Time for a reality check....The power of successful conspiracies...

in #blog6 years ago

.... Conspiracy theories.

..and on, and on, and on...and on..

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And then there is 'Q' with all the news - now almost daily- and all the bizarre theories going around....
Fantastical, right?

Why are they all so fantastical? So unbelievable?

No one could pull a con job off that big....?

No would would - or could- get away with a fraud that's so humongous, right?

Ermmm... not quite...

.... there's more.....

'Conspiracies' that are proven? They then become historical facts, no?

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'We will print money, lend it to governments, and then charge interest on money that doesn't exist.

Jekyll island 1910. ...(Just before WW1). It was never even admitted to have ever have taken place not until the 1930's...

...billion's of people have fell for this conspiracy designed to steal the real wealth of people.
It's fraud.
But for every single day....for over one hundred years...people have fell for it.

...this conspiracy is one with factual evidence .
It is no conspiracy, it's a matter of fact.
A conspiracy that has been coming to fruition.

So why would you think a 9/11 conspiracy is so fantastical?

If a few guys over a hundred years ago, could come up the federal reserve idea then sell it, and then run the world with a total illusion?

Feeling cheated, much?

Are you angry at being lied to by the silence?
Not speaking of a truth that you know of, in the face of lie - makes you as complicit as the conspirators.

Feeling angry at being fooled?
....Smoke and mirror illusions, designed and sold for over 100 years.
A game designed that you can never - ever - win...


Why the fuck not?

Can you find a rational argument that counters this...

.... 'I will choose to believe them this time, even though I KNOW I have been provably lied to, by them, a million times before.
But this time I will choose to believe them. '

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.... 'I will choose to believe them this time, even though I KNOW I have been provably lied to by them - a million times before.
But this time I will choose to believe them.

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It's Irrational, illogical, and just downright naive or stupid...

....Or maybe not so stupid, after all....

Maybe there's another - quite logical and seemingly rational - reason, for believing known liars who show the classic behavioral traits of psychopaths...

....maybe you're - quite literally - suffering from Stockholm syndrome .

I can think of no other logical explanation for deciding to believe known liars who choose your fate..


'The best slave is a willing one...'

Clean your head.


A very thought provoking read particularly your conversation with @frot.

Jekyll island is a good example, because it also lays out how it works. 20 years on it's fully implemented and the norm. The population don't understand how it works, just that it does and as long as they feel like they're benefiting from it, do they even care? Over 100 years on and how much of the population today even knows about it? Only those "conspiracy theorists" who've looked into it. The chances are that if you tell people about Jekyll island now, they'd still think you were being a kook conspiracy theorist. Even explained to most people it would just be seen as bankers doing what they needed to do to make things run. It is so ingrained in our lives.

Anyone trying to avoid relying on the system would be seen as weird now and a bit loopy. Someone self sustaining on a property or only working as much as they need to get by.

Posted using Partiko Android

I've never really been 'in the system' much, tbh. (hence always a bit 'wierd' lol).

I down sized, consciously, my businesses to now where I'm doing 'enought to get by'.
My subsistence level of 'work' (not subsistence, really - but not consumerist) is now around...12 to 14 minutes a day.
The rest of my time is close to being all mine.

I like my time. (it's funny how I still run out of it though, every day!)

it's funny how I still run out of it though, every day!

Damn time! They say time is money, so why can't you save it? ;D

Oh yes, you definitely sound like the category of weird. You do know you're supposed to be keeping up with the Joneses?!

PS: 12-14 minutes! What's your secret?

Posted using Partiko Android

They say time is money, so why can't you save it? ;D

We've been lied to...again!

With my apparent oncoming dyslexia with age, I can't spell jones's's's's'sssss'eeeee' anymore, so it's not relevant. lol

PS: 12-14 minutes! What's your secret?

...earn $2 a minute, and have monthly living expenses and outgoings of around $550 !

I don't know a single person who believes 911 went down the way the story was told.

