Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 03/12/18> That damn time change…enough already.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

So, here we are again screwing with the clocks, and not just the clocks on the wall. The time change screws with my body clock as well and makes me a very unhappy camper for a week or so. The question that really needs to be asked is, is it really worth screwing with the time for four months out of the year? I think not, not in the least is it worth it to me.

I have heard all the so called “reasons”, farmers need more daylight to work the fields and their livestock and we don’t need kids standing waiting for the school bus in the pitch dark morning hours. First let me say that the farming reason is a load of BS, the work gets done in the daylight and doesn’t make a rat’s ass one bit of difference what the clock on the wall says as far as the time, farming and ranching isn’t a 7:00 to 4:30 job, it never has been and most likely never will. Even the big corporate farms still have people running them that can schedule work to be done based on daylight hours.
Those precious little youngsters waiting for the bus in the mornings shouldn’t be waiting at the bus stop by themselves no matter what time of the year it is, there are just too many nut jobs loose in the USA these days that will harm these kids. These nut jobs don’t care if the sun is up or if it is pitch dark, kids standing at school bus stops without some adult protection is pure stupidity on the part of the parents of these kids. So you can throw that argument in favor of daylight savings out.

We can pretty much give up on the congress and senate tackling the big problems in this country, I would think that they could at least get rid of this situation; people will still remember to change the batteries in their smoke alarms. That was the other thing they would tell you each fall, “be sure and change the batteries in your smoke alarm when you set your clocks back.” Smoke alarms are smart enough that the alarm will chirp at you when the battery gets low, and it will damn sure drive you crazy until you do change it. So toss that reason out with other two, it doesn’t hold water just like the others.

I know that states can opt out of the daylight savings program, but there shouldn’t be a program it should be done away with. If they can’t fix health care, or the time, just what good are these people running the country? Oh, that’s right, hearings; they are good at holding hearings, hearings and investigations. The thing about those two things that they are good at; never results in anything that is worth a hill of beans to the ordinary person.

We know they can’t budget, or even agree on a budget; if they actually could this country wouldn’t be twenty trillion dollars in debt. That right there is proof enough that we need change, and I am not talking about springing the clock forward or falling the time back in the fall.

I might just be a little cranky for a few days, so please bear with this bear while I work to get my internal clock reset.
Until next time,



I'm with you ... 1000%. I absolutely despise Daylight Savings Time. There are sound, provable biological reasons why you feel so awful. NONE of the reasons FOR this misery hold any water with me either. The only thing the government can do or can agree on is crap like this. I'm about ready to lynch the lot of 'em.


Yes, they screw with us every way they can, while letting important things rot away while trying to get re-elected. The number goal of any elected official is to get re-elected or move up in power through elections, all else be damned.

Hmm..interesting sharing @sultnpapper. I supposed you are referring to Daylight Savings? Could you share how it works? In my country, we do not have any system fo Daylight Savings

You are so fortunate not to have such a system, if there should ever be mention of it vote no on it if you have a vote in the process. In the USA , our winter season has less daylight hours than our summer season. Instead of just accepting how the sun and moon work with nature and man the majority of the states here in the fall pick a Saturday night / Sunday morning to set the clocks back one hour, so if you go to bed at midnight, you turn your clock back to 11:00PM , this way the sun will be visible for more of the day when people are up and working.
Come spring time, like now, we move the clock forward one hour , so if you went to bed at that same midnight hour of 12:00 you would move the clock forward to 1:00 AM, this pushes the sunrise time back a little further in the spring.
Evidently here in the USA we are smarter than mother nature, but a lot of people including myself, use the internal clock of our bodies to regulate our sleep patterns. So these time changes mess us up twice a year, until our bodies can adjust to the clock on the wall. These time changes occur in November and March, so four months apart from each other. Be thankful your country leaders are smart enough to just let time be time as mother nature intended it to be.

Haha! You are spot on. I don't live in the USA but it's very much the same as the UK. "Treat them like they're idiots, then they become idiots"

Not me thanks, you can keep your 'news' and shove it up your ass.

Great article @sultandpapper. I like these little daily doses, they're very real.

Yes, they use little tricks like this to measure just how big and many idiots they have created that will drink the "kool aid", so to speak. Glad that you enjoy these daily doses of the reality I see and experience.

Totally agree. I think it's the people who can't think for themselves. Always have to be led.

I was about to say what that last comment said. In Korea we don't have daylight savings time. That won't help the problem. The whole world has to get in line because America sets their clocks an hour ahead or an hour behind. How are we supposed to know?

You are lucky you don't have these stupid time changes, see the explanation above for @karinzdailygrind , it just is the USA screwing with Mother Nature, the net effect is just body clocks get messed up for a week or so.
I guess you are suppose to know by people like me complaining about it.

Hi mr Papper, fortunately they've not started doing that here yet. We can at least slowly adjust to the changing seasons; the birds start chirping a little later, the nights gradually get a little longer, much better this way than having to reset the body clock overnight as well!

Yes, you get to do it the way nature intended, we here think we are smarter than Mother Nature, that is why we have GMO corn that even pigs when given the choice between non-GMO corn and GMO corn in side by side feed containers will instinctively go for the non-GMO corn 9 times out of 10.

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