Daily Blog - Market stalls and how to force choke a fool...

in #blog7 years ago


Flame-left.jpg 17th June 2017 Flame-right.jpg

So what a busy day and the worst part is I didn't take a single photograph!!!! Today's blog will be substantially shorter than normal because, well, I'm knackered! We also have to be up early tomorrow for a whole day of Comic Con. I'm only 1 man!

Today @scarletleonard had a stall at a local town market selling her epic glass work. I would have taken a photo of the stall if I didn't spend the whole morning chasing the kids around, like herding cats! Still, a great time and good for me (looking like I might hit 7k steps on the FitBit today) after the last 2 days of being mostly laid up in pain. Still, the weather was scorching and even now (10pm) it's still muggy and no sign of a breeze. The kids are packed off to bed with Peppa Pig and a big fan blowing cool air over them.

So the afternoon was all about me. We left @scarletleonard on the stall and headed over to our local gaming club, Wildways, for some Star Wars: Force and Destiny roleplaying. The kids settled down to play some Magic the Gathering (eldest, 10) and building blocks (youngest, 3) leaving me free to wreck havoc in our little group. I have a reputation for blowing things up and generally being very direct. Today was no exception.

I started the day as a slightly below average morality force user and ended it wearing the ancient armour of a high ranking sith lord, using his ancient lightsaber and a flat ZERO morality. I now randomly kill people, an action I have no control over what-so-ever (the GM modifies my actions at will). At least now I can blame the GM when I do dumb things ;)

So how did my mortality drop so fast? Well, I'm a Kel Dor, a race known for their own code of justice and right - applied at will. I then rolled up the traits which make me even more sanctimonious and turned into judge, jury and (recently) executioner.

I got into a fight with another force user, who pinned me against a wall. After my part subdued him I decided to question him my way, starting by removing his leg with my lightsaber. As a result, my morality shifted a little and to signify this I decided, when we left the area, to take the leg with me! I was dual-wielding, a lightsaber and a human leg!

Then we came across the armour... the long dead "Emperor's Wrath" was buried in a tomb, with his armour and lightsaber. We found it, somewhat stupidly decided to open it (yes, my choice - I actually thought it would be empty - the big bad being out in the universe), black smoke poured out and left behind armour and weapon.

Now I've wanted armoured robes for a while, I've begged the GM, I've made rarity rolls, nothing. Then he handed me a suit, on a plate, and it was cool looking! The downside? I'm wracked with dark-side energy and now have to either deal with randomly killing people or start a path of deep redemption to the light.

Yea, right... force choke and lightning here I come!

Anyway, time to go and catch some sleep. Tomorrow I sell comics to the masses (hopefully) and I WILL..... I WILL.... take lots of photos!

Flame-left.jpg Don't forget to enter my competitions every day! Flame-right.jpg

Competition #1
Competition #2
Competition #3
Competition #4
Competition #5

Force and Destiny


Hasn't it been hot? Sheesh!

No photos man? What's wrong with you? We NEED to see some of that lovely glasswork of @scarletleonard's

I look forward to tomorrow's installment. There had BETTER be photos, or it didn't happen :p

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