Why we should Decriminalise All Drugs

in #blog6 years ago

Okay, so here me out, before leaving your reply I want to make a few points.

First of all, I'm not particularly a fan of drugs, and it is my belief that, though some drugs can be used every once in a while in general it would be better for people to not use drugs like for instance heroin or cocaine. This blog is not a statement, it's more a thought experiment.

Supply and Demand

Here we go! The war on drugs in the United States is something that interests me in particular. Watching real-life documentaries of the police force finding a stash of drugs with an officer proudly announcing:

"The work we do is very helpful for the community, you see these 4 kilo's of heroin behind me, they will now not end up on the streets, and therefore we have contributed to a safer city".

Yes, this sounds very good but let's look at the facts of a free market space which, in fact drug dealing an distribution is.

We know that for every kilo found, on average 7 kilo's slip through. So first of all, yes you may make a dent in the operation, but not a significant one. Now some economics 101. When the police take 4 kilo's of the market, the remains 28 kilo's that our out there become more scarce, and therefore price will rise. This means that the risk remains the same i.e. the police has already found the 4 kilo's so the other 28 is safe by now, and the price of the drugs have risen. Therefore more people are interested in smuggling, distributing, producing and dealing drugs. This leads to an increase of competition in the drugs market, which leads to more drug-related crime on the dealer and distributor level. Because prices surge and demand will remain the same (an addict is still an addict whether drugs are there or not), the drug users will have to pay more, and therefore get more money. Most of the addicts of heroin steal to get their money for drugs and therefore theft and petty crime increases as well. Because the police spends a lot of time on drug crime, other criminals have a lower risk of getting caught, which leads to a surge in crime. Therefore:

Whenever police make a drug bust:

  • Valuable police resources have been wasted on finding drugs, leading to more crime.
  • Price of drugs rises, leading to more crime by addicts
  • Competition increases due to crime rise, leading to more drug-related violence
  • Smuggling operations increase, leading to higher need of law-enforcement border patrol etc
  • Due to remaining demand yet decreased supplies dealers are more likely to cut drugs, sometimes adding very dangerous chemicals leading to overdosis and drug-poisoning.

This is of course very useful and helpful, and a completely satisfactory way to spend police capacity and tax dollars.

Legality of other substances

A lot of people are not happy to consider decriminalising heroin and cocaine. Marihuana, maybe. This is an ideological and emotional standpoint which I can respect, however facts prove that it is not beneficial. After all, we have more deaths caused by alcohol, sugar and tobacco every year individually then by use of drugs.

Cause of Death:DrugsFat/Sugar related disaesesAlcoholTobacco

As you can see above it makes total sense to focus on drugs, again keeping in mind that the police is so much as making a dent in the total supply of drugs, and even if they do, demand will stay the same. Because the other substances that are legal after all, are not deadly at all... go figure.

Effects of Decriminalisation

It is of course very hard to predict what will happen to the demand after decriminalisation, again keep in mind, I'm not suggesting Legalisation which is something different. There are a few things that we can say with certainty, and some that are harder to predict. Let's start with certainties:

  • No more police resources would be needed for any victemless crime i.e. drug use, except when somebody poisoned drugs.
  • Price of drugs drops like a mofo. It is not illegal to transport, so you don't need to smuggle. Transporting drugs over state borders is now all of a sudden not more expensive than transporting sugar, you can even send it via the post office.
  • Competition is almost completely gone as supply increases immensely due to the fact that there is 0 risk to transport or produce.
  • Smuggling operations cease to exist which frees up law enforcement to check on more important things at the border.
  • Due to a similar demand* and the surge in supply prices for drugs will drop with about 85%.
  • Due to price drops addicts don't have to steal as much which means less petty crime.
  • Drops in petty crime free up even more law enforcement which means there is a higher risk of getting caught in other crimes with a lower demand for those crimes, which means other crime rates will drop as well.
  • Demand

You might think that when prices drop demand goes up, but we have to consider if this is the case with drugs. There are many people that can afford heroin but won't touch it. There are many people that can afford cocaine but don't go anywhere near it. There are many people that cannot afford it and touch it anyway. If the money that is being freed up by the release of pressure in law enforcement would be spent on education, healthcare and therapy the amount of addicts would most likely even decrease.


