Corvette Days are gone, but not forgotten for me due to divorce - crypto was one of my ideas to help rescue my financial demisesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog6 years ago

Many people are busy worrying about the crypto crash, including this platform. All I can hope for is optimism. I've been waiting rather patiently for my own financial recovery to occur since my divorce. I've built a mining rig, which was done entirely too late in the game to get a return on my investment and have sunk all of that crypto mined and some cash into this platform and now see it sinking too. I can only hope for wonderful things to happen such as me finding more income, or even a passive income that help me avoid bankruptcy.

That being said, this was me in better financial days when I was making good money and had lots of toys and owned a house.

Back about 10 years ago, I did the pilgrimage that many Corvette people take out to the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Perhaps people that are not car enthusiasts do not realize that the Corvette community can be a real sub-group of society itself, much like any other "club", I suppose. There are "clicks" and people who are often a minimum age of 55 who have finally reached the age of their children being grown and having disposable income.

This doesn't always make for a good mix for a "thirtysomething" year old to join in the mix. It wasn't just me. People tend to get ignored, even shunned to a degree and there are some nice people who will talk to you briefly until their old buddies come around. Every once in awhile, you get to meet a needle in a haystack of someone who is nice. They are generally older than you and don't have much in common, other than the car hobby itself.

I went to the National Corvette Museum (NCM) and the GM Chevrolet Corvette Factory, which is basically right across the street, about 5 times through the years for national club meets and events. The preferred way to attend and be a VIP is to have your Corvette with you.

I did the drive from Philadelphia, across PA, down into MD for a hot second, then crossed into WV and then over into Kentucky. The straight through drive at just above the speed limit takes about 12+ hours. Most times, I would stop in WV overnight, so I could get up early and finish the drive, arriving around noon fresh and awake. Bowling Green, KY is just over the Central/Eastern time zone line, so I would get an hour back actually going out there.
The NCM has had a significant facelift and addition put on since I was last there. This is one of my ex-cars in front of the home base of Corvette owners.
Of course, I would go on to see tours of the factory and cars being built and being given birth. I probably could write a whole story on that too. It was amazing to see and hear a car get assembled from start to finish and be the one to turn the key to start it for the first time (which they let you do).
Of course there were vendors there and I got to put my car up on the dyno (for a fee) to get a nice graph of how my performance is actually tuned.
I also got to meet the Chief Engineer of Corvette (at the time), David Hill many times. As I said, in another post, I will talk more about those stories and perhaps reference this post. Here I am pictured with my ex-wife and Dave, who also signed my car which is right behind her under the hood.
In later years, I would return alone. I was heavier in weight and with a brand new 2006 Corvette.
It was a fun car indeed.

Divorce has taken these cars from me. It has taken my house, reduced my income for support costs that are absolutely insane. I am to the point of bankruptcy in a six figure IT job. I live in a rented condo and have over $120K in credit card and personal loan debt. I don't have enough money to pay the creditors even if I lived off eating cat food, so I live a below moderate lifestyle. I've been relying on my tech savvy and my MBA knowledge to find me things like crypto mining or other intelligent passive income to help bail me out. I have yet to find it. If STEEM made a miraculous recovery, it would become a huge asset to me. Instead, I am at a loss; and I have only been here a few months.

I know so many people say to HODL, but when is it time to go look for something else? Or where is hidden city in here that can help me? How do you find the whales that might throw you an upvote that could change your entire week? I'd like to get back to being the guy shown above with the nice toys and actually own a property again. I had my house paid in full (valued at $280K) and lost the whole thing in the divorce. It's been a few years since the divorce was final and with every year, I am just getting deeper into debt, to the point where I've stopped paying my credit card bills. They've basically all cancelled me. Any advice is welcome.


So sad to lose your beautiful Vette...I'm never getting married...

Marriage can be a great thing. Divorce is a terrible thing. If you make more money than your spouse and you are a man and you have kids, it is the perfect storm. I see so many people that get divorced and somehow get away with never going to family court and pay some silly amount like $50 a week to their ex for support. Those of us who end up in court end up paying more than half of their salary and all medical expenses and have to come to some sort of equitable distribution of property. I don't really understand how equitable it is lose your entire property, 55% of your assets and half to pay support that is around 52% of your income.

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Please, upvote it! I’ve upvoted yours in advance.

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Your post had been curated by the @buildawhale team and mentioned here:

Keep up the good work and original content, everyone appreciates it! I wish you the best of luck. Keep at it and you will find an exit. I think it will work it self out but I truly do not think you should try moving your steem into another platform. Wait until it climbs again. This is the lowest point in a while, bad time to trade it.

Thanks for your support and featuring me. I will check out the post right now. I sincerely appreciate it.

