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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/05/18>…… ine jey iff ro rhe keft = WTF?

in #blog7 years ago

That was very clever of the young master Papper!
How this reminds me of my 4 brothers; boy did they get up to mischief! I was the only girl, fortunately the oldest so they had a little respect for me, but they also had pet snakes, used to go wandering in the bush looking for snakes which they kept in a snake pit at the bottom of the garden. Of course all sorts of little creatures were thrown in as food to my horror. These 'pets' came to an end when Mom found a cloth bag in the bedroom cupboard with something wriggling inside it. They had forgotten about a snake they had caught the day before, the poor thing must have been so traumatised, but so was Mom!
So where has this story of yours led me to now mr Papper? I really think I should write a post on their antics.
As in life, steemit also has its twists and turns, thank goodness for the mistaken identity of @simplylizelle. I would have been none the wiser but so much poorer for having missed out on all your stories @sultnpapper!
Thank you!


Thanks Lizelle,
That was definitely one of my better mistakes, not just for you, but for all of us involved in it. I'm happy to have you as a friend and follower. It is nice to know that I can look forward to reading about your siblings antics as well. The funny part about your Mom and the sack, we had a similar situation , we kept are snakes in coffee cans when we first caught them, my oldest brother forgot to put the lid on a can one day and his snake got loose in the house, we never did find it. We spend a lot of time looking, but it was never found.

I'm terrified of snakes, would never have slept after that until it was found! I don't care if they're harmless or not, we see the harmless types regularly here at home, although Kwazulu Natal is known for its Mambas! We found a green grass snake under the lounge couch once, hubby caught it and drove a couple of kilometers to drop it somewhere else as I was terrified it would find it's way back into the house! Ridiculous hey but that's one thing I never got used to even with the brothers handling them like pets!

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