@globalschool Report - Day 6 Welcoming Monday

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Yesterday was a hard day, not only for the steem blockchain but for all of us as the second week was starting and a new group learning IT was joining our graphic designers and media students. That is raising our group to 18 students.

To start the day, we made a little meeting with our graphic designers and media group in order to plan well the day and be sure everyone is on track. As it is the second week, everyone is more tired and it is harder for everybody. However after the briefing, I started to welcome the new group. The IT students are much more reserved and less confident with english, hopefully we have a good alchemy with the media and graphic designer group who is supporting the mentor pool by translating whenever is needed. It is really a pleasure to see the responsabilities taken over.

While making the individual interviews the new group has been divided to join the other groups to cooperate on their tasks. This allowed the new comer to start to connect with the other students from other sectors and fortunately the same country and speaking the same langage than them.

In the afternoon, we arrived as planned at @Travelshack to get inspired by the place and start experimenting with 3d modeling.

As the IT students did not get a computer from their school, I decided to dvide the group in 6 groups, 2 students present on last week + 1 IT student. The first mission consisted for the Media and Designers students to explain the new comer in their respective group what is the #blockchain, what is #steem and support them to go through the same process they have been doing at their arrival: creating a visual and an #introduceyourself post you will discover in the next days. The goal was for the Media and Designer to see if they can transfert what they have learned and experienced last week and for the new comer to show their creativity and expose their art background as they are also coming from an #art school, it is also allowing us to evaluate their understanding and way to synthesise information.

It can be a real challenge to work in different place and it hasn't been easy for everyone. However we achieved a lot and find ways to motivate everyone.

After the first hour, we started to get to know more about the 3d editor of @globalschool (working title mapchanger), I invited the students to join me one by one to show them the basics about our software and ask them to get a try and as soon they are feeling confident start to modelize an object they would find in the place. As most of the students will not work on the 3d models, I gave them a lot of tasks to achieve this week, from the corporate ideentity of the @com-lab, @blocktv to the nomadic agency, and asked our media team to manage the production of the branding as well as for the commercial of the nomadic agency and a video loop for blocktv introduction.

Before to go, the IT students has been updated on how to find info about steemjs and @utopian-io as we would like them to start using both in the next days.

We stopped around 16h and I invited them to only join us at 13h on Tuesday so they'll be able totake the time in the morning to finish their drafts and sketches of the various requirements we gave them.

Previews of the 3d model generation of @travelshack

More to come!

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All the pictures of this article have been made by @manncpt.



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