Up Voting Original Posts, An Idea Worth Pondering

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Should a person up vote his own work? It’s a Catch 22 really. It’s all perspective.

As a plankton/minnow blogger, sometimes your work flushes so far down into the ocean of posts, that at the end of the 7-days you’re fortunate if the hours you spent working on a piece nets .03. No worries, as an awareness that these few pennies yield more than anything most other social-media platforms pay.

When reading a post that’s fresh off the press, I sometimes click to see who rewarded the work so early on. When I observe that the author gave self the first vote, I sincerely question the author’s inner-narcissist. Or perhaps, it can be read as simply their way of saying, ball’s in play…your turn. If I deem the work worthy, I’ll leave an up-vote.

Professional bloggers know that the minnow's self-vote isn’t going to yield them any life-changing results. To keep posts from cooling off, I recently made a suggestion* to @utopian for a drop-down menu showing all current posts.

Dormant posts serve little purpose to anyone. The larger the Steemit community grows, the stronger the competition; thus, the more difficult it will be to get and keep posts front and center.

Let's get to the bottom line.

As a way of mixing 2K18 up a bit, I have decided to up vote original posts that get lost in the crowd. Instead of letting a post go to archive with zero earnings, I will up vote it for posterity on the 6th day. I will consider this upvote a way of giving new users, with zero-valued upvotes, meaningful representation.

That's it!

*Btw, here's the link to the suggestion for the drop-down menu:




Ah this is a thorny issue to be sure. I was advised to upvote my posts when I started on here a week ago...so I did...although I completely agree with you, it seems a tad narcissistic and not something I ever do on facebook.

But from a psychological point of view alone, seeing a teeny weeny little scrap of encouragement on your newbie posts does help a little so you don't feel completely ignored by the wider community.

Self perpetuated cycle of misery...which maybe would like some company!! 😊Ha ha!

What I do like about this community is the willingness that everyone I have met, to share, and offer advice, and the sheer numbers of intelligent thought provoking posts is a delight to anyone with even half a brain.

Thanks for adding your thoughts on self upvoting, it was enlightening! ⭐️

I didn't upvote mine. I didn't know one could, and yes it seems a little ego buffing. But I found, that by posting every day, I was noticed, if only by robots. But interesting and different will be seen. Here I'm answering your comment and have yet to go see your blog, all because you commented on @spiritualmatters, right beside his reply to me.
Keep on keeping on. 😇

Yup its all wheels within wheels, and what goes around comes around!
Best wishes and all steem ahead in 2018⭐️

so you don't feel completely ignored by the wider community.


Thanks for adding your thoughts on self upvoting

Yes, I can say I had an epiphany.

To not upvote, when it’s OFFERED by the developers, seems almost like leaving money on the table.

The rich, and smart business people in general, never decline a legal financial gift.

It’s all perspective and a matter of conscience.

There are so many more sensible reasons a person should not let their work go to the archives without any earnings, that, it, for me, is a ‘new’ no-brainer.

Thanks @lilygolightly for chiming in.

And, btw, welcome to Steemit!


You make a good point there...not leaving money on the table, so to speak! Hadn't thought of it like that...and thanks SO much for the warmth of your welcome and the wise words.

All good wishes to you⭐️

I think a lot of people now are joining Steemit as an alternative to Facebook. ON Facebook, liking your own post has always been a way to help algorithms put it in more feeds. So, when I first joined I upvoted my own posts automatically, knowing humans are monkey see, monkey do creatures. A post with no upvotes often stays a post with no upvotes. Seeing a penny appear when I did that was pretty motivating in a small way, like you mention even 3 cents is a heck of a lot more than nothing! lol But as I learned more about how Steemit works, I don't upvote my own posts anymore.

Very interesting observation...

I don't upvote my own posts anymore

There are so many 'within boundaries' aspects to Steemit, that it simply makes zero sense to let a post go to archive with zero recognition.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more sense it makes; and, the greater support I have for minnows/plankton who upvote work they value. Now, this excludes the lazy cut and pastes, and silly pics with no real purpose; but, authors who really took time to create a decent post, should earn a few coins.

Btw, I am not grateful for that little reward box with the option. I have ignored it, for the most part; but, now, I get it.

Best regards.


G'day @spiritualmatters
I have not understood as well as some users the actualities of the exponentially growing site. I like your idea of a drop down for present blogs, but I can see a need in future for some sort of indexed tag field. I can follow and watch a few users blogs, but in future when trying to find a particular 'how to' blog, or type of recipe, or other such specific, not only one person may need his archive indexed, but tags will also need archives indexed to specifics. I'm sure that 'in' there somewhere is the answer to my 'how to' issue of uploading photos with android ph, but I don't know how to find that particular blog for newbies . Scrolling is great, for interest, but for specifics, is going to be very time consuming in archives. eg.- when I've finished with my WW1 memory blogs, who will even know they're available¿

may need his archive indexed, but tags will also need archives indexed

Interesting. I’m not sure if this exists; but, it might be worth submitting to @utopion.io as a suggestion.

