Tara GP - ramping it up. No frogs required.

in #blog5 years ago


Tara GP, had been very busy....She'd been building ramps all summer long.

These were full on, solid concrete constructions.
Some even had strengthened steel incorporated into the structures, for extra longevity.

There were none of those sad temporary wooden excuses for ramps, oh no.


She didn't know why she built them, she just enjoyed doing it.
Well, deep down, she knew exactly why, but she couldn't make it sound like a rational argument, not to anyone else at least - so she just kept quiet, and continued to mix the concrete.

Even her cat had one now, to avoid any unnecessary joint stress while stepping up to the cat flap.

All the neighbors had them too - even ones who didn't want them.
If they rebuked her offer of ramp building, She would build them anyway -at night time mostly - when they were asleep.
By the time morning arrived, the concrete had set, and a brand new ramp was in place. Ready for use.
She ignored all the legal letters that she received from them - she just thought them as a sign of acknowledgment for all her hard work.
A begrudging acknowledgement admittedly - but acknowledgment nonetheless... and that was enough.

Her workplace had changed yet again– as it often did, in her job.
She was used to it.
It meant a lot more travel and in that there was no problem – she loved to travel.
This also gave an opportunity to build the odd ramp along the way, without anyone knowing who put them there...

Kind of like a 'Ramp Santa!', She thought to herself.


She was away for a few days, and on her return, had a delivery to make.
She hated doing deliveries.
Especially if there were no ramps.
She always offered to build one for free, when her delivery address had none in place.
She even offered to repair worn out ones.

No matter how much she worked, there was always time for some more ramp construction.

No matter how many she patiently constructed, she always got the feeling it was never enough, that she would never keep up with the 'ramp demand', and be late on a vital rising construction.

She always got the feeling she we would be late to her own funeral as well, to be honest, which perturbed her somewhat.

She wanted to be late to her own funeral, ideally - but at the same time, was so anal about things, and so organized - she could never see herself letting herself down, so badly.
It would be so rude as not to be on time for her own funeral.
(And God only knows, there would be hell to pay if they didn't use a ramp to trolley her cold body into the furnace).
'Maybe I should go and visit a crematorium,' She thought to herself while deliberating this quandary, 'And arrange everything...and make sure they have some bloody good ramps in place!'

Getting older, she often looked back at her life, most of which was wasted....

Not in a wasted, pointless way, you understand , no more of a drug induced trip lasting around two decades, kind of way.

She never felt guilty for being wasted for two decades, she'd had a ball. (well, quite a few of them, actually).
But now, she felt that she had to build her life up, and for her, it started with building ramps!

'After all', She reasoned , 'Weren't ramps simply the physical manifestation of an inner journey? Going from one level to another, as efficiently as possible?'


She loved making up for lost time, it gave her lots of energy to move forwards. She loved the feeling of moving, going forward in life.
She could never understood anyone doing something, anything that they never enjoyed.

'Why become a martyr to your own choices? And inflict your martyrdom on everyone else?' She thought to herself, as she shoveled yet more buckets of sand and cement into the mixer..., rivulets of sweat running down her cleavage.

The owners of the company where she was currently 'ramping', (as she liked to call it), had called security on her yesterday.
She was shocked at the reaction to her helping them, all voluntarily.

She was doing them a favor really , as they badly need some elevation assistance. Fortunately for her, the security staff only worked office hours, so avoiding them was easy. It was just a matter of time before she got to laying the gray stuff...That time being around 1 a.m.

She often mused on the fact that not all people are created equal, it's just a fact of life, so why not make it more equal for people that use wheelchairs?
Or people with extremely short legs?
Steps are just not realistically navigable for some. (Well, not without ropes and some carabiners).

She never understood the discrimination against those less able than herself, and the downright persecution she suffered during her ramp building activities herself, never failed to amaze her.


People saw her as crazy, she knew that.
How crazy were they, for thinking that?

Sure, she was ' Tara GP ', and had absolutely no need to be in the construction game, but what people failed to realize, is that it wasn't acts of altruism at all!!

