Possibly the most important thing that you've read this year!!.....The good, the bad, and the beautiful...

in #blog5 years ago

Well, after doing not nearly as much digging, as I thought I'd be doing last night, the results are, tentatively, in...

The 'lack of digging' wasn't because the answers leaped out in front of me, and blurted out their truths. Nah... it was due to the fact that we went out for Sunday night beer. My bad.

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But starting again this morning, and doing some research, here's what I can confirm so far (ish.)

1/ I haven't been able to find any articles referring to my 'discovery' yesterday.
None so far, at least.

2/ The meritocracy, while not perfect, is working here. You may find that hard to believe, but bear with me.
Remember who's writing this post.(one of the most outspoken critics of this place).

I can state for a fact (math), that it is most certainly meritocratic. (even though it may not appear to be so, at all).

This is the part where I'm absolutely itching to tell you the math, and how I know this to be true.

This is also the part where I've learned (from experience) to shut my mouth tight, and consider the consequences of divulging this information...

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A double edged sword, to put it mildly...

Divulging the information could result in a change of behaviors.
People that 'we' would not want to change their behaviors of.. (because.. right now, it fits the meritocratic ethos).

Divulging the information could change the behaviors of those not interested in merit as a metric...


And while you might be shaking your head muttering 'this is bollocks', please consider the source....

That would be ME , btw.

I've been one of the most vocal critics of this place.
Really 'in the trenches', so to speak.

And it's ME now giving you this information, which is contrary, basically, to everything that I've been saying for this last year.

I have no problem with being wrong (which is a very good job, considering).

I'm pretty sure that I have been very wrong, going off my math so far.

I will research some more, at some point, but honestly?
I think the answers will just confirm the results that I've come up with.

So back to the question about releasing the information......

Let me put it back to you, first.

Would you -given the choice- prefer:

A/ Ignorance of the math and letting the ecosystem continue as it is.

A system where the founding principles (ethos) of steem, are actually alive and well - and fits within the consensus of what people signed up for on this platform?

It's SO counter intuitive, I know , but read the next question first before you answer...A/

B/ Know all the math, and run the risk that the information released, could change the behaviors of the big players on Steem (due to the information), and in doing so, damage a system that is now working?

(And that would be changing the paradigm to the very one that I've been uber critical of, for this last 12 months)

Talk about having a tiger by the tale, or what?

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I'm not saying it's 'just me' with this information.

No, what I'm saying is that from both a pragmatic and 'ideological' standpoint...

Would you want to be the one to run the risk of breaking a system that is working as intended?

Logic (and no ego) in this matter - tells me that 'they' really must already know this information. They are far more tech minded, and more mathematically minded, by extension - than I will ever hope to be.

Which is a bit of a fucker, really.

IF this is the case, then I've gotten it even more wrong than I'd initially thought.

And I've also monumentally underestimated the intelligence of some people here on Steem.
(Ego blinds. Pesky ego. Naughty ego.)

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Yes, I realize how all this must sound - but this IS me, remember.

I digress...


Does the 'need to know', outweigh the the benefits of not knowing, if the risk is severe damage to the ecosystem?

All of this is 100% rhetorical of course - as ultimately - It's down to me if I divulge.
Or not.

I would be interested to hear your opinions, though.

This is worthy of a discussion, if anything ever was..

P.S. No one has taken over my account, and I'm not demonically possessed.....

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The answer is yes, the need to know outweighs everything else, even if it doesn't.

lol - good answer.

I put it to you that whatever "math" or "discovery" that you've suddenly adventured upon is common knowledge to most people that understand how Steem actually works. Consider the fact that it is these people that architected the system, and put it into place. The changes have also been implemented by said group, by consensus.

Human behaviour notwithstanding, the math is by design.

I agree with you. 100%

What I'm saying is that some things are good for the smaller accounts (better than I imagined by a long way)... and 'they' may not realize it.

I don't know the answer to this- because I have yet to find anything written about ' it' to gauge any level of awareness.

So my point is - if this...lets call it 'awareness' is not as common as thought, and that by spreading 'the awareness' it then changes behaviors at the higher end...?

If the knowledge is so common, I would imagine it would be talked about a lot more. (just my opinion, it's not based on anything).

everyone knew about sex - but look what happened in the 60's when it really stared getting talked about - a lot.
(Poor comparison, but you see my point?).

Hahahahah. Ah the 60's. I missed that one. I was still two cells in different countries.

I am just going to assume you write the scripts for those "This one Secret" will [insert claim] videos :)

'Just assume' whatever you like, that's not my fault, it's a free cyberspace.

(You do know the adage about people that 'assume'?)
Don't be an ass. lol

You're so wide of the mark, in your ass umptions.

Have a great day!

I'd say if it mattered that much then it's focus is not just an internal but an external concern and what they think that is worth. I hardly doubt patty slapping away some pocket change is going to do it.

Ah, but if the external view know what I know?

I see no reason why cleverer people than me haven't seen it.

It would explain, more than you can realize without 'knowing it', just why the steem price drop has been so bad.Not reasons you think.
Probably the exact opposite..

(soz for being vague at this point)

I hardly doubt patty slapping away some pocket change is going to do it.

I'm not sure what that means? lolol

It means I am currently being disciplined, as one person quoted it: I will learn not to tell untruths on the platform. Needless to say I don't know exactly what I will be doing tomorrow but I won't be filing bankruptcy over a few pennies lost, that much I do know, nor will I be making useless whine baby post, tomorrow I will continue on my path to the truth.

I'm not entirely sure what you're saying, tbh mate.

The thing that I've come across is good for all of us...if it continues along this same line..

Hence my reticence to 'kill the goose that lays the golden egg'....by saying anything in detail... if you see what I mean???

I'll do more research to confirm my findings, but I think it's pretty much confirmed.

You are on discord?....I have more to contribute to my fact finding mission.

Ignorance is Strength

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