A VERY dark theory about Israel...Are useful idiots helping in the final solution?

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

After yesterdays interactions with @brianoflondon and @openparadigm, I got to thinking a little more about 'the whole Israel thing'.
It's something I seldom touch on, to be honest.

But yesterdays time on the subject did get me thinking....

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.....I've always had a very uneasy feeling about Israel.

Not because I'm a 'Jew hater' , whatever that means...No, I'm uneasy about it for altogether different reasons...

The whole project of 'the state of Israel' has always seemed, to me, to be too contrived to ever be wholesome, if you see what I mean.
I distrust the powers that be.
I distrust politicians and bankers.
So why would I trust the state of Israel, to be what it says 'on the box'?

It's not logical - not given that the state of Israel itself, was the product of politicians and bankers.

This is my conspiratorial take on it.
It's funny though... as time goes on...and information is more forthcoming - just how so many tinfoil hat wearing conspirators have seen their 'crazy ideas' coming to be an accurate depiction of events, and they're always covered up initially, by TPTB...

So I'm not saying that I'm correct .

I am saying my logic is valid.

Moving populations for a political or economic agenda's is nothing new - neither is moving peoples for ideological reasons..

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The Jewish peoples - as a race - have had a pretty shitty time of things for quite few centuries now, and all over the world.

I think a lot of the reason of this is fear.
Fear of who the Jewish person represents.
Someone with a perceived higher intelligence (real or otherwise).

As the clever, higher IQ Jews rose into positions of power and influence, which they did ( because of higher IQ's), they also came to be seen as a threat.
Perceived higher intelligence in others can be seen as threatening . ( to those of a lower intelligence).
I understand the emotional response - and whether it is an unfounded response - or not - is a question for another post.

As the populations of various countries felt more and more threatened by the 'higher intelligence sections' of society (in positions of power)...and the reaction to it? ... is exactly what happened throughout the centuries....
All Jews were vilified , even down to the village idiot - who just so happened to be Jewish.

We can look at history and see this as the motivating factor to answer the question to the why of the pretty rough treatment the Jewish race has suffered throughout the ages..

And so to present day - ish....

The top echelons of governments and banking have a much higher proportion of Jewish people in positions of power - which is to be fully expected if the IQ theory is to be adhered to. I see nothing 'wrong' with this.
This is a fact.

Now we get to the darker side of things.....

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... if the higher powers in the world (Jews and non Jewish), also felt threatened by the Jewish people themselves...?


... if the higher banking powers still saw the Jewish peoples , as a threat...(intelligent people in the lower echelons of society pose a potential threat to those in power).

What would you do to nullify this threat? (assuming psychopathy is the personality type at work- for which I see plenty of evidence ).

You would have unlimited power and money,
What would you do..?

Here's what ... I... would.... do, ( bringing my own strategic and analytical mind to bear...and also trying to dispense with any moral or ethical notions ...to try and 'become a psychopath' for the purposes of this exercise...

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1/ Create a place to keep 'them' all.
Make sure that ' the area' is surrounded by a hostile environment so as to encourage the concentration of said populations. Make sure the 'area' is not 'naturally wealth producing' to ensure dependence.
( A large concentration camp, of sorts).
Lets call it Israel (to indulge my argument).

2/ Create a political and national security system that would enable the government to bring more and more peoples into this 'area' over time - peacefully- without obvious force - and even using financial incentives to appeal to the same peoples to settle. (Money is irrelevant in this plan).
It is much easier to bring people, voluntarily, to a prison- than by using force...

3/ Subsidize the entire 'area', so as to make 'them' defenseless - and for all intents and purposes - unknowing prisoners.

4/ Propagate a strong national identity that never existed - to utilize all the 'useful idiots' in the name of nationalism to support the prison.
Let the prisoners guard themselves, and sell the idea to other potential prisoners.

5/ Create and continue a fear and hatred campaign worldwide against these unknowing victims, and in doing so -encourage further movements of said people into the one area, by making them fearful of environments outside of the prison.

6/ Once the numbers were deemed enough to satisfy the mathematical model - and the concentrations of peoples were as such levels so as to make any future expansion of population growths from this specific gene pool, almost impossible......

