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RE: Breaking The Silence - An Autism Journey - Part 1

in #blog6 years ago

well, looks like you already got all the praise you deserved, so i don't think i have anything to add there . I have no projects, i'm not saving the world and i dont carry steemit all by myself like i own the place but real content isn't always easy to find. It usually works best when straight from the heart. Autism is more like a collection of conditions i suppose since not many autistic people are actually the same. Some even managed to try to label me as an autist a few times because i can simply be stubborn.
The least i can do is resteem and i'll vote when i'm back at 100 in an hour. I'm a steemit-bum so i'm aftraid there's nothing to delegate. Good luck !!!

me :


Lol. Seems like you have a fun sense of humor. :)

I'm going to write at some point about the latest genetic research on Autism. It's becoming less and less understood as a cluster of conditions. Unfortunately, doctors are very busy— often too busy to learn the latest research. And that continues to lead to misdiagnosis, undiagnosed persons, etc. That makes research difficult and often leads to patterns being less observable. Most genuinely Autistic persons have similarities. They're just not always visible similarities. Most people can't see chromosomes with the naked eye ;) or carry around MRI machines in their truck.

From day one with my kids, I've been involved in quite a few elaborate studies on the subject of the heritability of Autism. More on that later though.

Thanks for resteeming ♥️

ofcourse, its never a good idea to pressure yourself on your own drive. That doesn't need pressure anyway. I'm glad you see my sense of humour. I'm often mistaken for the sarcasticat i became and lots of people seem to think my vitriolic sarcasm is actually a personal attack.
I prefer to think its them who have issues with themselves because i usually say things in general as a reaction to the absolute absurdity of the situation. I tend to believe both are separate too. Bare sense of humour is something you are born with, on a genetic level if you please (at the risk of getting into metaphysics, i mean -genetics) highly dependent on who you are at your core, while something like sarcasm is a phenomenon that takes root and develops as you slowly get battered by experience and environment. I agree doctors will generalize all too fast, not all 'men' are created equal after all, whoever wrote that had wild imagination lol. Most non autistic people have similarities too btw ;) i dont know enough about it (as i just somewhere else on something completely different too) so i wont pretend im not guessing, unlike the wise scientist who believes a statistic is actually proof, not potential.
Even if there is a certain amount of correlation it doesnt mean that all autists should be treated the same in a one size fits all manual, they're still brains trapped in a body so they will have a self that requires details.
Who knows, SpaceX just promised they'll be on mars in ten years ... if thats possible, other areas might spike too. Best of luck, im looking forward to more, i'll try to keep an eye but its a big place inhere isnt it :)

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