Life coaching, NLP mind control , and Common Purpose...

in #blog7 years ago

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NLP and life coaching...

After some very engaging and interesting conversations with someone I met online, my interest in the whole industry of advice/coaching/counseling, was piqued....

And I came across some very disturbing information about this industry...

This - according to a life coaching website....This is not including advisors, or councilors.

A global study released in 2012, the Lexington, Ky.-based International Coach Federation (ICF), the industry’s largest trade association, estimated about 41,300 active professional coaches worldwide generated nearly $2 billion in annual revenue. In North America, about 14,060 coaches earned some $707 million.

The 2012 ICF survey, the average rate was $214 per hour.

This was a survey from 2012 – the average HOURLY rate was $ 214 !!!!

I decided to dig into this a little further, and get a more detailed look - more of a grasp on this industry.
What I discovered was disturbing, to say the least.

I went surfing.....

After reading through maybe 30 websites, (many of them being nothing more than redirecting to another site – affiliation marketing sites for money, no doubt.).

Every one prompted email sign ups etc. Reminiscent of years ago, when looking through sex sites, and dating sites... a world of fog, external links, free offers...

I looked at probably over 50 profiles - you couldn’t distinguish one individuals description from another’s.
(Some that referred to themselves in the third person, which I find very disconcerting and raises many questions about the persons own psychological health, rather than any help sought-or it wasn't really them and raises questions to the authenticity of a site.. ).

EVERY single profile description was a variation of, or along the lines of....

I am a top life coach who works with women and men who feel like they’re holding themselves back, and not achieving all they could be and tired of being stuck.
I enable my clients to get past their barriers, become the person they want to be, and start living a life they love.
Because life is too precious to live it any other way.
Definition of success is enjoying your life - even the ups and downs. Pursuing your passions and dreams, making the most out of this incredible experience we have on this earth.
I help my clients to remove hurdles that stand in the way of them doing that.

(I wonder how cheetahd I'll get with that ?– that just about covers every life coaching profile on the internet! Lol)

A reality check would be far more useful than a vague promises of a utopia once you 'become the person they want to be'

Armed with my newly acquired knowledge that every person offering life coaching appeared to be essentially the same and seeing the world in exactly the same way ...(otherwise the personal profiles descriptions would be wildly different...?)

I took it step further, and contacted (emailed) 12 profiles. - 6 men, 6 women. All based in the USA.
4 coaches were – personal development coaching. – 2 men 2 women.
4 were business coaching – 2 men 2 women
4 were relationships coaching – 2 men 2 women.
All were aged between 35 and 50.(Estimating their profiles pics/description)

I explained I was 'maybe' looking for some life coaching, but unsure of how to proceed, or who to choose/talk to.
I came across their profile, blah blah blah.
I went on to ask is it was okay if I ask them something more about themselves - to see if they were potentially compatible with myself, with a view to further interactions.

Out of the 12 people – 5 have never replied ( the emails are now 6 days old).
Not a good first impression to someone...

So, 7 coaches left.
2 of them said in the auto reply email – all my information you require is on my profile. If you wish to book an introductory appointment ….
Not impressed too much with a life coach not willing to engage with me, I left them alone, and moved on to last 5...

I decided to ask a simple generic question to gauge the persons outlook on life generally - not pertaining to any specific areas concerning the subject of the coaching.

What are your broader views, in general, please?
Just an outline of your viewpoint on things political and economic, and social - to get an idea, a basis, of where your own internal landscape lies.

Answers to my questions...

_1) No one would give me a direct answer.

'I think it's important to hold your own views, and respect everyone's ideals, and still accept....blah blah blah...fog and more fog._


People that won't commit to tell you who they are, but expect you to commit to pay them over $70 per hour for their advice!?...mmmm.(the life coaches I contacted had fees of between $70, and $170 per hour)

This really rang internal alarm bells, and so I continued looking into the industry.

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And then I came across this.........

NLP – neuro linguistic programming.

Here are some quotes from the links in the websites I linked to below..

However NLP is also used in propaganda, psychological warfare, and sabotage of other groups. An example of psychology being used as a weapon is when social groups use carefully crafted propaganda to damage another group, or use people that are apart of an enemy group to demoralize and damage that group.