It was pure selfishness that drove her on, what motivated her.

It looked to the outside world - to the people who couldn't think for themselves (there were plenty of those around) she was utterly nuts.
What people failed to understand, was just how fit it kept her.....It's not easy making 3 ramps a day - some in the middle of the night.

It involves a lot of lifting, mixing, carrying - and other stuff as well. (I can't think of what 'other stuff' is, right now).
Her muscles were strong and sculpted, and her bum was as tight as a....something very tight ...but the point being, it was a fine, tight, bum.
True, it could play havoc with her nails, but it was price well worth paying she thought, on balance.

And She helped out the community! She liked that thought - and it continued added value to her own resources.
And that was the main reason, the only reason that she took the hobby up in the first place.
Adding value to herself.

Her value had risen immeasurably since the 'incline construction business, obsession', as she called it, and it had taken a firm hold in her life.
Having being wasted for two decades, she realized she hadn't been adding much value to herself, or not as as much as she could have, at any rate.

Now, by taking small steps ( very small ones, with a wheelbarrow full of concrete), one ramp at a time, her market value had rocketed!

'Tighter bums, means looser wallets', was Tara Gp's motto.


While she did considered herself more than competent at most things in life(a GP for starters), not many people could lay claim to that achievement. She felt neither proud (nor ashamed) for being a GP.
It was only a job, a title.

....Not like her ramp building empire. She was VERY proud of that achievement.

She prided herself on performing flawlessly at work. Well, 99% of the time, which was good enough in her books.
Performing her GP tasks took focus and dedication to the job in hand, and it was important to be as good as you could possibly be.
It added value to yourself.

Stumbling around aimlessly during her 'wasted years', definitely did NOT do that.
(It was all very funny, though).
She remembered back fondly, to some experiences in her younger years, while she was as high as a kite on MDMA, or hallucinating frogs because of excessive ketamine use, and at the same performing her duties in her workplace.


Some people left feeling very confused, and not very impressed with her at all.


Now though , through her ramp building efforts, she had added value to herself. She was now more than financially secure.
(And a tight tush, to boot!)
Only nine hundred and ninety seven completed ramps , she was now set up for life.
Ramp building was the best decision she's ever made in her life....

***She never charges for her ramp building services, just for being a GP....



I have almost believe that this is a real story, until I saw one of the tags. And I have laughed seeing it. Hahaha! 😂😁

Your imagination is wild and carefree. I have always admired people with such ability. Someone who can portray a fictional story as a reality.

Good job. Please keep it up! 😉

Thank you, (I think).

When I'm in a happy place, it goes wild!...lol

Paradoxically, I've written actual pieces of non fiction, (life story) , and people thought they were fiction...

You might like the one I have coming up later on (or tomorrow).....My fingers are a tapping, non stop..

"MS sufferers - One persons journey...."

Hahaha! 😂 That's funny. Maybe your story is too good that's why they think it's unreal. Hahaha. 😊😁

I will try to check that out tomorrow. 😉

Maybe your story is too good that's why they think it's unreal

yeah, very possibly.... but that's not my fault.

Hahaha! Yeah, you should take that as a compliment! 😂

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

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You say it's silly but there are some interesting lines sprinkled throughout. I particularly liked the side of her which does not regret past times and as a demonstration of that she makes up for it.

Also, these following sentences are very, very important:

'Why become a martyr to your own choices? And inflict your martyrdom on everyone else?'

I have come across a number of people who have been crippled by this sort of mindset. I suppose that's easier to blame others than take responsibility for one's action!

Good job :)

....yeah, The Lord of the Rings was a silly romp about some small people looking for some jewelry..
(I'm not comparing myself to Tolkien, I hastily add.)

I have come across a number of people who have been crippled by this sort of mindset.

Welcome to my childhood...lol.

I admit that when I was reading it was strange hahaha >. <' He was crazy because he did not understand the beginning and little by little he was taking the meaning! It was interesting and entertaining, regards!

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