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RE: 4 strikes and I'm out....There are no coincidences.

in #blog5 years ago

mentally ill people often have delusions of reference. You had problems with your bank after a dispute on steemit, so of course they are both related. It's not just shitty banks, which all of us deal with, oh no it's the illuminati/lizards/satanic banking cabal that is using it's trillion dollar holdings just to low key fuck with you.
I've been waiting like 5 weeks for a check to clear myself, must be george soros, WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE????


19 years of business, maths, probability, and mental delusion, are not the same . you dick.

you are nuts.. that's why you are paranoid schizophrenic and blame Israel. Cased solved.. get drugs. Your life is shit.

....measure of sub 90 IQ - bring Israel into it!!


How's the 'tying shoe laces', coming long?

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