Understanding the Authoritarian mindset.... Identify and qualify...Part 4

in #blog6 years ago

I'm an authoritarians worst nightmare. For several reasons, but before I tell you why (if you don't already know), lets look at the authoritarian mindset some more...

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Never forget the aim of the authoritarian is to wield power over others. Always.
As I've mentioned before , this makes them predictable.
This predictability is the way to ascertain if you are interacting with an authoritarian.
It's no surprise that narcissism is a major part of the authoritarian makeup. An integral part, very possibly. (leaving aside sociopaths and psychopaths).
They are the politician, the one with no enemies (if possible). As socially conventional, they use social convention to their advantage. It is ground they have studied and understand.
Being polite, avoiding conflict, and all the other social niceties that prevent them being seen behind their mask.
Directness, critical thinking, (oh my god, being rude!) are things they try to avoid.

The essence of 'the follower' (as opposed to the leader) is one of being submissive to any authority they perceive over them.
They are cowardly in the face of a 'bigger authority'. 'Yes' men, sycophantic -i.e still the politician.

And when they are faced with 'dissent' from those they perceive as 'lower' than them?

This is the interesting bit.
All their pent up submissiveness they exhibit to a higher authority( resentment) - is unleashed on 'the dissenter'.

They see- in the dissenter- the bigger person they wish they could be. But are not.

....And that hurts . Big time.It challenges the faux reality that they build. (postmodernism, anyone?)

The authoritarian is reminded - by the dissenter- just how little actual authority they possess.
Real authority comes from within, not from the control and manipulation of others.

The 'dissenter' presents this very harsh reality to the authoritarian, (who also knows this deep down) and then slaps them around the face with it....
Real authority is not oppressive, but a tool to be used by an individual, to make things better for all.

Beware : The authoritarian will make this very argument, skillfully. 'Doing it for the benefit of all, etc'....The difference is of course, coercion and the use of their authority is used, if persuasion doesn't work.

Those with real authority never use it to gain advantage by using it.
They are secure, and have no desire to use it as a weapon.
See the difference?

You can see the picture forming I hope, of what an authoritarian mindset is..

I'll give you some real life examples that I've used myself, to qualify whether or not it's an authoritarian I'm dealing with, or just a strong personality.
They are very different.

Which brings me back to my opening sentence and why I naturally evoke negative responses from the authoritarian.

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Some history...
Without rehashing my childhood experiences with these kinds of people - yet again - all I will say is that as a child, I never - not once (that I can remember) backed down from the authoritarian in my midst.
They rely on fear and intimidation to control others , if adoration cannot first be achieved. They care not which, as either gives them the road to power.
It's always about the power.

I had a choice when I was kid. Face up to it or run away from it. For whatever reason, I chose the former.
And that's stuck with me.

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So the authoritarian has a problem with me. If adoration is not on the table as an option of power over me, then what's left?
Fear, intimidation, ridicule, shame?....Good luck with those.

I cannot be controlled by the authoritarian. I scare them.

Because of my own past and tools I had to learn early on, I have a shield many do not.
I lack empathy.
I can be sociopathic.

I'm not a sociopath, but I can turn on those characteristics if I need to. I learned early on in life.

I think most people can do exactly the same thing to, and just as much as myself but in more extreme circumstances.
I don't need such extreme circumstances to 'switch it on'.

Seeing lies , manipulation, and authoritarians in action over other people - and people not aware of said manipulations - can 'switch it on' for me.
I'm probably a bit more 'sensitive' to these issues, than most....

This was one of the reasons I 'got out' of the business world, and intentionally 'lost my ambition'. Not because I didn't enjoy it, but because the person I found myself being, was not the naturally happy chilled person that I am.
Loving the competitive side of business - I found it all too easy to switch 'that' side of me, on. So I left the arena.

