Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/05/18>…… ine jey iff ro rhe keft = WTF?

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Qhat uf U’d rried ro rype rhis qhole iost ysing rhe dirst ketter if wach qord ine jey ro rhe keft if rhe oroper ketter? That would be totally screwed up for sure.

Do you ever think up crazy things and then wonder how it might work out? I have always had a tendency to think out of the box, boxes have scared me since I was a little kid. My older brothers one time decided that they were going to help me overcome my fear of snakes by putting me in a big box and dropping a couple snakes in there with me and taping the box closed with packing tape.

I was around seven years old at the time, needless to say I wasn’t amused, I was damn near terrified if you want to know the truth. I was screaming and hollering up until they taped the lid shut. Then I figured my best bet was to shut up and keep quiet, I was keeping quiet so the snakes wouldn’t attack me was my reasoning, but I also found out that it was having an effect on my brothers.

Since the lid of the box was closed and taped shut they couldn’t see what was taking place inside. The kept asking if I was “Okay” but I never answered or moved a muscle. I could hear my brothers asking each other if they thought I was “Okay”, it was at that point I had determined I was now winning in this prank. They were getting very nervous that I wasn’t responding to them.

I was in the box about five minutes when the oldest brother asked the other one if he was sure the snakes weren’t poison snakes. “Pretty sure, they are garden snakes, they aren’t poison snakes.”, was the response. I’m thinking at that point “pretty sure” isn’t sure, and keeping quiet and still is more important now than ever. They asked again in louder voices, “are you Okay in there”? , not a word or a movement I would utter or make. They quickly
pulled the tape from the box, I was curled up at the bottom of the box doing my best impersonation of a dead man. They quickly laid the box over on its side and the snakes exited as quickly as they could, I laid there motionless.

“We may have a gone too far, I think he’s dead.” said my brother who was four years older than me. The oldest brother wasn’t saying anything. I was doing my best not to breathe and show any signs of life. Instead of pulling me out and checking me out they started to panic. “We had better get Mom, he’s not moving.”, and they headed to the house.
I exited the box and headed to the garage to hide out, about two minutes later they were back with Mom and she wasn’t amused with the story they had told her and the fact that I wasn’t in the box. I emerged from the garage and laid it on thick on how I had been traumatized, which wasn’t a total lie, but by now I was crying to help sell the punishment that they were entitled too.

It was never a good sign when Mom would say, “you boys wait until your Dad gets home.” That meant that this prank had crossed the line, and that punishment would be coming. When Mom deferred the punishment phase to Dad that meant either you were getting an appointment with a leather belt, or grounded for an extended period of time. If it was really an egregious act you might end up with both. I was hoping for both for them, they deserved it in my mind. They ended up being grounded for week which meant no friends and no TV, just doing chores with each other.

So, what on earth might have prompted this story anyway? Well it is time to start discarding the remnants of Christmas and that includes the big box that Shortie’s big bear was wrapped up in. That bear box reminded of that episode years ago and I just decided to recall it for my future grand kids right here and now. I thought it might also give me some time and maybe inspire a prank I could use the box for, but I’ve got nothing along those lines. So the box is headed for the burn pile, this post might have beaten it there.

Did any of you figure out that gibberish this daily dose started out with?
If so let me know, I had been having that issue all day.

Until next time,



Qhat uf U’d rried ro rype rhis qhole iost ysing rhe dirst ketter if wach qord ine jey ro rhe keft if rhe oroper ketter? = What if you’d tried to type this whole post using the first letter of each word one way to the left of the proper letter?

one key to the left, not one way to the left, but you got it though

I was close.. hehe

Anecdotes like this are always fun to read. It was quite clever of little @sultnpapper to react to this situation the way he did. I know many people who would have ripped themselves out of the box if they were in there with snakes.

This could serve as a good story for people who are being picked on or bullied, as well as to the ones doing the bullying. What seems like a harmless prank could end up backfiring.

Your storytelling ability is always great. I'm glad I stopped by to read this episode. I honestly don't get around to reading every Daily Dose, but I'm always very glad when I do.

Thanks again for sharing.

Well I couldn't see the snakes for starters when the box was closed, so that helped. I don't know if I could attribute it doing being clever, more scared than anything. But it all worked out, and the part I never mentioned was that it really did help me overcome my fear of snakes, I found out that given the choice most snakes will go the other direction when confronted. I'm glad when you have the opportunity to read and comment, your thoughts are always appreciated by me.

I loved this story! Way to get back at the bullies! Incidentally are you still afraid of snakes?

It actually helped me, I wouldn't admit it back then, but by the time I was a teenager I wasn't afraid because I learned how to properly identify them, I am cautious , but not fearful. I will catch non poisonous snakes and relocate them away from the house but the poisonous ones I will shoot or kill when I can.

Funny how the littlest things can trigger memories
I think grounded was a fair punishment
Lnd U gad bo oroblem eeading rhe dirst kine

The second one is more tricky hehe

Little things can surely trigger the memories, even from many years ago.

Yes indeed 😎

It is strange how our minds dredge up incidents from the past...the box incident would have traumatized me for sure. I don't like enclosed, small places especially if they are dark. Stems from a time when I was locked in a very small, dark and dusty closet by kids who were much older than me. I was five. They went for lunch and left me in there.

That sound as bad if not worse than my story, thanks for sharing it.

Nice - man, I would have killed your brothers if I had been your mom. I'm not a fan of snakes. Funny that you played dead. Goodness. I bet they were in some kind of trouble. Ha. Thanks for sharing the story.

My Mom wasn't the punishing type, she let my Dad doll out the big stuff. She did wield a mean wooden spoon though if you lied to her.

Lol - uh oh! My parents had a wooden board. They passed it on to us, but I think it got hidden. ;)

It doesn't work the same if you don't use a qwerty keyboard.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


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That was very clever of the young master Papper!
How this reminds me of my 4 brothers; boy did they get up to mischief! I was the only girl, fortunately the oldest so they had a little respect for me, but they also had pet snakes, used to go wandering in the bush looking for snakes which they kept in a snake pit at the bottom of the garden. Of course all sorts of little creatures were thrown in as food to my horror. These 'pets' came to an end when Mom found a cloth bag in the bedroom cupboard with something wriggling inside it. They had forgotten about a snake they had caught the day before, the poor thing must have been so traumatised, but so was Mom!
So where has this story of yours led me to now mr Papper? I really think I should write a post on their antics.
As in life, steemit also has its twists and turns, thank goodness for the mistaken identity of @simplylizelle. I would have been none the wiser but so much poorer for having missed out on all your stories @sultnpapper!
Thank you!

Thanks Lizelle,
That was definitely one of my better mistakes, not just for you, but for all of us involved in it. I'm happy to have you as a friend and follower. It is nice to know that I can look forward to reading about your siblings antics as well. The funny part about your Mom and the sack, we had a similar situation , we kept are snakes in coffee cans when we first caught them, my oldest brother forgot to put the lid on a can one day and his snake got loose in the house, we never did find it. We spend a lot of time looking, but it was never found.

I'm terrified of snakes, would never have slept after that until it was found! I don't care if they're harmless or not, we see the harmless types regularly here at home, although Kwazulu Natal is known for its Mambas! We found a green grass snake under the lounge couch once, hubby caught it and drove a couple of kilometers to drop it somewhere else as I was terrified it would find it's way back into the house! Ridiculous hey but that's one thing I never got used to even with the brothers handling them like pets!

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