I don't know a single person who doesn't realize on some level our politicians are straight up interested in helping make the world a better place. Everyone knows they are controlled, just insert who/what you think they are controlled by.

Here lies the problem... I don't think any of know what to do about it once we start to see it.

My only actual action has been to consider money the only thing I have to vote with. However, if they can make new money it is hard to believe the motive is money... So what is it and what is the call to action?

Maybe we could all start seeding copies of Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion?


Framing it in zionist terms is not the way forward, I don't think..

The definition of a 'Zionist' is a political ideology concerning Israel.

Zionism (in the terms I think you mean) has zero to do with bit of sand called Israel.

I mean it in terms of an agenda that now appears to control every last corner of the globe using a set of tactics defined over 100 years ago -every darn thing I look at seems to come back to that agenda including 911 and of course "money" And I strongly suspect all cryptos too.

So rather that calling them bankers or powers that be, I make a point of calling them zionists (no caps because they are pond scum) headed by rotchild (rotten to the core).

I know it 's a bit simplistic but I figure not calling them out has not gone well - especially for the past century, and time may be getting tight

...... I figure not calling them out has not gone well

High IQ psychopaths, is much closer term - which is just as simplistic, but not as 'emotionally counter productive'..

Maybe it's only emotionally counter productive because everything the masses are programmed with is designed to make it seem that way?

I know for me I never fully grasped this stuff until I started learning about lies like the holohaox and the origins of the world wars - then things like 911 fitted in clearly - hell, I was discussing it online the day after and we pretty much got most of the things that people are still posting on Steemit now - back in 9/12

"... The gentiles are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?... There is another reason also why they will close their eyes: for we shall keep promising them to give back all the liberties we have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties ..... It is not worthwhile to say anything about how long a time they will be kept waiting for this return of their liberties ....."[Protocol #11 -- The Totalitarian State]

Maybe it's only emotionally counter productive because everything the masses are programmed with is designed to make it seem that way?

The 'why' is irrelevant, if we are looking to change perspectives, - and quickly..

Changing that particular cultural perspectives is a waste of time and resources.

Wasting your resources when yours are limited, against an opponent with unlimited resources - is playing into their game plan.

Change the paradigm, thus sidestepping the obstacle and moving past it - you are avoiding the illusion. The obstacle.

Why bother using time and energy to change a cultural paradigm that has - at the end of the day nothing to do with the problem..

This is what I was trying to understand in that post I did about levels - I do sort of get what you are saying, but I'm not really at that level and need to have the paradigm shift spelt out in more simple terms.

The NZ economy this year is just like cryptos and just like Steemit - I can see that in my perception we are getting taken down, but I'm buggered if I know how to sidestep it - I really want to learn how though!

They do not have a high IQ, they are just psychopaths with really intelligent people working for them thanks to manipulation and extortion.


They do not have a high IQ, they are just psychopaths with really intelligent people working for them thanks to manipulation and extortion.

They're high IQ enough, to maintain their power from their high IQ underlings...suggesting they also have a high IQ.

A couple of hundred years (a la rothchilds emergence) of control, would indicate that they are of a high IQ, as well as psychopathic...imo.

IQ does generally rise to the top in any given field....

And having $500 trillion helps too!

I thought the same, but not anymore. I realized that they only take advantage because they do not have any moral standard, and that we are naive.

Make money, money again- and not just currency . It's not the same.
Money maintains it's value.
($1 now has 2% of it's buying power from a hundreds years ago - inflation is a fiat money tool)

On a personal level.
Don't get in debt.
Every bit of debt is actually paying the powers that be.

Zero debt = zero leverage = zero power.

Not the end to the problems - but a hell of a long way in the right direction.

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Although there are obviously people who do not believe in any of the conspiracy theories, distrust of the political class is growing. The system will inevitably fall, the only thing you should know is that we are on the right side.

Unfortunately, the 'right side ' doesn't mean that we also won't get covered in the edifice rubble fallout, when it does collapse.


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