....kill them all.
( ...a nuclear holocaust? bomb...? Create a war....? Introduce biological weapons ..? the list is endless and have been tried out previously. How is not the issue).

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Like I said this is a very dark look at actual events, and a very dark interpretation of them.
Machiavelli would be green today, reading this. ( nothing to do with his state of decomposition).

I haven't come across this perspective before - I'm sure its not original .

I'm not a psychopath - and I'm sure their dark twisted machinations and manipulations are much worse than anything I could imagine...

The logic is valid...even if the perspective isn't...

Never trust your future, to those that have lied to you in the past....

Don't be a useful idiot.


Quite the read and quite the discussion. So many perspectives and so many potential outcomes. I sometimes wonder what those making the plans would think reading through all these debates.

"Hey, David, check this one out, he's way off!"
"Laugh away, James, I think this one's got you sussed!"
"Nah, he got that bit wrong and now he's barking up the wrong tree altogether."

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If I don't post from tomorrow on wards, at least you'll know I was over the target.

pesky flak, in suits...

Or if you post, but seem oddly formal and supportive of governments, I'll know they've got to you.

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Sir, may I remind you that the banks are our friends.

That they are, that they are... excuse me, I think I left something in the oven... and there's that other thing I need to do...

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...you can trust your smart meter to look after things..

  1. Concentration of Forces
    Firstly, as a matter of military theory and practice, concentration of forces is key to success in warfare.
    Bringing all the Jews together in a relatively small area makes us stronger not weaker.

Incorrect in the modern theater of war - this is a pre nuclear logic.

Cheers for the perspective though!

Actually concentration of forces is still a key military principle. Even with nukes its applicable as nukes have a limited range and armoured forces are well protected against them. Tactical nukes have a quite small blast radius and would only directly take out a few tanks or APCs spaced 100m apart. Most infantry inside armoured vehicles with the protection from blast, heat and radiation that provides.

A massed concentration of forces was still a key military principle back in 1913, in Europe

But from 1914 to 1918, their old military logic was proved to be woefully incorrect due to firepower.(new technology)

Nuke firepower (new technology) trumps any other firepower available, and to a massive degree..

....do you think that's an incorrect perspective? If so , how?

We are moving away from the point, I think...

Even in a conflict involving WMDs forces still need to concentrate in the offense. https://fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/doctrine/army/fm3-100/CH10.PDF Missile defence systems like Israel has negate the need to disperse forces as they can take out the WMDs.

...what if they're designed to fail..?

It is really important to study the physical effects of nuclear weapons: heat, blast and radiation. Each decreases rapidly with distance from detonation point and can be blocked effectively by reinforced concrete structures, or the armour of a tank.
A nuke that can kill an unshielded human 1000m away will be survivable in a properly reinforced vehicle or structure 100m away.
Also read the research of actual test results and studies of the effect of the bombs on Japan.
Japanese cities of the time were made almost entirely out of flimsy wooden structures. These were earthquake resistant but obviously burnt up in a the heat of a nuclear blast.

Nukes are not some magic super bomb that destroys everything like in Hollywood.

Well, lets hope we never find out....

I believe I'm correct.
Concentrated populations make for more casualties, than less concentrated populations... (or do you disagree?)

Especially in nuclear environments.

No because concentration allows cost effective Defence. There is no way the US can afford to give its population the same level of 5 layer missile defense that Israel has.
I come from Australia and served in the Army there. Large countries are much harder and more expensive to defend.

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I don't think you're intentionally moving away from the point of the conversation - but you are.

Concentrated populations are easier eradicate than ones spread out thinly across all areas of the globe.

'Defense costs 'and defense capabilities are based on a war - that was never in my dark theory as a scenario.
It was about concentrating populations to make them easier eradicate.

If you wish to argue that this is not the case, then I can refer to you a dozen military and civilian situations , where this happened
( Dresden bombing -200,000k? deaths).

IF they dropped the same tonnage of bombs they used in Dresden - in the outback - I can guarantee you that there would not be the same causality rate!

