4 strikes and I'm out....There are no coincidences.

in #blog5 years ago

snap (5).jpg

4 times now, I've been in confrontation with TPTB here. (over the 2 years).

And 3 times I've I had my bank accounts 'messed with' -all within a few days of the said exchange.
It's now it's just happened again.

Do you believe in coincidences?
Yeah, me neither.

Steemians be afraid... be very fucking afraid.

To all the the useful idiots, think of this (you can do 'thinking' - if you try really, really hard)

George Carlin "There's a club, and you ain't in it"

Goodbye for now, and maybe forever.


Does this mean you won't be telling us your big surprise? - @openparadigm

OMG - you still don't see it now with whats happening - after all my time away ? ffs - lololol

....ever thought of enrolling in pre school , for some higher education? my god...I despair

been 29 days, we are still awaiting the big reveal with baited breath!

....is that all?
Seems ages ago.
I've been very busy since ditching this place for hours on end.

Still haven't worked it out?


What would you say if a communist (or some version of a leftist postmodernist school of thought) financially supported you?
What would you do if you financially supported them? (by giving upvotes etc.)

Would you assume it's a benevolent action, or would you be cynical (knowing how left strategy and operations operate?)

'Benevolent' assumptions, would just make you naive and a useful idiot. (imo).

So, all that being said (with yet more carrots in here than your average vegetable patch), and that my assessment was accurate, based on numbers on the block chain - what would you do about it re @informationwar?


Anyone who is "financially supporting us" is a misnomer, we are all volunteers. We pool together Steempower to vote on stuff related to Informationwar.

Creating a library of Alexandria doesn't seem to be your cup of tea, that's what I am doing and it IS being accomplished.

Am I being fooled? Who is fooling me, will you out them? I will answer that for you, no, you won't tag someone and out them because you just want to keep writing nonsense sentences to me.

And for what its worth, I do quite enjoy your humor and your writing.


4 times now, I've been in confrontation with TPTB here

tptb... what does that mean

tptb = the powers that be...you know what I mean

Are you saying that you fight with someone here and then something happens at your bank?

Yup. 4 x now.

you are nuts.. GFU go AWAY

No good at all, bye for now.

Posted using Partiko Android

Come on crypto adoption!

I need to be able to buy food for cryptos.
Just a little bit more crypto.
We can do it.

Goodbye for now, and maybe forever.

Hey brother...ya gotta do what'cha gotta do...to protect yourself (mind and body wise)
Coincidence? NO... Synchronicity? Yes.

.....agreed - synchronicity.

hahaha thanks needed the laugh.

look in a mirror

lol thanks again


mentally ill people often have delusions of reference. You had problems with your bank after a dispute on steemit, so of course they are both related. It's not just shitty banks, which all of us deal with, oh no it's the illuminati/lizards/satanic banking cabal that is using it's trillion dollar holdings just to low key fuck with you.
I've been waiting like 5 weeks for a check to clear myself, must be george soros, WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE????

19 years of business, maths, probability, and mental delusion, are not the same . you dick.

you are nuts.. that's why you are paranoid schizophrenic and blame Israel. Cased solved.. get drugs. Your life is shit.

....measure of sub 90 IQ - bring Israel into it!!


How's the 'tying shoe laces', coming long?

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