I'm back! - Family weekend and financial worries

in #blog8 years ago

It feels good to be back home! I could do without the financial worries though.


This weekend, we went away for a family weekend. It's something my mother's family does every year. It's always great to see everyone again, though at the moment, it's also a bit taxing on our heads, seeing as we are both recovering from a burnout.

For that reason, my boyfriend and me had our own little house, instead of staying in the big house my family had rented. It gave us an escape and a place to rest.

It's good to be back home again and I was planning to write a bit about the weekend and show a couple of pictures aswell. Right now though, I'm not really in the mood. I'll share it with you later on!

As you may know, my job will soon end. Here in the Netherlands, you then get financial aid for a little while (depending on how long you were employed), through, what we call WW.

So I came back home today and I started filling in this online form to request WW. It was quite easy; they already knew everything about my previous employers and earnings. Then came the question if I was married, living together or single.

Now, my boyfriend moved in with me last year. He still has his own house though, which we're planning to sell this year. So for now, we are paying for two houses. That's why we didn't actually combine any finances, other than that we both pay for groceries.

According to this online form, both paying for groceries means we live together and because he was born after 1972 and we don't have a kid, I would not be able to get WW.

So here we are, two houses to pay for and we're supposed to do that on one man's salary? We can't do that!

So I've just mailed them, explaining the whole situation and asking what the heck I am supposed to do now. I'm really worried I won't be able to get WW. All these possibilities are swimming through my head now to somehow make ends meet, but they don't look very pretty.

So as you can probably understand, I'm not really in a mindset to talk about my vacation right now. Things will work out eventually, but it doesn't feel too great at this particular moment.

A crappy end to a nice weekend... so how was your weekend?


LOL welcome home POOR one :)

You really need 2 make a game plan 4 life that specifically excludes the word government ;)

Ugh, I really do! I had such plans too! Okay, not that many yet, but I was working on growing in self sufficiency. Problem is, you need a bit of starting money and time for that, which I didn't have enough of yet.

Bah! We'll figure something out, I'm sure. It's just such a setback that I wasn't counting on.

As long as you work together and support each other you will get through this hardship.
There is strength in numbers even if there is only two of you :)
You can do this; fellow Steemian ! !! ! ;)

I'm sure we'll get through it, indeed. As long as we're together :-)

Thank you for the very nice comment! :D

All you need 2 know & remember is this . . .

YOU make your OWN luck ! ! !

So many people, it seems, are really struggling... even in well off socialized like the Netherlands. Here in the USA, you get very little, and my wife and I have pretty much declared financial "independence" from the government, but it is very hard to make it. I hope you find a solution!

To be fair, I'm not too badly off, financially. I've always been smart to keep my savings up and I also live fairly cheap. It's just the extra house of my boyfriend which is causing us trouble if I don't bring in any money.

I'm sure we'll find a solution! It was just something I wasn't expecting, so it'll take me a good night's rest to get over the first disappointment :-)

Hey. Very open and honest! Upvoted and Following!

Thank you, that's very kind!

Thais strange, sorry to hear, fingers crossed you can convince them - I do not understand what his house and the fact he is born after 1972 have to with your WW? Sounds complicated!

Very! I hope to hear back from them today and maybe it's all just a mistake. Maybe I read wrong or something...

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