I'm not saying that decriminalising every drug will necessarily lead to a better society or will lead to less addicts. I do however believe it is stupendous to legalise cigarettes, alcohol, crazy amounts of sugar and fat, when these lead to a 10x higher death rate then drugs. Clearly the war on drugs, form an economical point of view is never ending, the demand will always stay the same if we don't spend money on education and healthcare, and the supply will never stop as with every police strike where drugs are impounded, prices will rise and smuggling and producing drugs will become more enticing, thus drawing more people in to take a risk. There are many more different things I can write about this topic, including taxation of drugs and government approved drugs, which by the way, let's be honest, the medicines being sold in the U.S. are pretty crazy as well. There are many examples like The Netherlands (where I live), where we see very positive results of decriminalising marihuana. Etc etc, but I didn't want to make this blog any longer.

What are your thoughts?

(remember replies always receive upvotes if they contribute value).

Image Source: pexels


If only the world operated on common sense. :(

What a world it would be :)

Yeah, it's this simple

  1. Legalise it.. instantly killing the organised crime problem

  2. Regulate the supply through FDA approved vendors for quality control

  3. Redirect away from organised crime $300 billion in revenue to government

  4. Save $50 billion in law enforcement and prison costs

  5. Just like alcohol, 80-90% of recreational users do not have problems using. And yes there is solid scientific evidence to support this. As for the 10-20% of problem users, they will more easily be able to get help earier and more openly without the legal bullshit.

Evidence from Portugal suggests that, yes there will be a small increase in overall usage by recreational users BUT a significant decrease in the harm to those with drug problems.

At the end of the day "drug problems" are really social, emotional and mental health problems. Time to grow up and be mature about it

Yes couldn't agree more. Didn't want to diverge in the taxation but if I add that in as well, evidence is so unbelievably evident that it makes no sense haha

Agree, even though it may seem silly at first, when you really look at the facts and think about it it makes sense.

It is possible that more people would try drugs but I think the more people would try them the more they would understand them and realize that some can be helpful and some are just a death path...

Also the treatment of addiction would be on whole another level when all drugs would be decriminalized because there would be much more research on this and doctors would be able to use maybe other drugs not that strong to reduce the withdrawal symptoms, etc.

There already is some drug that can make you not want to do heroin again but it is illegal...

Absolutely, plus the money that would be available for this research and treatment would be amazing, especially when applying tax on drugs like on alcohol and cigarettes :)

Yea... I also hate that we are basically forced to consume alcohol and tobacco because all the other drugs are illegal even though many of them aren't nearly as harmful as these 2

Well, I mean you can also just not use any drugs haha like me, so no alcohol, no tobacco, no drugs, no energy drinks, no fast food etc. But yes I get your point, if you do want to do something, than it is easy to reach for alcohol right now rather than xtc for instance

I support the legalization of drugs.

I lonce read somewhere that there's a major conspiracy against legalising drugs. something about cartels retaining their relevance

I don't know how true it is though

Good analysis you've got there


I wouldn't say legalise "All" drugs because then heroin, ectasy and other needle drugs would be available to even kids. Something like weed or cannabis or marijuana should be legalised as it doesn't kill you and there should be a limit on dosage as well, because a high dosage may not kill you but you won't escape with some fatalities.

You can simply put an age restriction, currently sugar, cigarettes and alcohol are available to kids as well right? Though be it with age restrictions on alcohol and cigarettes which seems to work pretty well :)

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Dear fellow Truth Warrior of the Light :)
I watched this video with our fellow Hamilton last night...

MAPS (which you probably are aware of) is the first significant step of Humanity towards scientific approach on this topic.
On all big festivals there is an emergency tent, and I was personaly interviewed by the BOOM crew when the new "vibe" team was biult ~ especially for psychedelic rehabilitaion and preventing accidents.
My passion goes for Ethobotanicals and the Ancient Cosmic Database of the Natives :)
Big ups for your work!

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