What does this mean for the authoritarian, in respect to me?
I can't be guilt tripped. I can't be shamed.
I feel no sympathy when the victim card is played. ( which is used quite lot when under pressure)
My love of competition means I keep competing. I don't back down.

The competition here is not getting rich, not being 'better', not having control over others.

....No, this new competition that I find myself in on steemit , is finding the truth and showing it to others. That's the gold medal, in this race.

Funny, isn't it?
You can win the gold medal here, by losing the argument.... How cool is that?

Some things that I look out for, taken from real life but can be easily applied on steemit.

Watch out for begrudging compliments. This is a great one.
Rather than saying 'that's good', the authoritarian will say, 'that's not bad'. A subtle, but massive difference. To give a true compliment is to give positive energy to someone else. Give power.
To 'not approve' but offer a hint of potential approval, is to try and find people who will then seek their approval, and this is giving them the power. The authority.

The predictability, and inbuilt insecurity of the authoritarian, means this type of 'sideswipe at a compliment' is an indicator of the mindset behind the words.

Avoidance of a subject they have logically been taken to task on. When you see deflection from the subject, stay on it.
Like a fucking rottweiler. Stay on point, don't be deflected.
When subtle derision replaces calm argument, and the tone changes from explanation to impatience , it's sure sign the the mask is slipping.
Ridicule is often brought into play (implications of 'are you stupid' taking varying degrees of subtlety).

This is one of the reason why I see the postmodernist logic as closely associated with the authoritarian. Talking in 'visions' in the 'potential of', in things not of reality.
They cannot be taken to task so easily in the realms of the ethereal, while at he same time it serves to promote the image of 'wisdom'.
Of an authority just not so easily accessible to others , but they are, oh so happy, to impart it ....Let the adoration begin..
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Noticing the hypocrisy in argument and judgemental projections is also good one to take note of, and point out.
Check the reaction to the 'dissent'.

Once you have confirmed to yourself that it is an authoritarian you are dealing with, and not some 'wise benevolent sage' (It's always about the power), I then go on the offensive to confirm my beliefs.
Predictability is the key.
When on the defensive, the authoritarian will first try to counter - as reasonably as possible, at first.
A fuckin' rottweiler, do you ya hear? The mask will slip - or you are incorrect...Either is good to know.

When on the offensive, it's a different game altogether.

Going on the offensive is to have already confirmed your suspicions.

The offensive strategy is taking the truth to the rest of the world. Letting people see what you see.

Gauging the threat that you offer (as perceived by the authoritarian) is a great thing to do, if you know what you're doing.

The bigger the threat you are perceived to be, the more notice they will take of you. You are a threat to their already constructed reality, after all.
You are a threat to the foundations that they have laid.
As we all know, any foundations built on sand are precarious at the best of times - and having some annoying twat digging around into them, is not welcomed.
Adoration of the one unquestioning crowd , starts to be replaced with questions, and examination replaces once blind acceptance..
The sands start shifting...
The authoritarian feels diminished- which is kinda funny - that's their strategy they use against others!

So yeah, back to working out just how much of a threat you pose...

On steemit, or anywhere history is kept, it's relatively easy to work out.

Always wishing to avoid conflict if possible - but unable to not react to the threat, you can lead them by the nose. Quite literally.
Here's an 'hypothetical' for ya....

Just say an hypocrisy was pointed out. A blatant logical fallacy was exposed, and it could not be defended. (and you know they will never say 'shit I was wrong').

Watch not for the 'acceptance' of the hypocrisy, (admitting they were fallible) but the re -framing of their own position to counter their own illogical position.
To try and gain back the authority they lost in the original argument, by encapsulating their own error.

Lets say, for example, that someone was being judgmental on addicts or gamblers (I've pointed this one out before), and at the same time being addicted themselves and gambling. The hypocrisy is blatant.
(steem is a gamble and posting on steemit can be an addiction, let's say).

