TeachersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog7 years ago

Differing sources attribute the quote below to the Buddha, to the Tao Te Ching, or just as a Zen proverb. Regardless its origins, undoubtedly you've heard:

"When the student is ready the teacher will appear."


I always took that to be referring to fate or patience. Like, "keep striving and trying, and when the time is right (I don't know...like fate or something?) the teacher will then come into your life and show you the lessons you need to learn or the way to everlasting happiness and rainbows..." or something vague and hopeful like that.

But today based on my own personal experience I had a big shift in my understanding of what that phrase is really saying. Gah, I love it when insights hit me so hard like this one!

Maybe sometimes the phrase means, "keep trying, Be patient, because one day the Teacher will come." But now I see more often THE TEACHER IS RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF US ALL ALONG, but our eyes are just to cloudy to see! "When the student is ready," is referring to ready to see clearly, ready to give up all hope in old attachments, ready to release those things they have been desperately clinging to in hopes of controling outcomes, etc.

Maybe this was all well understood by the rest of you before, but it was a big wake up for me today in working with a friend who just can't see all the answers are right there in front of her for the taking. she just can't see herself or her situation clearly yet...the student just isn't ready to see the teacher waiting before her. I guess for now her current predicament is her present teacher, if only she could hear the lesson.

Ps-the photo has nothing to do with the topic of this post. It was just to lure you in to read my thoughts... 😉Total click bait, I admit. But it is me and mine from July 2017. We almost got hit by a car in getting that shot. The police came by and made us move along. 😂


Your post are super interesting. Thank You so much for that. :D Even if the photo was just clickbait it is amazing and I am glad you didn't got hit by a car :D eheheh :P I will for sure keep an eye on Your posts. Very nice to meet You :D

Thank you very much. 🙏🏽 Your post are tickling my interests as well and I'm following you. Oh and thank you for the resteem :)

You're welcome... I just wish I was more of a help... but one day maybe... although You are doing great and your content is awesome... so not really worried about where You can reach here... cause there are no limits for You :D

100 % upvote

...for this wonderful post. I actually missed your posts the last days. I am in a phase, where I have to learn a lot about myself - more than ever. I hope I will ready to find my inner teacher and the answers soon. The Tao te king is an amazingly wonderful book btw.

PS: I made a drawing of you @steemed-open - the first of two and beside some other drawings I made of other Steemit members. I would be happy for some feedback and hope you like it!



Your talent is evident. I'm honored that you took the time to draw me and I love my words added to the image in you hand. Thank you 🙏🏽

We all have a lot to learn about ourselves. It's never ending IMO. Just when we think we see ourselves clearly a new layer is uncovered. For me at least...I wish you strength in self reflection. 😘

Haha, Yes the click was a bait and i fell for that.You looked so admirable that it made me go through whole post.

Nice Post. I like it.
Upvoted and followed.
Keep it up Bro.

Thanks Sista!

you doing gymnastics on the street was a nice side show. Maybe you can make it into the main attraction?

I often do if you Look thru my blog. I have stuff to say, but if you are just here for the pictures there's plenty of that here as well. I appeal to many levels.

Thank you,
The picture are there only because of some unwritten steemit rule making them obligatory. Although I do try to find fun ones, spending considerable time scouring the internet for them.

I'm glad you commented.


I was actually lured in here by both! I of course like the photo and I was looking forward to read a longer text from you :-)

I did find it a bit puzzling at first, what the one might have to do with the other. The photo appears to me so full of energy... it looks as if you are "throwing" a burst of energy up into the universe. And then it even says "Fresh up", right next to that!

Interesting thought, with the teacher being there all along and I must admit, I didn't see that before either. To me, its always as if the teacher is "potentially" there... like walking by our side in a different dimension, ready to step into this dimension, when we need him/her... it (?) It happened to me numerous times, that I came to a point, where I wanted to take a "next step" and out of the blue, the helping hand appeared :-)

Right, and the teacher can newly appear in a serendipitous timely manner like you describe for sure, it's just yesterday I saw the other way. That sometimes the teacher is RIGHT THERE DESPERATE TO GUIDE YOU, but they are like a ghost to the seeker who can't see them yet.


The way I see it, all of life is a teacher. The open mind to see what is in front of us is the limitation. Once the resistance to perceiving wisdom is lowered, it may seem that a teacher or teaching moment appears, but the reality is that it is us that has changed, not the world.

Great post!

Yes exactly! Thanks for commenting. :)

When the student is ready the teacher will appear and say, "Get out of the road? You trying to get yourself killed?"

Just kidding. I liked the article and the click-bait. And I like that you can just make out the person in the blue car taking in the show.

Amazing angle, great pose and stunning expression by the image.

I only wish i could read the thoughts of the person driving that car and staring at you. lol

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