Don't be a useful idiot -don't be a feminist

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

marylin monroe.jpg

This post is prompted from a previous exchange I recently had.

It brought up the whole hypocrisy of the feminist movement, and the support of Islam.

Islam - a religion that does NOTHING for women, except degrade them ,and treat them as 3rd class citizens, with no voice of their own.
Islam - a religion that does not acknowledge the crime of rape, unless there are several MALE witnesses to support the allegation.
Where a woman can be found guilty of adultery. And stoned or whipped for the crime.

marylin monroe.jpg

Islam - the religion that thinks its a good idea to destroy girls genitalia - to avoid them enjoying sex , and having normal sexual healthy feelings - throughout their entire adult life.

marylin monroe.jpg

Feminism is a left wing marxist movement to undermine society, and the healthy structures within it.

Any woman, (or man) actively involved in the feminist movement - are just being useful idiots for other peoples agendas. Pawns for a bigger game.


Thinking is good, try it.
(warning - thinking may involve independent thoughts and a severe loss of sheep around you)

Images from google


Think? You cannot demand them so much!

Sometimes it can just take one thing to knock them out of a trance. Provide the spark.....

Some are hopelessly lost of course . lolol

I have read the Quraan. Muhammed had sex with a nine year old girl & flew off on a winged horse in the end. Two Muslims stopped me in the street & asked if they could talk to me once. I said I would give them two minutes if they promised to allow me to retort. They didn't know this as they hadn't read the Quraan properly. They looked at each other & one said to the other "He's right isn't he" the other agreed. I pointed to a barber shop behind them & they both went for a haircut.


I had an ex muslim girlfriend - she had gone through the genital mutilationhorror - screwed her life up totally - it's a brutal ideology

I don't think it is fair to vilify an entire movement by one woman's actions. I'm not defending her at all, I think she was completely wrong to have said what she said. However, you are making the claim that feminism = Linda Sarours = wrong. That is inherently an ad hominem argument.

Also, what do you mean by the term "useful idiot?"

yeah - where did I mention sarours in my post?

(you probably know pictures are displayed to convey a general idea, right?)

That is inherently an ad hominem argument.

??!??! where is this claim?

useful idiot

Someone who is susceptible to propaganda and is cynically misused in a belief they are supporting one thing, while actually being used for another altogether.

eg feminism is an arm of marxist ideology posing as equal rights for women.

The 'useful idiots' are the feminist supporters thinking they are 'supporting feminism', and not a left wing marxist agenda (which is the reality)

You seemed to imply you were referring to the Sarours news story as the topic of conversation between you and your friend. The ad hominem argument would be attacking the feminist argument as a whole on the basis of one feminist's misdeeds.

I do think there are a lot of "toxic" comments being put out by feminists but I think there are a lot of good, honest ways to create equality. I think a lot of it happens through allowing women equal access to education, which is something that many Muslim cultures fail at.

Equality is an abstract concept - how can can you create an abstract concept?

Just this question ,and then we can move forward..

Equality is abstract and relative but still meaningful because of the relativity

do you think moral relativity is a 'thing' ?

.....You seemed to imply you were referring to.....

a/ sarours was the news topic

b/a certain style of razor is better than others for female genital mutilation

c/ the optimum number of adults to hold down a young girl for circumcision

d/ an optimum size of stone and distance away, to throw the stones at adulterous women

....or we could talk about what I said in the post, rather than any inferences.

Have you read saul alinsky?

I have not! I've read a few authors who compare feminism to Marxism. There are similarities for sure.

why not? read everything....

it is a product of, not similar to...

I try to! This has been a spirited debate. If you have not read Wendy Brown I highly recommend it - she has theories about capitalism and feminism that I think you'd find interesting.

ok, thanks for that.

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