Concentrated populations = more deaths.

If you’re not talking about war re concentration then what other method of killing populations are you taking about?

If you are (and your Dresden example is obviously war) then modern guided weapons make it just as easy to kill everyone in 100 isolated villages as the same people concentrated in a city.
But modern defensive systems can defend the city cost effectively but not the 100 isolated villages.
Equally a large country’s infrastructure is much more expensive and harder to protect. This is why the Israeli electricity grid is protected against EMP attack but US is not!

Civilian casualties in concentrated areas are higher than in spread out ares..
I never mentioned the military once....

...if you disagree with that theory fine.

..but I find it difficult to imagine that you can give me any example to the contrary of that theory - where sparse population zones will receive more casualties than densely populated zones..
See what I mean?
...this post has nothing to do with military deployment.

There's a bit of biblical setup for Armageddon and the end times too.
You have a dark theory for sure. I think it's incorrect because my experience of power leads me to believe they're not that organised. Keeping a project going over multiple generations without leaving a signature? Highly unlikely imo.

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Keeping a project going over multiple generations....

On it's own - obviously that's happened hundreds of times in history ..( buildings or walls taking many generations to build for example- and that leaves a signature - the building, but not it's intent.

....just off the top of my head - think the Colosseum in Rome (ok, it took 8 years not eighty - but it illustrates my point)

It was never about the structure itself - but the propaganda use- and the psychological effects on the people of Rome. (and her enemies).

Now think the great wall of china....and several hundred years.

It was much as an inter generational psi-op over many generations to 'make a concept of a unified china', as it was a practical application to border controls.
(it had more holes in it than swiss cheese for hundreds of years..)

I think its all a bit more complicated than you describe here.
True is, that Jews have been over average successful in business. But I doubt that its a matter of intelligence. One key factor is, that Jews have always formed closed communities, inside which they supported each other. That is a good receipe for success, if other people act as lone wolfs and make each other's life difficult. That has sometime led to envy, anti jewish resentment and even open violence.
Another factor was the bible and the catholic church. In the bible its the jewish who were responsible for the death of Jesus. And since the vast majority of people since the early medival time were catholics - often to a level of mental illness - there was always a furtile ground for distrust, or even hatred, towards Jews.
But the issues with the Jews taking over Palestine are even more complex. There is certainly no visible intention (by the British, who ruled Palestine at the time) to prepare a homestead for the Jews. Its a long story, and I recommend that you read up on the developement of the Zionist movement beginning in the late 19th century, until the founding of the state of Israel in 1948.
To make it clear: I am also opposed to the current conduct of the Israeli government. Its very disappointing to see how they, of all people, treat the Palestinians as a lower lifeform. That is just as unacceptable as it was when the Germans did this with the Jews during the Nazi era.
On the other hand, I can understand that the Israelis are scared. For one because of their history, but also because they are surrounded by enemies (more or less outspoken ones). For them, there is no plan B to holding what they have now. Even if the explaination that this was the land given to them by God some thousand years ago is more than lame.

But things are as they are. If all the historical wrong doings would be reversed today, the world would end in total chaos. The only thing we can do is, to avoid more of this nonsense in the future.

You points are all valid, I was just throwing out the theory....

There is certainly no visible intention (by the British, who ruled Palestine at the time) to prepare a homestead for the Jews.

That support the theory more than dismisses it . Having 'nothing' enables a socialist dependent state - dependent on external forces.

I would disagree with IQ question.

One key factor is, that Jews have always formed closed communities, inside which they supported each other. That is a good receipe for success,

... actions of a society with higher IQ's.

Ashkenazi Jews (studies range from 104 to 115; the IQ of Sephardic Jews is estimated to be the same as Northern Europeans) 110

IQ is the scientific measure we have of intelligence, thereof the only one we can use
( a societal group measure , not as predictor of individuals -that is a incorrect use of the tool.).

Thanks for the comment.

