Never pick a fight with the unambitious man....A meandering...

in #blog6 years ago

I didn't sleep well last night, and I hate that.

The only time I don't hate that, is if I've been kept awake by partying, hedonistic pursuits, and sweaty bodies.
Then I like it.

I always sleep well.
I have nothing to keep me awake at night. I have no debts, ambitions or any other of those pesky things that seem to disturb a peaceful slumber in many other people.
My Dad was an unambitious man, and it was that something I never really understood about him for many, many years.
You see, I was always an ambitious man and I was always searching, and always looking for that next thing.
I didn't want to die with any regrets.

I have no regrets.
To have regret about your life is to say you dislike the person that you are, now.
The person you are now is the amalgamation of every single second all those seconds , of your own history.
Both the good and the bad.

I walked away from ambition, as a quite conscious act, when I realized that I'd been kept on a gravy train I never actually knew I was riding. That stung.

I jumped off that train with full intent.
15 years ago, I was making close to quarter of a million dollars a year from business. I walked away from it.
10 years ago I was making 60k a year from a business. I walked away from it.
5 years ago, I was making 30k a year from my business, and I didn't walk away from it.
Now I make less than 10k a year, as I continued to downsize.

And here I am, with 10 times less income than 15 years ago, and with 1000 times less stress in my life....Seems like I got a good return on that deal!
I don't like negative stress, it stresses me out. Positive stress is cool.
And now I'm feeling stressed. (in a slightly negative way..)

What, from recent the events on steemit?

lololol...Gimme a break...
I'll get more negatively stressed waiting for my cold beer to arrive, once I've ordered it, than any bullying on here.

Let me give you a couple of snapshots of my past, before I address the issues of my 'current' stress.

Context really matters.

1985... aged 17

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This little story might tell you...
a/ I was stupid
b/I was clever
c/ I wasn't ambitious enough
d/ None of the above.

And the correct answer?
I doesn't matter. It's not the point.

Let me labor my point, just a little more...

1995/6 (ish) – I can't honestly remember the exact year.

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I'm not even gonna bother with anymore - I'm boring myself now. This is not an ego stroking exercise. I wish it was...


Well said, that skeleton!.

My point is....I have had several 'visions' (there's nothing mystical going on here, just the first word that came to mind) in my lifetime.
These 'visions' have never been the wishy washy , cloudy, tenuous images, type, that I associate with the very word 'vision.'
My 'visions' that have come to me and that have come to fruition, are full on HD and in full Technicolor.
And as solid as fuck.

I hope you get my point?

Well, I'll bludgeon you over the head with it some more , just in case you don't...

These visions of mine (I gotta find a better word than visions, I really do..) are things I see as clear as day, and while seeing them at the time means nothing, HISTORY tells me they mean a lot.
NOW I take them seriously. A 100% fruition rate gives me some confidence in these things now. (I am talking less than 10, in 50 years, it's not an everyday occurrence or anything)
It ain't me being clever or anything. I don't sit down and work it out.

I can honestly say that the germ of the idea comes from no conscious process, it just zaps into my gray matter - and I just cultivate it a little..

That's it.
Nothing fantastic, I can assure you..

... I have come to now know the difference between 'just daydreaming', thinking about the future - and these ...things...

Ok, let's move on...

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I had another one.
This one disturbed me. The others didn't, they were just things I saw that others didn't. No biggie.
But this one was different. IS different... Where we are now IS big.

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I can no more walk away from this, than walk away from watching a 120lb woman getting the shit kicked out of her, by her 240lb boyfriend...
It ain't gonna happen.
Unfortunately ( and I say with a certain amount of envy), many other people - good people - do not see what is happening,
(That's what the 'red pilling' is all about, right?) and will unwittingly stand in the way of the fight, or even actively defend the status quo.

The staus quo is the left winning.

There has to be a knew status quo paradigm, and it is now happening - Just look a the sentiment (if not the realization) of brexit, of the Trump success in America(agree with him or not on his policies), of Orban in Hungary, of Poland's refusal to tow the EU immigration (globalization) line , of Merkel resigning her party leadership yesterday, of Italy facing down the EU, of....of...of...

Marxism and the left is dying, is losing - and is now being pushed back for the first time in 60 years.
I will do anything I can to help that process along.

The sooner it's in left back in the pages of history - under the heading of...

