Give ‘em What They Want - Cats

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


This is Sylvester, he’s a cat. I would say he’s my cat but honestly he just showed up 10 years ago and I fed him, and now he owns the porch.


Taking photos of him is difficult (especially in full manual) as I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m trying to steal his soul.. black cats are weird right? But other than that, he’s a pretty cool cat... and love those eyes 😍 Even though I’m more of a dog person.


Cats are interesting creatures don’t you think?

They seem to be one of the most popular topics on the internet too, so I’m pretty sure that means they are either cool.. or they are running some sort of secret human controlling program that we don’t know about. 🤔 Which would sort of prove they are cool, as they have fooled the whole human race and how many other animals can take credit for that? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Do you have any cats?

Or have you evaded their control somehow? Let’s see ‘em!


The cat is a real cat and I took the photos with my camera



I'm a cat person. Although right now I have no pets as I'm living in my bus.. black cats are my favorite because they are usually very affectionate.. !tip


Sparkles - Proud as punch

Is the tongue thing a trend I did not know of? :)

Ok, your comments are my new favorite thing on Steem (what’s in your pockets won me over and this one is a close second). I’m just going to check your comments when I’m in need of a good giggle from now on.. you remind me of someone too 🤔

Somehow Sparkles still looks totally adorable even in such a sticky situation 😂 that face lol

okay, first things first - cats rule the world, and secondly, this is not a shit post!!

Cats are my favourite in the whole weird and i love their weird personalities so much. I have literally written loads of posts about my cats lol.

My favouritecat post I've done was about my work cat BooBoo. Poor BooBoo got really sick and we had to put him down in December, but he lived the life, from street cat to antique shop cat...

Here's a quote from my post about precious BooBoo

BooBoo has literally grabbed life with two hands (paws?) and embraced it in full. He went from a starving alley cat to a full blown Paris Hilton kitty. He went from eating scraps to Fancy Feast on the daily. Where he used to sleep in a ditch, he now sleeps in a sheepskin blanket.

and if you wanted to read more, it's here, but it's really old, so don't vote!

Oh, and my favourite cat GIF of all time:

Haha! I am realizing they really do rule the world.. we are all (even me who claims to not be a cat person) under their power.

It’s true, I need to not use that tag I guess.. I mean it more in the “just for fun” way but it can be deceiving.

I’ll have to check out the post, BooBoo sounds like he had quite the life ❤️ Sylvester also started as a starving stray and now he is king of the porch haha. Thank you for sharing your story and that gif is perfection!

immediately turns into a cat person

you see! You're under their controlz!

Hahaha I like this one.

You are definitely under their power. The nr one symptom of being controlled by cats is thinking that you are not a cat person 🤪

I totally got that it was a just for fun post, but I think it's a bit derogatory to yourself as these fun posts are great. We can't be serious ALL the time.

Yeah, Booboo had le life. Glad I could have given him a year of total love and spoilt rotteness!

Since you're giving us what we want. Can we get some woodland creatures next time? Like squirrels or beavers? Its a very handsome cat.

Haha! I’m trying to cover popular topics..have fun with me bflanagin 😜

hmmm woodland creatures may be tough.. I’m not a good enough photographer to capture them in the wild 🤔 I will see what I can do!

Sure, I'm always game for a theme. :)

OOH, Squirrel!

Yes, I think, that they are somehow controlling us, but we do not notice it. They look on us by their suspicious eyes. My friend has a cat. She is madly aggressive, but in my friend too, the nature is not sugar. And whether, is this cat similar to its proprietress or is this proprietress similar to a cat.🐈

There seems to have been cats around for my entire adult life, and we seem to end up with a happy co-existence. Ours are a lot tamer than just "a cat on the porch," mind you... they pretty much "own" us. Including "Shadow," who is watching, as I type this. I think he senses I am up to something... better go!

(That's also a real cat, and a real photo by me...)


I love dogs - especially smart, loyal dogs - and hamsters - they are so cute, if not too bright.

I guess that means I am uneasy around cats. Although I occasionally meet cool cats (and I never refrain from gently stroking between the ears any cat that approaches me) I can't say I like cats. Even the general people obsession with cats makes me unease.

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We do love kitties, thanks.

They are pretty adorable, even I cannot deny that. They quite a presence about them too, it’s rather intriguing.

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