WW1 memory blogs

Wow, this sounds like something very interesting, and without the right ‘promotion’ could end up in the archive-dust bin. However, imagine indexing all posts relevant to, say, WWI in one 'index'.

great, for interest, but for specifics, is going to be very time consuming in archives

I get your point, so truth! I usually hit the search tool and put, for example, steemit how to make mincemeat pie and any posts pertaining to such should queue up.

I think this has already been suggested; but, wouldn’t hurt creating a post for @utopian.io just in case.

Great ideas you might want to ‘put on paper’ to help make this platform better.

Thanks for chiming in.

Best regards!


Well, I could not find relevant data, and was looking for a post @coolguy123 looked like he had posted. He had, but it took much scrolling and counting etc. It was two months ago, so perhaps a minimum of 60 posts, or maximum of 240.
So yesterday I numbered my posts, and indexed for last month. If I can continue every month, then at least each 30 days or so will be easier to refind, unless one has previously commented, and can jump back from own buttons. Also, should one find my index whilst browsing, then one may go back and read an old post much easier. I don't know the two users you mentioned, but with a bit of time, I will look them up. Thank-you.

I don't know the two users you mentioned

Good to know you're analyzing/researching your index idea.

Here is an excellent post detailing what utopian.io is. It's an archive; but, still relevant.


I hope this helps.


Thanks for bringing this post to my attention. I am another who has stopped automatically upvoting my posts and comments (until as least Day 6 lol) . As you say, at first it was about hopefully showing that there was interest in the post, but then I thought about how I would never like my own posts on Facebook and stopped only to then think that this is NOT Facebook and that if nobody else is upvoting anything I do, then maybe I should as my own wee $0.12- 0.07 vote adds to my POWER which means that I can at least continue rewarding content and comments that I like.

vote adds to my POWER which means that I can at least continue rewarding content and comments that I like.

Thanks for the added perspective! The upvote increases our ability to give more, offering yet another confirmation that the developers implemented a little 'gift'..their own thank-you of sorts; especially for minnows and planktons.

Thank you @howmanymiles!


I have just said a piece on old posts to @vaansteam where I had asked about voting for a two month old post. Why shouldn't a post I dig and look for, that is helpful to me, be worthy of a vote today, just because it was written months ago. @vaansteam posted a blog five days ago which was very helpful and I voted and even resteemed because of its helpfulness. IT does lead me to suppose IT was a follow on from previous posts. My question is if those previous How To posts are still useful and helpful today, and someone digs and scrolls back for them, shouldn't a vote still count.
My 'grammar' I would hope, will be useful and helpful to anyone in need, and who searches it out. Therefore, should they like it enough after searching it up, to vote, shouldn't that vote also be included somewhere. The present user has dug through archives, likes yesterday's blog today, and votes today, so shouldn't that vote also be counted somewhere for some worth?
If we have written interesting and useful or helpful blogs, then one day we might wish to copy/paste and publish an e-book for coffee-table perusal. There are times when some of us don't want to crunch down scrolling and surfing, but peruse a large glossy mag' or such.

Why shouldn't a post I dig and look for, that is helpful to me, be worthy of a vote today…shouldn't a vote still count.

Yes, @simon62 I, and the majority of Steemians would agree with you 100%. This is one of the ‘beefs’ people in the community have; but, as is, it’s the rules; and, until someone at the top does a hardfork to change it…it’s pretty much as is. Now, that said, I’m reminded that suggestions can’t hurt.

don't want to crunch down scrolling and surfing, but peruse a large glossy mag' or such.

Great idea! I can even see someone creating a SmartToken for this, where an app can create a single format for a user’s archived posts; for a nominal fee of course ;+)!

This idea earned you a tip!


Your comment earned you one too, please make as many suggestions as to get so many repeating, that it is no longer a nag, but a need, to be considered deeply.

Weirdest thing...I have two comments from you (four days ago) that did not show up in my reply feed.

Steemit seems to be glitching again.

I'll get back to you on the other two posts asap.


