Good vaccinations! ....Are you infected, without knowing it? Self diagnosis.

in #blog6 years ago

Most vaccinations tend to make people ill - for life. Heavy metals and poisons injected into developing young bodies seem to have a negative effect.
Now who would have thought that would be the result?
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.....Well big pharma, actually - who have manged to legislate that they cannot be prosecuted for vaccines with negative effects.
It's almost like they knew bad things would appear with their vaccinations, as time went on...

The only positive side of this program is in the profits column of the big pharma accounts.
They have big positives there.

So, it's time for some good news about vaccines!

The Problem...

Latin name: Communisus indoctrinas feces.

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There are many obvious signs of infection and can be easily diagnosed. While treatment is available, the virus itself can render the patient with a pathological fear of seeking a cure.

Some people however, can get infected with symptoms so mild, they are not even aware of the infection, and oblivious to the potential problems later on in life.
Untreated, symptoms of Communisus indoctrinas feces can include : Anger at everything, failure in life, and a pathological blaming of everyone for everything, except yourself.
People with a narcissistic personality type and low IQ, tend to present with more severe symptoms.

Left undiagnosed, you can also become a carrier of the virus, spreading it to others without being aware of it.

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Do you:

1/ Think there always will be an authority figure present to help you.
2/ Think current the financial system is a necessary evil.
3/ Think tax is not theft.
4/ Think everyone has equal abilities.
5/ Think we are living in a free market economy.
6/ Think that governments make free markets possible.
7/ Think Che Guevara T-shirts are really cool. (Stalin and Mao are equally valid).
8/ Think it's better for governments to be the only ones with guns.
9/ Think there are more than two sexes.
10/ Think Karl Marx wrote intelligent ideas.

Answering 'yes' to one or more of the above checklist will almost certainly indicate an infection to be present.
(Higher scores of 'yes's, is an indication of just how virulent and active this infection is within you.)

Lesser symptoms to look out for, include:

A desire for a free health system for moral reasons.
A belief that a government education system is a good thing.
A belief that affirmative action 'can be a good thing'.
A belief the gender pay gap has anything to do with sex discrimination.
A belief that Islam is a race.
A belief that IQ is scientific oppression of somebody, somewhere, somehow.
A belief that climate records starting in the mini ice ice, is absolute proof of global warming.
A belief that increasing CO2 levels is a bad thing.
A belief that starving plants of essential gases, is a good policy for improved human health.

.....But there is some good news !

Antibodies can, and do, fight the infection.
Very good nutrition, enjoying life and engaging in positive activities, as well as reading lots of literature concerning logic and reason, , increases antibody production significantly.
Avoid other infected people at all costs.
(While very uncommon to suffer from reinfection, it can happen.)

You can self diagnose to see if your own body is fighting the virus.

Things to look for:

A irritating itch at the back of your skull, while reading political and environmental articles.
Emotionally charged arguments presenting as 'fact' or 'settled science' will cause extreme itching inside your skull.
This is a good sign.

A tightening of the chest when your logical arguments cause a triggering in the people who are trying to use emotional argument against your points.

A chuckle deep within your throat tends to arise, when an SJW starts to call you a

A sinking feeling, when your arguments of logic and reason are met with

All the above symptoms are indicative of healthy antibody production. Recovery time can vary froma couple of weeks to several years, depending on environmental factors.

Vaccinations are available!

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With an almost 100% immunization success rate, it is highly recommenced to be administered to the early teens, for maximum effect.
Inject these into your kids...

Working for an income, (from paper rounds, to cleaning. Any activity is good).
Laughter, and time spent around a dinner table, talking , while eating.
Lot's of active play time.
Minimal computer game use.
Teaching them to take responsibility for their actions.
Giving and helping others - for free.
Fast food no more than once fortnightly.
Lot's of reading about philosophy, history, and critical thinking.

This vaccination program, administered strictly - will immunize throughout adulthood.

(Receiving unearned assets at this stage in life, is shown to be a fundamental to a lifelong vulnerability in adulthood to contracting Communisus indoctrinas feces).

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Contracting Communisus indoctrinas feces is a debilitating disease and will ultimately lead to severe mental illness that if untreated, will lead to a miserable life.
Unhappiness and nihilism will be a daily battle.
Eyesight can be affected. (Grey appears to be the only color that the severely infected can see).
Hearing also suffers. It appears that screaming becomes the preferred method of communication, and deafness takes hold in many cases, being quite unable to hear what is being said by others.
(with the exception of other infected individuals. Communication seems entirely possible between the infected).


Hi lucylin,

Thank you for your entry in to #comedyopenmic comedy contest. We have asked the judges below to review your entry and give it a funny rating. (They generally have no sense of humor, as the saying goes, those that can't do, start contests and judge).
This will determine your ultimate position when the results are tallied. (That being said, you are free to adopt any position you wish - we can recommend pantsless with beer in hand.)


