Adventures with Linux Distros

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


I've been away for a few days, more than originally planned. I took some days off after start to write a proposal for decentralized voting influence like is done in regular social networking. I just didn't feel like writing it. After two days I decided to use my brand new 275 GB SSD drive purchased in November. I decided it was finally time to install more operating systems and go back to dual boot or triple boot operating systems as I've done before.

I looked at the rankings. I had been using Linux Mint in VMs, but I saw some new distros that looked nice. I wanted a good looking KDE frontend.

Manjaro was my first choice. But I would get permanent freezing issues during the installation. I managed to get through the live install but with issues in the OS once loaded with freezing still occurring. A reboot is always required. sha1 checksum is good, no issues there. Even tried an old DVD write in case it was a USB issue, but not that either.

So since that wasn't working well, I wen't to try others, like openSUSE. openSUSE installs but then with freezing issues. All the VMs of these and other distros ran fine, but not once installed on the real hardware. The video was having issues and freezing, as ctrl+alt+f2/f4 would work to bring me out of xwindows.

I ended up installing Sabayon, which I have used 5+ years ago. Well, it worked without any freezing issues. I kept it and tried the other two again, Majaro and openSUSE. I tried different nvidia drivers, different kernels, but I couldn't find the issue.

I spent days reinstalling OSs and trying things out, but in the end I'm using the same Linux distro I previously used years ago in dual booting: Sabayon. I still have Manjaro installed if I want to try to figure out the issue, but for now Sabayon will do.


At some point I'll write up my proposal for decentralized voting based on activity metrics. Not my original global delegation based on activity idea, but a better one from comment inputs in previous posts about this issue.

Just letting people know what's up with me in case anyone wanted to know, hehe. See you later ;)

Thank you for your time and attention! Take care. Peace.

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2017-03-14, 1:43pm


Issues like this are why I have stuck with Mint KDE. I run Arch on VMs for all my servers and love it, but for my desktop, nothing runs as well as Mint for me. I don't bother chasing down problems much these days, it's just nuke and pave for me, but I havn't had to do that at all in the last three years.

I have always thought about trying Sabayon, though. I may throw it in a VM for a test drive, since you seem to have had such good luck with it.

Linux Mint Cinnamon for myself. I started my linux experience being a distro hopping maniac. Now I am always using LTS versions for the long term stability.

Yeah, it's good. Used to use it with compiz fusion. I have mic issues though, with Blue Snowball. So might have to switch again lol.

I haven't had any luck with compiz in years. It hates me, I'm sure of it. Not sure what I did. Stock KDE is good enough for me now, though. Well, not just good enough, it's the perfect work flow for me.

Since you are back and the topic is about Linux distros I got a question I wanted to ask :)
I want to use a desktop distro for my laptop but I am not sure which one is a good choice, I mainly watch movies with my laptop , which one do you think I should install on my laptop? will ubuntu do the job?

Sure, use Ubuntu or Linux Mint Cinnamon version is popular.

I have Linux Mint 17 on one computer that I've used for over a year. It freezes up on occasion. Not sure why, but it may have to do with the processor only being 1.8 ghz. My new desktop, which I bought to work as a Steemit server one day, has Ubuntu 16.04 desktop and server installed on it. I like them both, but will probably focus more on Ubuntu for now.

Years ago I tried lots of distro, the best was Debian in my opinion - now things might have changed.
Gentoo was also very good for nerds. You had to compile literally everything, but it wasn't so difficult because documentation was very good.

Yeah, Sabayon is better than just gentoo for ease of use, there is the Entropy package manager, and portage, and equo, but sometimes you need to compile from source, like I'm trying to do with notepadqq and having issues lol.

And why is debian 3 dvds? I was goign to try but then I was like wth... lol Didn't feel like DLing all that..

Interesting Sabayon!

Debian wasn't 3 dvd in the past. However I see there's still a small net installer:
I think you can still customize your installation from minimal to full.

I prefer Debian to most of Linux distro based on Debian (like Ubuntu).

Ah! Thanks, trying it on the VM now. I see they download the desktop environment later in the netinstall, nice.

I am running opensuse for 12 years now, only some sound problems from time to time, no other problems. But now my version 13.1 witch was a long time support was finished in November last year and I had no updates since then, so I have to bite in the apple and install a newer version soon, but I do not want to update, its always a little bit tricky to get everything running again, so I wait till youtube is not running and then I have to do it.

Welcome back krnel :) I hope your time off was good to you, we are a day away from the hard fork by the way and whales are running experiments and "not" voting so make sure to spread some cents around :)

Also two things did give me a good impression today:

  • Wolves benefit entire ecosystems
  • People are concerned with ethics, at least a small amount and on other blockchains :D

I can link you if you are interested.

I'm glad your back and I haven't a clue about your article.😏

Glad to see you're back, and to clue you in, the experiment with the whales not voting and @smooth calculating each and every individual downvote to counter the large stakeholder votes is a success. The power is in the hands of the minnows and I just proved it to myself two times in less than two minutes!
First I upped a post at $1.64 and 76 votes to $1.65 and 77 votes and yours went up by a whole 10 cents! It was sitting at 239 votes and $17.29 and now it's at 240 and $17.39 ! I cannot wait for the HF to happen so we can see what will transpire with a flatter reward curve!

There is no reward curve change.

Getting whales to not upvote is not a real solution. Whales shouldn't be moderators with the power to flag like they do. Decentralized power is still required.

I thought/was under the impression that one of the proposed changes in HF17 was a flattening of the reward curve.

Was supposed to be, but not anymore, read the steemitblog post a few days ago (I think it was that one), it mentions not right now heh.

Next hardfork scheduled for: Tue, 21 Mar 2017 15:00:00 UTC (in 4 days, 6 hours) -- releases quoting steemd

good to see you back. I was worried that the whale wars had sunk you

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