Who @tipU ? @spiritualmatters ? I took a trip to utopia-io where you had greened it so. There was someone with a really long name beginning in r which I'm not going back again for. But there was no way to contact utopua-io whomever they are. If you blog these people and you think the idea sound, it at least worth contemplating, please copy/paste. I'm on a small android and scrolling for search is not my thing. Seriously, I am not enamoured of computers, probably because they came along behind my back while I had a life, and I turned around and the whole building had turned into something like my fingernail, and I've not come close to catching up. Every time I think I might have got a handle on the beast, it turns round and says the thousands of $ I've invested is now obsolete and invest again. They make something 'Brilliant!' like XP Office, and before you learn it can do everything I've ever wanted in an office, the marketers say Vista is better, BS, mktrs! Then 7, so because the people/corporation one deals with have upgraded one has to, and now dead 10. It makes one want to weep. They are not making simple machines anyone can use, they chasing $S by taking a program that works and splitting it into five, and then selling each piece for same price as original, and none works as well as original.
You may remember analogue and floppy drive. I was working for govt. Council, State and Fed, and all associated like schools, used a typewriter program called First Choice. It was basically all a high school student needed from typing class, SSheets, to data-proc. With a short buffer for spell checking and view of pagination. Great! Digital complicated a $250 program into five then into nine. And last I looked, some of it requires 18month practice to know ones way about, and its cost, well, all the pieces might add to over $3,000. I've never been able to work out pagination since that old analogue, so computers of digital variety did not help business, but actually over a period of twenty years complicated everything no end and my ex-boss and I reckon cost more in overheads than when everyone wore one major hat each, and knew their business extremely well. There are few Secretaries now who wear one senior hat and type at 120+ w/min, and know everybody's business and can do every job in the office well. It seems even steemit is going too fast to pay attention to what it may be losing by its speed of advance. I have written comments on possibly 20sites, but there is no way I can check everyone every day, let alone witnesses and longtime users. I'm hurrying to stand still and get my blog done, but I have to ask sometimes, is it worth it, if we get no value off a Vote just because the blog is more than a week old. Blogs go up so fast, that when I post mine I have to flip back some two pages, to come forward slowly to find it unless I go straight back to mine and touch blog. As I said earlier I found a blog that led me to believe the writer had written what I wanted, and he had two and half months previously. So his blog back then is Still worth a vote, and had u not replied to that there, I would be scrolling again next time I wanted to read it. An index is not just a requirement but very quickly becoming a necessity as more users will join exponentially this year. Writing of today is fine, today and yesterday, but soon, in our particular subjects, without indexes, we none of us will ever find what we need. Newbie lessons. I'm sure they are there, somewhere. But, how to find one that speaks to one's own level of techie or non-techie? Now, is the time, the community, as a whole, or elders as a first group, Need to gather themselves to think of indexing. I know, English is my blog, and library research is my hobby, but seriously, there is a lot of really good info binned for no more reason than convenience and speed. We already have a fantastic library here, and we are just trashing it because it's too difficult? Where are those programmers who can pinpoint land a rocket on the Moon? We can index. We Need to index. We can work out how to access archives, and we need to. Voting should be more than just todays'$, but if Steem is going to be a viable crypto bigger than all the rest, then opening the archives will do it. I don't know stuff-all about the present monetary system, but just for instance: if one Vote this week is worth one *unit, then why not one archive vote worth *001 unit, and qualify that archive into different valued subdivisions, so once it's voted out of general archive into a division, then *0001 to sub-division, and possibly *00001 to class-division. Umm, a flower photo in a class, then same photo in gardens or trees, then same photo in personal or competition as opposed to public city or park, sort of thing. Anyway, I'm sure someone who can think in hexagramic format can see what I'm suggesting. Then when a newbie has ANY query, any user might answer, -this index, that sub, that class. 😇


If future holds any copyright issues for anyone, then steemit archive index will provide all precedence at this blog. Outside is a lawyers(liars) game, but an index is very important. And NOW, is the time, before the members exponentially swamp the locale. 😂

Geez, bro, your index idea just gained even stronger legs. Even though everything has a time stamp; if needed for lawsuits; it’d really be cool to have this at the touch of a fingertip.

Best regards!


Well, for one, @cheetah is always reminding that she has found similar info, and gives references. This work she does is also good for indexing, in that some things, like Pickling have been done by our ancestors for a couple thousand years, so simple methods only differ in the manner of their being written.
In my other blogs, I wanted to delineate English grammar as simply as it could be, without making a classroom lecture, since few us have time for talking heads. And the rules from 100 years ago, of certain familiar and enjoyable games, are always useful to remind ourselves that no game is a game without the rules, and changes change the nature of our play.
Keep on keeping on.

Keep on keeping on.

I totally agree! STEEM is truly revolutionary...in comparison to past blogs that offer zero...in the words of the POTUS...really...."What do we have to lose?"

Btw, @cheetah is a bot which surveils the platform for plagiarists. It can affect your ranking, so be careful to list refs. Also, it's 'live' so you can contest if you think the challenge is unfair.

Best regards!


References to publishing houses that have not been in existence for over fifty years and whose books cannot be found by the most avid collector, are hardly references. Plagiarism is in the domain of lawyers(liars), and I'm happy to answer any queries as I'm not claiming the content subject matter of my blogs as mine, only the manner in which I am bringing old information into renewed circulation. If I said ''Twas brillig and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe. . .'' and claimed it as my original, that would be silly, and plagiarism, but to repeat a 100 year old recipe, as a 100 year old recipe, is renewing a practice. If I start repeating, say an old Yorkshire pork-pie recipe as recorded by ****&****, then I have given reference. I am no chef to say, this, I created. 😉

a 100 year old recipe,

I wouldn't be surprised if some of Julia Child's relatives might not challenge you on this...

LOL...not likely...

Honestly, I think as long as you communicate your view, they will take it into consideration.

No worries.


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