There was certainly a socialist element in the early jewish communities in Palestine. A fair amount of jews were desillusioned communists that had fled from the Stalin terror in the Soviet Union. One clearly communist brain child were the Kibbuzim, the early jewish settlements.
But I don't see a big master plan behind all that. It was certainly not the intention of the British to loose control in Palestine and get involved in a civil war, ending with the need to withdraw from there.
And keep in mind, before WW2 the USA did have almost no role in the middle east, unlike today.

I think the whole IQ thing is overrated.
It is always a advantage to have the support of a community, thats basically how the human race has developed.
That its not a IQ related thing, is shown by the fact that it works for all kinds of people. Just as a example: the Freemasons and the Mafia, or student associations. Its always good to have connections and backup in rough times.

....is shown by the fact that it works for all kinds of people. Just as a example: the Freemasons and the Mafia, or student associations.

that' snot an argument against the legitimacy of IQ without knowing the IQ's in any said group first.

Its always good to have connections and backup in rough times. Its always good to have connections and backup in rough times.

Agreed - to what extent this is IQ related is not known.

Clever people see the benefits of group security...

(seeing the benefits of this proposition - is conceptual in it's nature - concepts reside in the realms of higher IQ's)

Your theory is wrong!

I can argue with any of the logic,
so i will just shout that you are wrong!


The only real issue with this plan is that T.H.E.Y. won't get all the jews with one blow. They still infest the rest of the world.

It is not a far stretch to show that T.H.E.Y. manipulated the Bible and wrote about Israel knowing they wanted to reconquer this area later.

T.H.E.Y. started WWII, planned The US's involvement, got the Balfor Declaration, and then had Japan attack Pearl Harbor. That was all planned and executed.

I do not think your theory is dark enough

Your theory is wrong!
I can_'t_- (typo?) argue with any of the logic,
so i will just shout that you are wrong!

oh, well then - that settles it! lol.

I do not think your theory is dark enough

fuck me, you don't? shiiiiiiiiiiit.. lol

Damn! Total typo.

Now its not as funny ... harrumph.

I wish we could actually discuss this, but we are missing two


pieces of information.

  1. There is some motivation, to that area, for the Zionists that is prehistoric. Well, before the history that they let us read. It could be as stupid as a low level brain programming to keep the intergalactic landing site cleared. Or it could be as big as the Great electric plant at Giza. But, it is clear that T.H.E.Y have real, deep seated desire to control that area of land.

  2. They are Gods chosen people. The trouble is, the Bible has been mucked with too much, so we really do not know what that means. My best guess is that the jews were given an important mission, and they were given the brain power to complete that mission. Sorta a package deal. God spoketh, and thusly said, "I choose you pika.... jews"

These two things are seen because there are holes in the puzzle that are shaped thusly. All signs point out that they are there, and that they are very important to T.H.E.M. But what they are is extremely difficult to put together. Bloody hell, we don't even remember Tartary.

Bloody hell, we don't even remember Tartary.

Speak for yourself - I never forget it.
My fish never gets eaten without it...

....ohhhh....you didn't mean that...bugger!

And i wonder about that all the time.
Because fishies are sooo tasty
without Tartary they are just not the same

(i wonder about the similarity of words)

Oy Vey @lucylin ... Maybe I'm just a schlemiel, but it seems your escape from confined solitude may have been the reason for such pondering...??? Was it 'fresh air'... or are they burning the rice fields presently?

open air, open mind....

I wrote something similar last year, I also think they will be thrown under the bus, when the time is right, in the minds of madmen or madwomen.
Fulfill prophecies or what ever, as logically, like you state, there is no reason for this prison to exist, I was watching a video a few weeks back, how they treat (badly) with force, the religious Jews who refuse to join the forces, pretty disgusting treatment to say the least.

Logic is logic, no matter how uncomfortable...

I'm not saying I'm correct - I'm saying the historical facts fit a theory.
The more I think about it, the more it fits..

I tend to agree.

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I don't have time to write as much as I could but there's one thing that wasn't covered properly in @apshamilton 's answer.

The whole project of 'the state of Israel' has always seemed, to me, to be too contrived to ever be wholesome, if you see what I mean.

This may be because Judaism isn't within you and, possibly, because even though I'm sure you're capable of believing you understand the influence of faith on others who have it, I doubt you can fully understand it.