If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact one of the judges or come say hi in discord: Click Here

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Thank you to @matytan for the great banner

I wasn't sure whether to include it - it's non haloween - although the virus is a bit scary I suppose..

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It appears that untreated Communisus indoctrinas feces leads to people being indistinguishable from NPCs.


I don't know whether to get a flu shot or have someone sneeze in my face. I think I'll stick my head in the sand a little further.

You need to read my next post first!!! ' sand flies spread socialism'

I need to get the good vaccine for my dog. He seems to not acknowledge my political views most of the times.

Or I should just reduce the cocaine intake.

Disclaimer to Mom: I don't do drugs.

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Priceless!! - when I have some power, i'll upvote you! lololol


Psst, do include Comedy Open Mic with Round number in title and nominate two peeps.
I'll be right back until then, Tommy's started debating with my neighbor now dammit.

stop the cocaine intake a bit bro...

Shit why didn't I think of that?!

Btw I've been told it F's up our memory too, I haven't seen that happen to me so far.
Inform me asap if you notice that in me alright?

Autism often a result of vaccinations
And now there is Gardasil

Where have you been all my life??? 😎

I don't have enough VP to support all your posts, but you just got another admirer and follower of your work!

Keep on fighting for common sense and freedom of speech, and remember that there are people here on Steemit who support you!

P.S. Hope you weren't serious about this:

Most vaccinations tend to make people ill - for life. Heavy metals and poisons injected into developing young bodies seem to have a negative effect.


With a comment like that, here's an insight into me !....enjoy...

Remind me again soon - about the vaccination thing, if I dont reply to it ( I might do short post)- it's along reply - and I can't really focus right now...
Nothing to do with alcohol or

....but writing this...

Found this just too late for voting.

Thanks, a very interesting article and it makes many important points, for those willing to think for themselves.

Thanks, matey.
It's all about trying to get people to think for themselves...
The battle is won when (if) that happens!

If Jesus returned and appeared on a screen, he would be called

  • a Zionist, by the extreme right (probably a mud also, that being their stupid name for people of mixed heritage
  • an islamophobe, by the muslims

and the Pope would tell us that Jesus is just a man, not a Representative of God as he is - which is why God listens to him and not to his son, Jesus

In other words, nobody can touch the minds and hearts of everyone, so we must always remain focussed on winning and celebrating the flowering of each mind we succeed in helping to awaken to the need to achieve its own potential.

That's why I went/go down the humor route.
Showing the extreme left as the deranged ideologues they are - seem effective.
It must be, that's why a commie is down voting every post I do for this last week nearly!
And it highlights perfectly to sane people, how deranged they are.
(The flagging war started over NPC memes ! lolol- I kid you, not)

How mentally unstable do you have to be to get triggered by a line drawing, and down vote nearly $15 dollars worth - of my posts???

(extremes in any direction are all the same to me, but the left are the target that matters most, it seems to me, right now)

I did check out your first argujment with them. If someone is flagging you unfairly, there is someone or a group, you can contact and if they decide you are right, they will reverse all your flags and tell the others to stop, or else they could be flagged - but seriously

Unfortunately I do not recall the names, but I know that @patrice can help, if she feels you are in the right. If she feels you did something to provoke them, she will not, it is up to you.

As for your commenta about 'extremes of either direction, I may revert to this later, as I do and do not agree with you.

The extremes of both sides, politically speaking, both lead to the same centralized authoritarian temple, eventually, one way or another.

I 've had loads of support of nice people who helped to counter the down voting, and someone with somewhat 'of clout' has 'had a word' yesterday.
And today is the first day I've not received any attacks so far - so maybe they have rethought their position.

I was dismembering their arguments, logically and with reason, for a few days on anarchyhasnogods blogs - and then started using humor to express the silliness of the extreme left's position. (NPC's).

This anonymous person, then decided to jump onto my blog, and attack every post I made..

Like I say, it looks to have calmed down now..

Thanks to the pointers.....we will see..

The extremes of both sides, politically speaking, both lead to the same centralized authoritarian temple, eventually, one way or another.

I 've had loads of support of nice people who helped to counter the down voting, and someone with somewhat 'of clout' has 'had a word' yesterday.
And today is the first day I've not received any attacks so far - so maybe they have rethought their position.

I was dismembering their arguments, logically and with reason, for a few days on anarchyhasnogods blogs - and then started using humor to express the silliness of the extreme left's position. (NPC's).

This anonymous person, then decided to jump onto my blog, and attack every post I made..

Like I say, it looks to have calmed down now..

Thanks to the pointers.....we will see..

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