Just Wash You Hands! Gruesome Photos enclosed of my own poor choice.

in #blog7 years ago

Some of you may know I'm a Nurse Practitioner in real life and don't want to make a habit of blogging about medical advice, but I'm going to make an exception and share my own horror story.

It all started about 3 years ago when we were doing some home renovations. We refinished the entire basement, it was pretty nasty prior to that. All kinds of old insulation or rotting wood on the walls. Like really nasty. Anyways somewhere in the process I got a tiny scratch and thought nothing of it. Gave it a quick wipe on pants and went back to work....Bad Idea... You never know what's lurking where.




Here's the next stage of advice, when you finger starts looking like this, and it hurts to bend, stop ignoring it! Especially when the redness starts spreading into your knuckle. This is when my loving wife finally dragged my ass to the hospital to get checked out. That's when they promptly took X-rays to determine just how deep the infection went, and booked with a follow up with the plastic surgeon the very next morning for the potential amputation...seriously that's what the ER doc told me. Needless to say I didn't sleep much that night.

Now this is when it starts to get gruesome, please don't scroll further if your squeamish.

For real this is your last warning...

Well now it's your very last warning.

Anyways when I got there the surgeon quickly got out her scalpel, just to take a look.



So after she finished hacking it open and getting all the puss out, it turned out it was bad, but at least I got to keep my finger. She stuffed it tight with gauze and signed me up to get IV antibiotics for a couple weeks, and daily dressing changes.

Want to see that part too...

It's way worse then the other part...

Are you sure...

Okay, here it is.




This took a couple weeks of packing it everyday! Once they learned that my wife was also a nurse we got cut off from home care, they packed our fridge with IV antibiotics and dressing supplies and said good luck. I still think she kinda enjoyed her little opportunity to inflict so much pain on me. But she must have done a good job, since It healed up pretty nice over time.

Of course I have a few more photos of that process too.



I bet you want to see just how disfigured I am these day!

Well what do you know I just happened to take a photo 5 minutes ago as well.


It healed up pretty good. Lucky I'm an excellent healer since I'm also very accident prone.

The next year it was a broken toe, and just this year I sliced a good chuck of another finger tip off with a mandolin slicer. Of course I have a few more photos if anyone is interested. Gotta take those photos, it's the first step in first aid!

Anyways the moral of the story is wash every cut you get, regardless of just how small it may be!

Also I want to let everyone know about the awesome new #teamcanada tag and community there. We even have a discord channel, that has been very active. Big things are happening, be sure to join us. Here's my recent post about joining MSP and Discord. https://steemit.com/steemsilvergold/@phelimint/minnow-support-project-and-discord-chat-how-it-can-really-help-our-steemsilvergold-and-teamcanada-community

Banner by @bearone


I just met a gentleman who has no leg from his calf down. He got a little scrap of metal in his foot from a scrape and didn't get it all out and then wound up of having gangrene and they amputated his foot. please please please wash your hands in your feet. Make sure nothing falls off. Thanks for this yucky post I am not going to go wash my hands

Yeah, it certainly does't take much sometimes. I'm glad mine had a good outcome, that poor fellow wasn't so lucky. :(.

Nope he sure wasnt. His steel leg has flames on it though. Lol

I just had to show this to my daughter bc we were arguing about her washing her hands!! I definetely have this post in my back pocket

Wow what a trip! My father actually had something like this happen not long ago where he got a boil on his lower back and they had to pack it full of gauze every day as well. Freakin narsty!! Looks pretty damn good afterward tho!

Yeah, I'm still so amazed how well it healed in the end. It's surprising just how back something so simple and little can get.

I think that you married the right girl for you. Or did your wife become a nurse because you are so accident prone...
I still don't believe how well it healed.

Darryl @dadview

I agree, it really healed up very well! Nice stitching!

Haha, She was a nurse when I met her...lol.

I watched this while eating pizza pops. I'm a thug like that. Jesus bud I'm glad you didn't have to lose your finger!

Thats just what happens when A Canadian goes HAM

At least one person around here isn't squeamish.

I made a post today, "Laugh now Cry later" and used a rotten hand pic and I thought of you 😁 yours may have been worse? Lol

I saw that one today man, That hand was way nastier..

😷 sorry its no god like comment but a little voice said inside of me to quickly scroll down and boom... scrolled past the worst of it

Upvoted just cos someone who had to go through that deserves an upvote.

It's probably a good idea you did. I'm so blunted to all this from my years of nursing I forgot just how everyone else may respond to these photos.

OMG dude thats crazy... wtf and how did it get so bad so quick....?!
Lol im usually ok when i comes to gross stuff but a few of these I couldnt spend much time looking at lol!!!
rock on mate and glad all is ok with your digit :)

Yeah, I'm glad it was okay in the end as well. It must have been only 2-3 days from that little cut to the full blown thing.

geez dude. well glad all worked out ok and u didnt lose the digit :)


I am happy your wife made you go to the hospital and she did a great job taking care of you...stay clean my friend 😊

Yeah, I'm lucky to have her keeping an eye out for me.

Oh that looks bad and I'm shocked a little when you mentioned "amputation". Glad you are able to keep your finger! Infection can be so deadly, I once had a bad experience with sandfly's bite too, not nearly to amputation but man it was a great hard time back then.

Yeah I was pretty surprised when they mentioned that as well. I never expected it was that bad, but I guess once it gets deep enough into the bone then it's pretty hard to fix.

This is a cautionary tale my friend. I'm glad you still have your finger and it looks normal.

Yeah, I am quite lucky there really isn't all that much of a scar.

Ack! Glad that ended well after all that 😖 gave you a big upvote for the cautionary tale, hope it scares a few people into being slightly less thingi about this kind of thing.

Yeah I hope so too. Learn from my mistakes.

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