' well, that was pretty stupid', the better.

The sooner that happens, the sooner I (it's about me, for me, make no mistake), I can get back to my hedonistic, creative, playful , carefree lifestyle, and live it out on my terms, in any goddamn way I please - thank you very much..

' that track is just you, more than any other song I've ever listened to..'

(Said to me by an ex girlfriend who knew me deeper than anyone else I've met)

Listen to that, and that's me in my natural, unhassled, happy state.


I hope this gives you just a tiny indication at the level of 'pissed off' I'm feeling.
The sooner communism is dead, the sooner I can concentrate on _my _life.
While it's still a threat, it's a threat to my freedom.

The quickest way to resolve it, is face it head on let's get it over with. The ...sooner..the ...better...
Everyone in 'sanity mode' must see that this is the best option. (Please?)

My recent attacks were intentional and strategic. The weakness in the armor has been exposed.
This was the motivation of the attack. Intelectual discourse seemd to be having no effect, so a new direction of assult was required.
It need no be pressed any further.

The NPC assault is over! lolol

The information is collected.
It's done. The objective has been more than achieved .

.... and this information will now be used to maximum effect at every opportunity, believe me.


By showing the 90% of the genuinely good hearted people of this world (who have been lied to), just how mentally psychotic and unstable the indoctrinated left really are.

How mentally unstable do you have to be, to be triggered by a line drawing?

Think about it.

And if this helps people see a very real illness within themselves??

...then you are most welcome to sit at my table, my new friend..

Hysterics and aggression - over a line drawing........REALLY ....THINK ABOUT IT...

This another attempt - through humor - to show the ridiculousness of the position..

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Ok, back to my stress....

My feeling of freedom is, without a doubt , paramount to my happiness.
Freedom in everything according to my own principles of non aggression, property rights, and honoring contract.
It's very simple.
Anything, or anyone that encroaches on the feeling I cherish, will create a pressure within me. In a negative way.
I don't like negative feelings within me.
It makes me lose a good nights sleep , for starters.

One of these encroachments is directing me (or trying to), in a different direction that my inner freedom otherwise tells me go.
Internal conflict arises. I don't like that much, either.
It makes me very serious.
And that is sooooo boring to me.

My joy of life is stifled, and my creativity is thwarted.
Even my desire to go and get drunk and get laid, almost evaporates entirely!! , (for chrissakes! )

Why am I telling you all this, I hear you ask?? (You are doing in my head, anyway).

I'm bored of all the 'relationship corpses' littering the road on my life journey to where I am now... and I'd really prefer not to have anymore....

99% of these corpses are from people trying to tell me what do to.

You see, I'm totally crap at politics, and I'm totally crap at diplomacy, and when people bring these tools to bear on me, it's like me bringing humor to bear on the indoctrinated communist.

It evokes a very negative response within me...(not as screamingly hysterical as the commies,obviously).

I do not fully comprehend all the subtlety and nuance of the language of the politician and the diplomat....

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Those are the skills best left for others to pursue. (ones with a higher IQ's than myself, most probably.)

In the meantime, I will keep on fighting. And try give people a laugh or two, with hard truths , along the way...
Laughing is gooooood.....

....And as for fighting with an unambitious man?

You're fighting with a man with everything to lose .
He's already achieved everything.He has everything.
The fight is about taking away is happiness..

He's fighting for himself, his life and his survival....and that's bigger than any ideology..

...Peace out...


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In a vague way I think we oppose the same fucktards...

How mentally unstable do you have to be, to be triggered by a line drawing?

Couldn't agree more.

Anyone who has minimal understanding of 20th century human history regarding the Marxist misrule in the East, and yet continues to spew Marxist drivel of a proletariat utopia belongs in a mental institution, since he is either a mentally defective dunce, or an intentionally vicious sociopath. The current Leftist loons are nothing more than proud rebellious teens, gluttonously drunk on too much entitlements, enviously demanding their society be burnt to ashes, while living in their parents' basements due to their lack of any productive skill or talent. These mentally defective and socially useless muck ought to sent to workcamps to dig ditches, not be given propaganda platform to spew their drivel that detracts from the common sum,of human knowledge.

The funniest (tragic ) thing is - they are the very people that need help from 'us', more than anyone.
Talk about shooting yourself in the

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