Even someone like me who wasn't brought up in a strictly religious Jewish household, but was brought up with strong sense of Jewish tradition and family, felt something strange and inexplicable the first time I visited Israel when I was around 12. Later when I ended up doing business in Israel and eventually meeting and marrying my wife here, even if we then moved to London, Israel quickly felt more like my home and my place than London where I had lived since I was 18 months old.

You can say I was manipulated to believe this but I can't give you a strong rational reason why, despite being functionally illiterate, this place felt like home and feels more like home and definitely feels like a better place to raise Jewish kids.

The best reasoned explanation I have is the Indigenous identity one and the best short explanation is the one my friend Ryan Bellerose wrote.

This may be because Judaism isn't within you and, possibly, because even though I'm sure you're capable of believing you understand the influence of faith on others who have it, I doubt you can fully understand it.

I never claimed to understand, or even believed I was capable I understood.
(good to see that you're maintaining that 'non condescending approach' though...lol)

I never brought religion into this for one moment.
I was extolling a theory base d on logic and historical happenings.

You can say I was manipulated to believe this but I can't give you a strong rational reason why, despite being functionally illiterate, this place felt like home and feels more like home and definitely feels like a better place to raise Jewish kids.

I understand how you can feel it, and it's can be very real - but that has nothing t do with my theory, except to possibly illustrate the manipulation working if my theory was correct. I'm dealing in rationality.

I'm not from Ireland - I'm a Brit - but I feel more 'spiritually at home' over there, than I've ever done in the UK - so I do understand the emotional feelings you describe - and the reality of it.
That doesn't make it relevant to my theory, as such.

(You do love a story, don't ya? lol)

The best reasoned explanation I have is the Indigenous identity one and the best short explanation is the one my friend Ryan Bellerose wrote.

Any argument based on ownership without property rights are empty from the off... (I'm not discounting your feelings about the country, btw, I understand) ..

.... from a purely philosophical logical reality ....
....there are _no_indigenous rights, just as there are no human rights... there are only property rights.

.... from a purely philosophical logical reality ....
....there are _no_indigenous rights, just as there are no human rights... there are only property rights.

What's the oldest reported purchase of land in human history?

What's the oldest reported purchase of land in human history?

Property rights start with person owning themselves, and works out from there. (then they own their labor and so forth..)

What's the oldest reported purchase of land in human history?

Not relevant to the philosophical question of property rights but...
The Sumerians - as far as I'm aware.
The priests were the landowners predominantly.
4,000 -3000 BC
(a long while before the arrival of the Jewish contingent in that area.)

I presume you asked it knowing thinking the answer would be 'a Jewish one'...?

I would be interested to be proved wrong but I’ve not been able to find this myself or by asking knowledgable people however the oldest properly documented actual record of a sale of property including details of negotiations and prices is the purchase of a cave in Hebron by Abraham for the burial of his wife.

Please find me an earlier detailed record of sale (not just statement that people owned land) because I too have trouble believing this is the first.

Certainly, for Jews, the story of coming out of slavery in Egypt is a huge part of our identity as moving from slavery to freedom. I also believe this concept came out of Judaism and into the west via Christianity.

...you don't need a record of sale to own property. lol

Do you have a record of sale to prove you own yourself?

You misunderstand the l concept of property, if so..

Any argument based on ownership without property rights are empty from the off... (I'm not discounting your feelings about the country, btw, I understand) ..

.... from a purely philosophical logical reality ....
....there are _no_indigenous rights, just as there are no human rights... there are only property rights.

What is the world’s earliest recorded land transaction?

Pretty dark ending. You may need prayer bro.

Just sayin'...

I'm not going to contest any of the logic, as generally it follows history, and that's close enough. You many have noted from my own interactions on your blog lately that I propose an alternative ending, though sadly, mine may even be darker.

Maybe prayer isn't enough for me. Should call an exorcist you think?


I propose an alternative ending, though sadly, mine may even be darker.

....bloody hell!!!! lol

This wasn't my idea for bright Thursday morning start, but hey...it happens.

I have no idea - just throwing the shit out there, in relation to historical facts.

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