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RE: Is the New World Order Already Here? Exposing the Shadow Government Within Us All

in #blog7 years ago

Very cool. You may be on to something with this. Maybe the NWO does not exists in form but perhaps it represents something within us, like an archetype? Perhaps it describes not a group per se but a mechanism or system that that runs behind the scenes. Like a corporation that, though made up of people who love the environment, pollutes the environment because as a rule it must follow the path that leads to the most profit. In that way, maybe the NWO is not a group, but rather a mindset that simply needs to be shifted as you suggest?
Great article. I'll have to keep thinking about this.


That's definitely something to think about, and interesting, the idea of an archetype. I do believe there is lots of evidence of a behind-the-scenes corporation of sorts, the names we never hear, and I can guess that their empire is always on the brink of crumbling, so this whole NWO thing has been a bluff as they maintain that hidden status a bit longer.
Thanks for the thought-provoking comment, I'll have to think on the archetype idea some more, this was such a complex topic to try to sum up in a post, I developed more questions as I went along, instead of answering many!

I developed more questions as I went along, instead of answering many!

Aha! That explains why the article seemed to shift directions about 3/4 way through. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it though. Good stuff!

I think that's it, that's where I started to ask questions in the text. Nobody was supposed to notice it though. Thanks for reading!

Ideas are like that aren't they. Like a spark igniting a fire. They keep growing and growing.

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