Here's a thought....Some positive action is needed on steemit.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

scaled map - Copy - Copy - Copy.jpg

I will have to leave the techy side to other people - that's not what this post is.

If steemit is to have a future (as a blogging social media platform) we need more people joining.

The act of growth creates its own momentum, and thus increases the potential value of steem itself.

Why are we not paying users to recruit?

Incentives work.
If we can pay users to recruit the 'right' people - the ones who will keep posting, stick it out - it can be a win win for everyone, and paying the recruiter will cost nothing from steemit.

Crazy uh?

Not in the slightest.....

Here is the broad picture, the principle - I'll leave people clever than me, to iron out the details.

1/Patriot decides to go recruiting- on the promise of 15 steem. (not dollars, but we don't need a dollar price, if we believe it's going up, right. As the dollar price increases the steem payment per new customer, stays the same. Imagine if the steem price is $3 - we 'll have an army of recruiters).

2/Patriot get a new user.

3/ Patriot takes 10% of the new users steem rewards from curation and content posting. - as commission for the recruiting job.

the 10 % is taken until the 15 steem earning is reached. Then is stops.

This way, people will always be on the look out for the best users - if they don't endure, well,..... they don't get paid....
It's enough to incentivize quality recruitment.

IF 1 person could get 10 people a month of enduring users - that's 150 steem a month. I will just take some time for the commission for recruitment, to come back to the recruiter, is all...
I'd be tempted...

Seems like a good model to get growth and cost nothing...

EDIT - you could even have a sliding scale of commission to be discussed with the 'new customer' - 10% to accpeting less a deal with the customer...or something...I haven't ironed out details in my head..

resteem it!!

(I tagged informationwar, as this is a psotive step to increasing the exposure to the informationwar)


You're absolutely right @lucylin!
I've been a headhunter for over 10 years and quality recruiting is the only way to build a company. Having smart technology and a solid platform are necessary for sure, but when it comes to business on planet Earth, its ultimately the people that create the value...

It's time to get the hands dirty and do the nuts and bolts of selling...I haven't seen much of that on here.

All my jobs have been 'at the coal face type' selling...and that 'can do ' attitude seems to be noticiably absent ....

No killer instinct, and all positive vibes, man...

You're right, a killer instinct is sorely missing when it comes to building this community. But with that, I think we have to be gentle with people and how they are transitioned to new platforms. Most people aren't willing to take risks like we are and need more hand holding. I'm not sure of the best way to do that here...

piece of piss

you tell commie forums the collective attitude,

you tell the nihihlists its a place to be happy in misery

and you tell the happy clappy lot, you can really discover you true self here...

blah blah blah....fuck gentle - sell.

LOL! I hear you, but it's a little more complicated than that. We want people to stick around and feel comfortable, so we ease them in and we have to be honest about what this place is (a site where you might make money blogging) and what it can do for them (potential freedom from the rat race) if they embrace it. At least that's my .2 STEEM...

I don't think it anymore complicated than that, in all honesty.

(making things too complicated is the problem here)

Always be honest when you sell if you want good quality sales.
...which means telling the truth about steemit in respect of what they (the customer) wants from it.

Potential freedom from the rat race is a bad sell for many people.

They don't want the transition, they want o be part of the herd.
Its not ideological, it's reality.

if the masses are happy in the system they want, then trying to sell them a new alternative is not a way to convert to sales.
Offering what they want from new social media experience is..

Once they are here, it's upto them (and this is why converting quality sales matters - you don't get paid if they bugger off)

ditch the brave new world paradigm for sales...recruit sheep to bring numbers..

We want people to stick around and feel comfortable

hows the current method been working out....?

....I'm not being snarky - just a time for brutal honesty..

(I'm clicking in to my sales mode.. lol)

I'm not sure what the current method is besides come here to make magic internet money and it seems to have worked fine until the past 4-5 months. Apparently there's also been a lot of upheaval within Steemit Inc that caused whales to sell. What do you recommend to get people to stay?

People want control right? Isn't that the promise of magic internet money?

What do you recommend to get people to stay?

I don't, my mindset is on getting people here...

Getting them to stay for money is an exercise in futility, and one of the weakest reasons/sells - to be here.

I'm posting this around - If it gains traction, I'll do something about it.....

I get support from steemit community - I'll do the coordinating (and selling ) - ...need to show people how it's done...

Results oriented actions, not words...

(I posted a week ago about 'not getting back into the sales world' - but seeing nothing being done with a good product is killing me,...)

I have the time.

Apps like @partiko @steempeak @esteem have great incentive to recruit as they can take a beneficary reward, perhaps higher for external recruits.

Posted using Partiko iOS

What are the incentives? - do you have a link?

We need something a simple and straight forward...

We need dedicated people to 'do the job', imo..

I mean they benefit from new recruits to their platform and thus to Steem. They should offer other Steemians incentive to recruit new users that actively post over a couple of months.

Posted using Partiko iOS

YES!!! Good old fashion grinding - Love it!!!

That's a great idea. I see some folks like @stephenkendal that do a lot of recruiting for STEEM and don't really understand his incentive. Perhaps he would be a good guy to bounce some ideas off of. He's a pretty big deal if you don't follow him already.

....well resteem it! lolol

(i've got my commercial head on now..)

Pretty sure I did!! Sheesh ;)

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Recruiting is an absolute must. I’m hearing buzz from multiple corners and initiatives. Have you heard of @steemonboarding?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm not thinking in any terms of wishy washy, happy clappy, 'positive thinking'.

Get out there, recruit, make money...

Hard commercial models.... where everyone wins...

feel free to resteem! lolol

There have been rumours of a recruiting process or referral program in the past. It seems only logical, it's something every business large and small hoping to expand it's base does. Same with marketing and advertising, proper accounting, PR, HR, a helpful dummies guide for beginners and real time support, none of which this platform offers in any shape form or fashion lol. Things that make you go hmm, there are really only a bunch of tech geeks running the show and hoping above all else it's stakeholders can prop it up and keep the pulse going..

That isn't growth, that is static and while I'm also not a tech person, I realise in the tech industry it's vital to stay ahead of the curve not just in engineering but in every facet of of basic business administration...

Mass adoption will require all of these things to be in place as well as a better system other than pure kindness to ensure new users have a snowballs chance in hell to gain traction. I'd really love to see a big fish go back to square one, and anonymously start off with 15 SP and try to grow organically without cheating in discord or making appeals to old friends by saying just the right things. Of course this is theoretical and could never happen as their experience is their wealth but then they might respect the learning curve they've likely forgotten about a bit more. Yes, I'm going to turn my comment into a post now lol. A challenge!

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm no techy either - but i have grown three businesses very successfully - all by selling and incentivizing people...

It ain't rocket science, which may explain why the geeks miss

@lucylin Dude!! Finally - someone says this!! I think there has been so much focus on the techy side ...Steemit Inc. may have lost touch with the fact that crypto, in general is still relatively new to the general public. We have a lot of tech talk here, with no marketing/sales. maybe you should tag Ned on this one. Good stuff man.

....being a non techy -how do I tag it to @ned? lolol
I put the link on his feed....

Sounds like a great idea.

All cryptos have just had an extra hard spanking today, but one day soon (I'm guessing early next year) cryptos will bottom out and start slowly recovering. And then Steemit can come up as well (I hope)

I like the idea, 5% would be a good number. Let’s see what other steem users have to say.

Posted using Partiko iOS

5%? ....the money is coming form new posters, nowhere else.

Never be stingy with rewarding the workers who do the work and produce results!

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