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RE: A VERY dark theory about Israel...Are useful idiots helping in the final solution?

in #blog6 years ago

Civilian casualties in concentrated areas are higher than in spread out ares..
I never mentioned the military once....

...if you disagree with that theory fine.

..but I find it difficult to imagine that you can give me any example to the contrary of that theory - where sparse population zones will receive more casualties than densely populated zones..
See what I mean?
...this post has nothing to do with military deployment.


Casualties from what? I’m not understanding how there are any casualties without war.
In Australia at least motor vehicle casualties are much higher in rural areas that the cities.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Suicide rates too. Much higher in isolated areas.

Posted using Partiko iOS

....why are you diverting away from the point of my post?

I’m not diverting at all. You say the “how” doesn’t matter, but it does!

You make a fundamental incorrect assumption that concentration increases casualties.
It might seem reasonable on first blush, but on detailed examination of possible “hows” it proves the opposite.

The dangers of concentration is the lynchpin of your argument. If it’s wrong, everything else falls apart.

Posted using Partiko iOS

no in the slightest - biological warfare work better- where there are people.
Nuclear explosion kill more people -where there are people
Regular bombing kill more people -where there are people.

Are you missing something?

Health outcomes and fatalities are also much worse in low density rural area.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Biological warfare. (for example?)
You are delineating 'war' into something.
Something that was never brought up - except to say that the how is irrelevant.
As I said originally in my post - the how doesn't matter..

I was talking about a theory ( using logic and historical facts) to build a theory...

I don't think you are trying to move away from the point of the post - but if you are, why?

Lets keep it on topic, eh?

Casualties from what? I’m not understanding how there are any casualties without war.

(you need to study some history then, matey!)

No war in communist Russia after the civil war - but how many million casualties there (40 million).

You don't need a 'war' to have casualties.

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