustion. I got so wrapped up on Saturday working on a little project for a friend of mine that I didn’t even stop to eat anything all day. It isn’t a big project but it is time consuming and pretty dirty work. I enjoy refinishing things, taking old worn out items and bringing that back to life or at least making them presentable in appearance again. This particular project involves a fire hydrant, my good friend Gregg picked up on old fire hydrant at a sale and he wants to get it cleaned up and repainted so that he can use it in a display that he has for showing his antique cars.

I’ve done quite a bit of metal refinishing for Gregg over the years and I don’t ever turn any of his requests down. I enjoy doing his stuff because he is a perfectionist when it comes to things. His cars consistently win at these car shows he enters because of the attention to detail that he pays to even the slightest things. When his cars and his displays are entered at a car show it is more than just shiny paint and chrome trim. Judges of these car shows go way beyond that and Gregg knows that even the littlest things can make a big difference with the judges, I won’t share all of his secrets here in this post but one is that every screw, that is visible is indexed so that they all are in the same position. So if you are looking at the dashboard of his car and it has the old flat single slot screws, the slot will be facing the 12 and 6 position if you compare it to a clock face.

Well this old fire hydrant has about no less than 15 coats of paint on it, aside from the original industrial red paint coating that it left the foundry with. It started out red; it has since been changed over the years to blue, green and finally a silver finish. The silver paint is extremely thick on this hydrant. My little sandblaster and compressor is no match for this beast so I had to come up with another way to get this thing back down to bare metal. Zip Strip is my favorite paint stripper and it worked fine at cutting through the silver paint but it wasn’t as effective the deeper I got into the other layers.

I finally figured out the best way is to heat the paint with a hand held torch and then use a wire wheel on my air tool to brush the paint off. This made for a long day, what I thought would be a couple hour project with the sand blasting is eight hours and still not finished. Wrestling that heavy hydrant and being bent over with torch in one hand and air tool in the other, burning and stripping just flat wore me out. I only stopped for some drinks of water and to get a clean mask and to clean my safety glasses.

My girls were gone all day working cookie booths, so at the end of my day they weren’t home yet, I can tell you that the hot shower felt really good and was very much needed. I decided that I would wait on the girls to get home and cook me some grub, the couch was just to inviting and stretching out on it was beyond resisting. So I hit the couch at around 8:30 PM , I’m told that the girls got home about 9:00 PM , I never heard them come in.

They debated about waking me and felt it was best just to let the bear sleep, sleep I did. I ended up on the couch all night. I didn’t even wake up this morning until around 8:00 AM when the wife thought she had better make sure I was still breathing. She said I wasn’t snoring, and that scared her, because I snore like a freight train.

I opted out of church for today; the preacher isn’t going to tell me anything I haven’t heard in my 62 years of church going. He might say it in a different way but it all will boil down in the end to be something I heard before he even came along. Being that it is Palm Sunday and Easter is next week we’ll hear about the events leading up to Good Friday and the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. I would prefer to hear that Sunday is the day of rest, so that is what I’m going with today.

I might catch one of those televangelist on the TV after I catch me some breakfast, it is now 10:35 and I am ready to start my day. So forgive me for not keeping with my normal schedule, and now I leave you in search of bacon and eggs.

Until next time,

PS: Shortie did make her goal of 1,000 and she is looking to add to that today, as today is the last day of cookie sales.



Wow, that sounds like quite the day of work! If the pastor asks where you were, just tell him you were "helping a neighbor" 😉 LOL

All these churches care about is making sure they get your weekly contribution. They now have it were you can tithe on line, so they really could care less about seats in the pews.

There's nothing quite as satisfying as being worn out from a day of working on a project like that. I restored a '59 Raleigh bike a few years ago and it was magical to see the transformation from day to day. I have a vintage dynohub to power the lights (with the forward motion of the bike) sitting in a box that needs to be laced into a wheel but can't imagine taking that on right now.

