Introducing my pet. (Scare warning!)

in #blog7 years ago


A different kind of pet.

This fellow showed up one day, squishing himself under my door.

It was nice, I like making new friends, so we got acquainted.

Spent his day light hours resting in that bowl you see there.

A fine bowl made of leaded glass, or crystal as some call it.

Waiting for unsuspecting guests to reach in and take a hold of MY nuts. (haha)

He defended them well.

One of the greatest laughs I'd get was seeing the horror on a visitors face when they went to help themselves.

Of a night time he would skitter up and down the walls in a zig-zag pattern.

Taking after his name, he was after all a Huntsman spider.

A tired fellow after all that running around, during the day he was tame.

Would happily sit in your hand, crouch down to get all the warms.

I quite liked that spider. Perhaps even loved.

One day he wasn't in his customary hidey hole and I went looking.

Hunting the huntsman as it were...

I found his corpse in the corner, a triumphant daddy long legs sucking him dry.

Such is the way of the world I guess.

that triumph didn't last long........

I guess the moral of the story is never mess with someones loved ones.

Be a better spider. Cast your web with love.

Thanks for taking the time today dearest readers.

May you have a wonderful day/night cycle.

Much loves and respect. <3


For anyone that was concerned about the well-being of anyone potentially bitten.



Ok. Just settled into bed for a sleep, decided to check my feed to see what people decided to post.
Now wondering how much protection my blanket provides from arachnids.

We let them run all over the house as they eat the cockroaches.

For all of the arachnophobes out there, don't run or flinch from these things because they will chase you. =)

Yes.. They sense movement. Just stay very very still. :O

My housemate made that mistake. She ran screaming from the front of the house to the back, and it chased her the whole way. She screamed at me to catch it. But I couldn't for so long because I was laughing so much. 3:)

Top lols.

It kinda depends on the spider, the time of year and all sorts. But yes, person running screaming from spider is rather funny.

A brown snake or rattle snake going off at me on the other hand, I dunno I'd be climbing trees.. :O

Glad you had a good time! haha.

Not my favourite pet... But still a sad ending.

Not sat at all, circle of life goes on. I was just a little frustrate the huntsman lost out.

He was great fun. Spider buddy. :D

Wow, that sure is one weird looking cat.

It's a shame how the story ended though. Daddies can be mean.

He was a good buddy. :)

That daddy got what was coming to him.

Honestly, I am afraid of spiders. But this story goes well, moral lesson is clear.

Indeed. I prefer other things haha. But he was a pretty cool spider. The first time he jumped on my hand it was at night so he was hyped up.

I was laying in bed and he came off the wall and onto the sheets, i reached out my hand to see what would happen.

Spider ran up onto my upturned hand and sat down and chilled for a minute, then ran away.

I liked that he killed all the bugs. :)

I'm so impressed @sammosk! I just love posts that give a glimpse of the real person behind the @.

Spider lover here too. That daddy long legs got his comeuppance. Good :)

They perform a very valuable task, I just never knew they could be as friendly as that, once we got 'acquainted' he would happily chill in the hand, padding about from side to side getting 'comfy'. It kinda tickled.

Fun pet.

Ps I got the daddy.

Aww @sammosk, is that why you are feeling low? I'm so sorry. Such is the way of life indeed. And you made sure that Daddy Long Legs won't mess with anybody again.

I sorted him out. :)

All fine now, no need to be sorry, that's just how it goes.. How are you today?

Spiders.... While for some reason I want to run away as fast as I can I do find them very interesting! I do however don't like them sitting in my house, on my table , on my ceiling looking at me like they are going to eat me when I sleep.
I ask someone, my partner and yes even my mommie is she is here, to please remove the spider and put it outside!
I had a bloody spider jump at me once....... The horror, ooh the horror!
I think that poor spider still has a trauma from it....

xxx snakey

I have to save people from scary spiders all the time!! Don't squish just put on piece of paper or something and out the window.

Your story made me giggle. :D Thanks <3

love love <3 <@ have a rose as well, or an ice cream.

Don't squish you say? Hell if I bring that piece of paper to said spider I am already screaming like a fool and the moment paper touched spider they both fly like a rocket to the moon and you can see me running.......

Now I would love some ice cream really!
snakey hungry!

leaves offering of hokey pokey ice creamsssss Pleasssse enjoy. :)

What a cute lil guy. Here's hoping another little predator enters you life and you heart. Have a peachy evening.

I'm not gonna lie, I kinda want one.

Many times I woke up with one of those buggers on me.
Any fear of spiders I had as a kid was history after a few years in Oz.

A normal afternoon.

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