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Rather than admit the hypocrisy of their position - being judgmental on the very things they exhibit- they may well go out of their way _ to now include_ themselves, as 'being an addict' or 'gambling'.... as part of their new narrative.
Including themselves into the subject and then applying it to themselves....
In an attempt to diffuse the original hypocrisy and fallibility.

Of course it doesn't achieve that aim - if it is seen and pointed out ... if the strategy itself is pointed out.

It now does quite the opposite in fact . For now it would just highlight exactly the manipulative nature of the authoritarian.

And it shows you just how much notice they are taking of you. Just how much importance they are giving you.
Just how much they feel their created reality, is under threat.
When I say 'lead by the nose', all you have to do is drop the crumbs to cause the defensive posture - on your own feed.

You can then tell - while not acknowledging you - that they are watching_ you.
It's a very simple but effective strategy to estimate the effectiveness of your own presence and arguments.
(I'll go into some much more subtle tactics in another post - they will blow your mind...)

These things that you notice are best kept to yourself - at first.
So as to gain as full a picture as possible.
As in the hypothetical illustration I just gave you - I would never expose my way of gaining knowledge on a post like this ...(oops, I just did).
Fortunately the blockchain means things are here forever.

Great for the authentic individual.

A little bit shit for the charlatan.

IF this was a real scenario you can rest assured that the pattern of behavior that I just pointed out to you- for this illustration - would only be the latest example - in a long, long catalogue of exactly this same behavioral pattern.
All there to be pointed out. Indelible records of patterns of behavior, all time stamped.
Objective history is great.

The authoritarian hate the truth, hates openness, hates meritocracy. Hates dissent.
Loves power...Loves control. And they will pretend to love the things they hate, to gain the things they love.

Hates is the correct word_btw...... 'Love' isn't, however.

The authoritarian 'disease' is not one of love - it's one very similar to the extreme drug addict - It can never be fully satiated. Ever.

Power given to the authoritarian , only gives rise to more thirst and the need for more power.


In the next part I'll go into some very 'up close and personal', observations that I've seen over the years... And provided some great insights into the psychology of the authoritarian. Being in the adult industry exposes a LOT more, than just nudity and genitals, believe me...

.....Sex, drugs.... and the authoritarian. Be afraid...


very interesting break down of something I know, but don't have the words for

Most people are aware of it, but due to lack of clarity - find it difficult to 'quantify' and recognize.

I started writing a kind of a 'dummies guide to narcissism, sociopathy and psychopathy' ....
'Caging the Four' (percent)
Still not finished...I have about half one third of it written.
Steemit has been a mine of information...
(I was pretty much a social media 'virgin' before this, and it's been quite.....erm.... illuminating).

Ok... enough of this frivolity.... back to some serious film editing...lol

Cheers matey...I have seen it. Good shit.

I am Jordan Peterson !lol (without the intelligence, eloquence, money, or accent.).

edit:..or conscientiousness..

Very good shit, and keeping me sane.

...in all this insanity, that's no bad thing.

You're not active too much nowadays matey... is that temporarily ...or ...?

How your crypto empire going? lol

Not sure on question A, not sure money should have anything to do with the truth regarding B, I have made a block, from pulling code from guthub, it was easy, though still leads me to the same point, does making money help anyone tell the truth? I think not.

does making money help anyone tell the truth? I think not.

A very good point!

If the incentive is to profit from telling the truth, then yes, I think it can work. Incentives always work...

It then becomes more about the incentive structure...

Working on it bro, with a bunch of smart/intelligent young people at a local uni. I have let them set the targets and aim.



I was sent home from school...many times...from as early as the second grade.
Why? because I argued with the teacher. No respect for authority.
Got kicked out of BIBLE school....twice. No respect for authority
BoyScouts...ditto . No respect for authority
HighSchool....guess why?

My whole adult life I've worked nightshifts...to avoid "authority." (the brass likes to lead from the rear...where the rubber meets the road you'll seldom find them.)

Yes...I DO have the T-shirt.

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