Word salads and the disingenuous...Word salad warrior for hire...

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

After reading some word salad today, I thought a post was in order.

Word salads are full of crap, and therefor toxic to digest.

Don't poison yourself, and learn to recognize the taste of word salad bullshit

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Do you find your head spinning after reading articles that become a cascade of jumbled thoughts, ones that never actually gel, but only continue to confuse?
They leave you with a dull vagueness, and feeling of being 'less centered', somehow?

This is a WORD SALAD attack.

While it may seem innocuous and nothing more than verbal diarrhea, it can also be much more than that.
It can be a conscious effort to confuse, and by doing so, the writer attempts to elevate themselves upon a word salad pedestal.
Leaving the reader confused is the point. It makes the reader feel stupid, less than the writer, somehow.
This is the intention.
It's psychological manipulation to gain status.
To gain power over others.

Be aware of it, and be careful of it... Don't become a victim to to total BS.

Actions speak louder than words, as they say - but never forget that when it's words are the action, word salads are the point of the exercise, and power is the game.
Writing is THE action.

Lets dissect it a little more....


A/Circular conversations

You’ll think you've worked something out, but then the same argument begins again in a few minutes, and it seems nothing is resolved......as though you've never even said anything about the subject, previously.

The word salad attack begins by reciting the same points, and ignoring any legitimate and logical arguments you've already provided.
(it is an aggression on your mind, to gain power over you).

B. Deflecting from current conversations, when being criticized.


If you point out something about them that they don't like, they’ll quickly mention something totally unrelated from the past that you’ve 'done', to try and steer you away from the current topic of conversation.
And if you bring up any of their wrong doings?
Then, you are a bitter hater, with a list of grievances.

C. Condescending & patronizing.

The Word Salad Aggressor (WSA) will always try to maintain a calm, and cool demeanor. The conversation will have a calm, easy, feel to it.
If you react emotionally, then that’s when they’ll try to tell you to calm down, and stop being so emotional.
The whole point of word salad is to make you emotionally, and intellectually, unhinged, and therefore give them the upper hand over you.
Remember that written articles are a competitive tool used primarily to gain control and power over the reader.... just like anything else in the life of a psychopath Word Salad Aggressor.

D. Accusing you of doing things that they themselves are doing.

WS aggressors love to put you on the defense.
In heated arguments, WSA's will have no rules or integrity. It's all about winning. And to make sure any onlookers perceive that they're winning.
Perception is of far greater importance to the WSA than any truth, or reality.


Word Salad 'artisans' (otherwise knows as bullshit artists), have a big problem, though....

BECAUSE they go on...and on...and on...and on....and on...(you get the picture) and often on the same subject, then sooner or later they will , unknowingly, contradict their own previous statements (hey! it is word salad after all).

When you point this out - their own hypocrisy, or inconsistency - then they will unleash tirades of abuse, mainly through passive aggressive actions to begin in an attempt to try and deflect away from the blatant bullshit that they've been spouting.
(Again, perception is everything to the WSA, and if they're seen to be hypocrites to the outside observer, then the ego goes berserk, and they will do anything to attempt to regain some 'lost credibility').

E. Changing personas when challenged.

When the WSA is confronted, and failing to 'win' through passive aggressive methods, they'll turn up the heat. The will attempt ridicule to begin with, and eventually will show a whole different other side to them .
One that's been tried to be concealed away from the world - a hidden side...

For example...
The mild mannered, and easy going liberal- a friend to all- might explode upon being challenged for his word salad. ...No longer acting as the ' liberal and open minded individual' that they try present to the world - but will now suddenly snap, express judgmental attitudes where one there was inclusion, condescending moralization where before there was openness, and even try to adopt a superior attitude, where one before there was a...a...humility.
A perceived humility, ....and one that is consciously crafted by the WSA. (It was never real).

“...The devil himself was unleashed in a desperate fit of fury after being recognized..."


F. An eternal victim

The Word Salad Aggressor loves to be a victim of life. Notice how often (when you've identified a WSA), how they talk about their woes, their problems in life, and how they've struggled to overcome them
An amazing ability to sound like a martyr.

They love to let you know all about their problems in life, but often dressed up as something else, entirely..

G. Excuses and lack of commitment.

Everyone messes up. Every one gets it wrong. But the psychopaths Word Salad Aggressor, will find excuses to not commit to anything, including their own mistakes. (If they do, it will always come with a 'get out clause').

Commitment to a position is not conducive to ongoing word salads and will therefor be avoided - if at all possible.

For every word salad sentence, there will be a proviso straight after it, to absolve them of the previous statement, if it ever turns out to be false.
This strategy of 'covering all the options' will be forgotten about, when some prediction or other comes true.

Then they expect the adoration they think they deserve for getting something correct.
The 'get out clause' is pretty much forgotten about.

WSA's try to condition you to become grateful for the mediocre.
The middle of the road, the bland.
The average.
'Repetitive and boring' will make the reader comfortably numb, if you're not careful.

And THAT is just where the WSA, wants you.


Are you the victim of a WSA, and yet to realize it?

The first warning signs of being WSA manipulated.

If the WSA is not in actual conflict with anyone, (and you are a vitim of it), then you'll find it hard to see it for what it is.
The WSA is in control without conflict - and everything is 'good'.
There are no ripples in the lake, so to speak.
('Stockholm syndrome' types of reaction can occur, in the WSA victim , if and when the WSA's are exposed.

Engaging with a WSA.....

(Generally, WSA are best avoided, but sometimes you find yourself embroiled unintentionally).

You'll know you've been 'word saladed' when....

You will spend hours, or days, obsessing over the argument.

You’ll feel as if you've exhausted your emotional energy - and will accomplish absolutely nothing.

You' ll have a million arguments in your head, ready to respond with.

You will feel the desire to defend your position.



I agree with every word you said except:

You will spend hours, or days, obsessing over the argument.

Once they start to grind their engine they never seem to want to go away....so for me personally I'd change that to: You will spend hours, or days, wishing they'd finally go away.

Great write up. One I am book marking....I am positive you will see it again.

Cheers matey.

You will spend hours, or days, obsessing over the argument.

I've fell into the trap more than once....what a waste of hours of my life.
But, saying that - and being the optimist I am - hopefully that might not be true.

Pointing out 'word salad aggressors' to others, can show them up for what they are, and expose the psychology to people who are not aware of the manipulative techniques being used on them...(hopefully, maybe, kinda).

....it didn't take long, just used it. lol. We'll see how well it works sometime today. Thanks, that was great.

Gosh, I miss your posts. Excellent analysis! Yup.

Lol, thanks.

Are you now back in these parts again?

Yeah, see my posts. Some of my good friends on YouTube already have Steemit accounts and YouTube doesn't like me anymore so this way we can still share info. I have a voice here so why not use it while we still can.

Interesting read. I’ve noticed some of the WSAs have an almost cult-like following. I guess the cult followers want to appeal to the WSAs so that they might upvote their posts or comments?

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WSA's love the sycophancy.
....it shows their strategy is working (on some).

Cult followers have issues..an inability to think, being the biggest one...lol.

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