Yes, back when I was young my mother got me started on refinishing old solid wood furniture and it has stuck with me ever since, my girls have now started refinishing wood rocking chairs and are doing pretty good at it, I picked up one old rocker of a the curb that was put out for the trash man and Shortie cleaned it , refinshed the main portion of it in natural wood finish and then painted the spindles, she got the owner of the local hardware store to display it and sell it for her. She ended up making right at $65 for a couple evenings worth of hard work. Not bad for a ten year old and a piece of scrap.
I have a Schwinn Tandem bike from the sixties that is tucked away in the shed that I will get to doing someday, hopefully the wife and I will still be able to ride it when I finally get around to restoring it.
The sense of accomplishment is a good feeling for sure, the old Raleigh bikes are really good ones, hard to find an American made bike anymore. Do you ever ride that bike or is just for collection and decoration?

That's great that your girls caught the entrepreneurial bug. I'm sure there's a good market for refinished rockers. Oh, a Schwinn tandem? Those are worth quite a bit these days. Schwinn made a great bike, I think their factory was in or around the Chicago area. I was originally looking for a Schwinn when I found my Raleigh on Craigslist in 2012. The deal on the Raleigh was so good I couldn't pass it up. It was a dusty heap when I bought it but it was mostly all there with little rust. The Raleigh is my main rider. My last big ride was a 50 miler and it served me well the whole way. It's definitely not light weight though I think it weighs in at around 40lbs. My previous (modern bike) weighed 16lbs or so. The Raleigh is worth the extra energy though...it's like a Cadillac.

Here's the 40lb beast @sultnpapper.

That is a real classic bike, good on you for making it functional and pristine again.

Good for Shortie! She made it! I hope she gets a nice prize for all the hard work she did. I can't blame you for wanting a day of rest. Now I could go for some bacon, eggs, homefries and toast. Oh, and don't forget a large mug of freshly brewed coffee!

Shortie reached 1,063 boxes as of last night, she committed to working a couple booths this afternoon so any additional boxes she sells are a bonus in her book. Those additional boxes may help her maybe make it into the top ten again this year, but you just never know about that since it can very big time from year to year on what amount will get you in there. Finished a whole pot on the coffee, and the bacon and eggs were great even though those aren't my specialty when it comes to cooking.

Any pictures of the shiny metal no-paint fire hydrant? That would be fun to see its progression. Definitely sounds like a ton of work though. And hooray for cookie sales.

If I hadn't been so lazy this morning I would have gone out and snapped a couple, but now that I am pretty well rested I'll go out and get a couple and add them to the post. Check back in an hour or so and the pictures will be in here. Thanks for the suggestion, as you know, I'm not the best at including pictures.

valid reason for missing your routine. i enjoy reading about such specific things that i could never imagine myself doing, yet respect that someone does. I am not a perfectionist... but i recognize that they are a somewhat dying breed of human. Nice of you to bring your own perfectionist out in the hydrant refurbish for Gregg. amen to the day of rest. and congrats to Shorty!

Thanks Mr. Butt, I'll pass those congrats along to Shortie, she is a fan of Crypto Bro, she thinks you would be a good actor, I told her that you aren't acting and she rolls her eyes and say's, "Yea, right Dad, no wonder people don't read your blog."

Everybody is so tired these days. Even I've decided a time or two to join The Weasel in "having a little nap." At least you had an excuse. Just the idea of stripping paint from that hydrant makes me want to go lie down a while.

Usually I'm a very light sleeper, but lately things have happened in this house and outside -- and I've slept right through it. Even when I wake up I have to convince myself to actually get up.

If I didn't have The Whistle Stops to do every day, I might just hibernate. It's so tempting. But it will also change in a little while. We just have to hang on. Meanwhile, keep snoring. I know how your wife feels. That's also how I know The Weasel is still alive. Sometimes he sounds like a wood chipper. You two would create quite a commotion.


I don't know how you do it with all the curating you have to, that would totally exhaust me mentally. I enjoy the physical work but age has a tendency to catch up over time. Used to be able to go hard for days on end in the hot Texas summers when I was younger, now I have to pace myself or I am toast the next day.

It's called "old age" all right -- and it's catching up with both of us!

Sounds to me like you earned the rest.

Thanks Tom, I believe I have, I'm not finished with it yet, but the bulk of it is done, now it is the fine detail work the needs done. Some times though you just have to let the batteries recharge.

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