NLP and other forms of psychology can be a very powerful influence on technology and communities. As such these techniques and methods can be used to help or hinder. We don't address the ethics of helping or hindering other communities and nations as that delves into international political perspectives.

Today, the techniques of NLP and Ericksonian-style hypnotic writing can be readily seen in the world of Internet marketing, online get-rich-quick schemes and scams.

One of the primary techniques that NLP took from Milton Erickson is the use of vague language to induce hypnotic trance. Erickson found that the more vague language is, the more it leads people into trance, because there is less that a person is liable to disagree with or react to. Alternately, more specific language will take a person out of trance. (Note Obama’s use of this specific technique in the “Change” campaign, a word so vague that anybody could read anything into it.)

NLP programming is a technique used in common purpose training, police training, and much more.. Insidious.

Here are some links that will scare the hell out of you (if you have any sense that is - and not a sociopath/psychopath ).

When I discovered that this technique is used – proliferates in fact– through the whole life coaching industry, it became quite apparent to me that this was, in fact another marxist/alinsky deconstruction strategy, of the mind.

A re programming .

Be very wary ....

Any defensiveness, ambiguity, or evasive responses when finding out about the individual offering their services, are red flags in my opinion.

Don't be sacred of asking very precise questions, to confirm to yourself that you are talking to the right person.

Ask pertinent questions and avoid anyone that isn't comfortable with being direct and honest about who they really are.(political/social/economic view points can tell you quite a lot)

The whole NLP philosophy, makes it a very inviting place for the predatory, the unscrupulous, the charlatans, to take advantage, and try to make a quick buck - or even much worse.

I think the 'first consultation free' says their opportunistic outlook in this area. (i.e. fishing).

If anyone thinks anything of value is free, you are deluded.

Sometimes the things you want to hear, to make you feel good - and the things you need to hear - are not the same thing.

People who just say things you want to hear, are dangerous individuals.
People who speak lots of words, but actually say nothing meaningful, (NLP vagueness) are also dangerous.

The most valuable input I have listened to, are always people that have had a more varied, colorful life than my own (at the time of talking to them).

Honesty and straight talking is a very valuable commodity.

Thanks to my friend, who opened my eyes to this world of deception, doublespeak, and mind control....

Always interesting to investigate down the dark rabbit holes..

And an education, that's for sure.


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Excellent post. Didn't know there was a name for this.
I'm somehow always on guard with such kind of people.
Thanks for bringing awareness to these kind of nasty tactics.

Is that still around?
I read a book decades ago(before the internet) by the name of (I think) psycholinguistics or some such.
In my not so humble opinion It was bogus.
they used a lot of fancy words which they had no clue the meaning of.
in other words it was a scam.
I doubt that neuro linguistics is any different.

the whole of the UK government are indoctrinated (common purpose training - utilizing NLP)

You’ll LOVE this:

Lol. :-D


that is being passed around - hope you don't mind......?

Of course not. The more new-age-brainwashed minds to be rattled with such brilliant satire, the better.

Much of his other stuff is quite good too...

Interesting post and interesting point of view!

From my experience, and I am just new and learning about life coaching, I find it a noble work to do.

As life coaches, we are not allowed to influence anyone with our own views or way of thinking (personal or political).

When a person comes to me as a life coach, my job is to give them the chance to see themselves from an outside perspective then decide for themselves what they want to do with it.

I simply give them suggestions as how to proceed in that regard and non of my suggestions are valid until they are approved by the persons themselves.

When someone reaches to a doctor or a therapist, they don't ask them their political views etc. Life coaching is the same.

Not all life coaching is dependent on NLP, but some are. NLP is good if it is used to rewrite the negative programming someone had from their past.

It has been used to control masses throughout history, except it was not named as NLP.

I have not much more to say I think.

I believe that our paths and our thinking are quite different and getting even wider apart.

Good luck!

thanks for your perspective.

It has been used to control masses throughout history, except it was not named as NLP.


This sums up my point far better than I could have done.

From my look into the industry, NLP is quite deeply embedded in life coaching ethos.
(it's even mentioned in the you tube comedy link above).

.....our paths and our thinking are quite different and getting even wider apart.

...don't stray from the path... ! madness lurks that way ! lol

good luck !

Thank you! I will keep that in mind...

Albert Einstein : Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

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