Trump, Blockchains, And a Merry Dose of Lunar New Year

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

This year is a rather different Lunar New Year for me. Myred packet conquest is still going strong as I remained single in my community lol. It's just a cultural thing here for married couples to give out (fiat) money-filled envelopes for the unmarried ones! More and more friends are getting married this year.. so that's to my benefit!

But jokes aside, that's not really what's different about this year's festivity.

To my surprise, Donald Trump and blockchains dominated the roundtable chit-chat this year. It seems that a couple of my uncles have recently received Cryptocurrency Enlightenment, and even gave some capital for their children to study, learn, and invest in the game themselves.

Being professionals in the AI and animation industries, my uncles (all brothers) said that it's like being in a different state of mind once they've understood the power of blockchains. They've even remarked about taking a small hit in their professional lives for sounding "crazy" around their colleagues. I'll take credit for that - thanks to my year-long yapping about cryptos on Facebook lol.

Some feedback about STEEM - they'd generally have better confidence on this blockchain once enough good contents are amassed and search functionalities made usable and advanced. Other than that, generally they're into ETH, BURST, BTC, and ZCASH.

I was making a joke about TRUMPCOIN at one point of the group conversation, only to find out that it's a real thing (silly me). Then we went on talking about fake news, Donald Trump, memes, and the post-truth era. My journalist cousin who has worked with various mainstream news outlets managed to give some insights, sparking another motherload of debates. Here's the gist of it:-

  • CNN's Asian regional office in Hong Kong is experiencing a really turbulent year with Trump causing headaches for executives and reporters. Plus, 2016 experienced an increase of "fake news" flooding in just about all kinds of media on the Internet.

  • Trump seems to be delivering on his "promises".

  • Journalists on the ground are also opinionated folks and highly likely to have some bias. In any case, even if journalists just report the facts, the end of the funnel before publication is always a lead editor (this is where corporate agenda gets injected, for better or worse).

  • He also has worked with alternative news media, and remarked that it's the same thing as well. Anything that doesn't fit the narrative of alternative media doesn't get out of the door. Personally, I can vouch for this claim, after having attempted to correct a friend who's reporting for alternative media. Have you seen any news platforms publishing stuff that doesn't seem to fit their theme? It's quite miraculous not to have any of their own blemishes published. Neutrality?

  • Nobody really gives a damn about the truth. Most people only want to hear what they want to hear, and news media outlets, mainstream or not, are made only to fit the preferred narratives of their respective consumers. My cousin went to on defend that most professional journalists (that he knows) always do their best at their job (like anyone else). Even if actual facts are presented, there are bound to be naysayers, sometimes even overriding fact-driven neutral pieces, especially if there's a swing in public sentiment (and it always happens).

  • It's not so much that news media outlets and journalism are the only ones tainting the information pool. Consumers also play a role in shaping news as it is today. If the game needs any reinvention, it would be to use an entirely new platform in which media outlets, journalists, or just about anyone with an audience, have some kind of community-driven reputation system that tries to keep individuals accountable. As for sources, unless if one is capable of getting their hands dirty obtaining information on-site by their own, one still needs to rely on what are considered dependable sources.

  • For those who really want neutrality and facts, forget about narratives and finger-pointing - it's just going to sway or reinforce certain ideas and stories. The world is too messy for any sustained control. Alternative media, mainstream media - they are pretty much the same, and both need to keep satisfying their own audiences to keep the bills paid. He goes on to say that if the people have started to realise that left and right wings come from the same bird, why not see the same for mainstream and alt media? If an individual or group has been spreading false accusations, unknowingly or not, should take a dip in reputation.

  • Neutral media is one that should also allow contrarian views (as opposed to filtering information that doesn't fit some certain theme / agenda). "Journalists" would also need to be responsible by clearly stating and separating facts / opinions. It would also work better if there are no customers / viewers to please.

So yup, that's pretty much it on the first day of Lunar New Year 2017, other than lots of drinks and food! (I'm a little tipsy right now)

Images taken in a friend's basement bar when I had the chance!


Happy New Year.
I can say from my own experience at working in the newspaper business - it's all biased. No one just reports the facts anymore. And depending on where you live or who your corporate overlords are, the voice & opinion swings for the majority stake holders...which is why I have been totally fine with giving myself a news/TV blackout. My new clips come from Steemit and Twitter now.

I guess we can wish you a happy new year then ^^

It is very hard today to find objective information. Everything is always made a bit more beautiful or terrible and it is hard to find out what is really going on. Do you know any platform where contrarian views are equally attached to any news?

PS: I fell from my chair when you mentioned the trumpcoin stuff...

Theres a debate website on almost all issues.. forgot whats the name. Need to search it out again. But generally there isnt a platform like that. My cousin's sentiment: the whole pratice is now a clusterf*** lol

There is a trumpcoin.. and you can buy it. Not sure whats the use tho :p

I would be scared finishing supporting something going against my principles :)

Happy New Year. That's great info from your family!

I think this is one of the first times we're talking about something quite "global" !

This begs the question, who in the Shinra corporation is Donald Trump, and where in the US is Midgar?

Also is materia real?

Is sepiroth part of shinra? Damn, i forgot my ff7 stuff lol.

Materia is most definitely real. You can buy the basic ones for 150 gils ..

Sephiroth was a shinra soldier at one point in time IIRC, lol. Haven't played that game since I was a kid. I heard they are remaking it.... Might have to give it a go for nostalgia.

I actually finished ff7 all in japanese as a clueless kid, before i played the english version about a year later. Yes - let's hope it's not gonna take 15 years like ff13-vs.. definitely gonna get the remake.

Another one i wish they'd remake is Xenogears.

Xenogears is one of the best games I've ever played. The combination of traditional and mech battles was really cool.

One of the most underrated games ever.. for me it was about the story.. it's just so over the top and different from anything I've experienced. I'm actually surprised that I found somebody else who'd played this. Squaresoft actually cut the game development's budget which is why the final disc was kinda rush-y, and the 3dgraphics engine totally sucked.

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