Sorry to read about your hardships. People need to stop looking at bankruptcy as taking a negative action and keep in mind there are different degrees of bankruptcy. Talking to the people that handle such things and going over what type of bankruptcy best suits you might be a good idea in your case, even if you don't go through with it. I would declare bankruptcy in a heart-beat if I knew it got me out of paying debt I was struggling to pay. I would also make sure I had nothing in my name I wanted to keep a good year before I declare.

As for if Steem / the crypto market will recover or not that is anyone's guess. Personally I think it will tank more before it does before an eventual recovery, giving us late bloomers to crypto a chance to catch the crypto wave one last time. But that could be hopeful thinking on my part.

All the best with getting back to the top.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Admittedly, I have spoken with at least 2 bankruptcy lawyers already. One on the phone and the other in person. I am really wanting to be in a position to be able to buy a house down the road again and it looks like the type of bankruptcy I need would damage me pretty badly from a credit perspective since I don't really have the ability to pay very much of the debt back quickly, even if it is for a reduced amount. The aftermath is really what I am concerned about, but of course, it is a no win situation because my credit is trash right now anyway because my debt to credit ratio is immense and I have all sorts of black marks against me now due to non-payment.

I had really hoped that crypto could've saved me but I found it too late. I had the means years ago but even being an IT person, I hadn't heard of people mining coins. I could've easily jumped on that bandwagon when it was still profitable. I even had more liquid assets then and could've obtained some pricey mining equipment.

Now my rig is something that is a bit of a laugh. It cost me nearly $2500 to build early this year and it makes about $20 a week mining ETH if I am lucky right now. At least when I started, it was still in the $40 to $45 output range. I thought I could at least reach a break even point within a few years. It seems the useful life of that rig will exceed ever breaking even when you factor in electrical costs too. I am just looking for the next big thing to do, with very little capital before I have to declare and then can't participate in anything because all of my spending will get watched like a hawk during the repayment process of the bankruptcy. Ugh.

They won't be able to watch your crypto spending so that is something to keep in mind. If possible you could get a house and then declare bankruptcy. I know a couple that done that. They were only a year or two into paying their mortgage and they were able to both keep their house and get debt reduced.Also I am not sure if its an option where you are at but have you thought about a Rent/Lease To Own house from the owners. You likely won't get one in the exact area you want but its a start and it will save you a ton. Loans from banks come with interest but Renting to own allows you to only pay what the owners want for the house. It's what I did and I bet I saved a good $30,000 - 40,000.

I think crypto is still the next big thing although the window is closing. I know money can be made with advertising for new crypto start ups through Facebook / Twitter and on blog sites like Steemit. Are you interested in doing that if so I can point you in the right direction. Be warned sometimes these start ups don't pay up and other times what you get paid ends up being peanuts but then there are other times that you will make bank. For example I created 20 - 30 memes and 3 - 5 articles for a new crypto start up and when it launched I got paid about $500 worth of their coin. Sadly I didn't sell and those same coins are only worth $50 today. But as I said sometimes they don't pay up and other times you can write a bunch of articles and only make $25 and usually you have to wait for the coin to launch before getting paid.

My debt and credit rating is already too trashed to even get a mortgage at this point. I am sitting in the 450 to 470 area, maybe worse for a credit score. And yes, I know they wouldn't be able count my crypto which I why I thought it could be a good passive income, even I wasn't so passive about it and worked for it. It would end up producing some dollars I could use to build wealth and reduce debt.

I am willing to work to do things, especially online work as you graciously offered to point me in the right direction. If you'd like me to reach on a discord channel, please let me know where best to find you. I am an IT professional with over 25 years experience and another 10 years of hobby experience. I have an MBA and a Computer Science degree. I can do things. I am even willing to try to do things that may amount to nothing as long as they work out more often than not. Thanks again for your persistent replies.

I will just place the link here for you. The below link will take you to a crypto forum where lots of " bounty's " are posted. To give you an idea on what to expect .. I participated in about 10 and got paid for about half of them. Be sure to read the rules of each one. The amounts I earned ranged from $0 to $1250. The $1250 is out of sure luck as the coin I got paid in got pumped and I dumped at the right time. If I still had those coins today they would be worth less then $40.

These bounty require you to do things like post daily / weekly on facebook / twitter. Write articles about the crypto on your blog sites like Steemit. Some may want you to create memes. Articles / blog post are usually judged on a sliding scale and payments are usually based on quality of your write up by the person over seeing the bounty.

Ok, I appreciate the guidance. Every little tip helps. I have gone from paying my bills in full every month and still having money left over to being unable to pay my bills and losing 75%+ of my possessions along with a constant high flow siphon on my paycheck for the next 5 years.

I need to hit the lottery or find someone who will pay off my debt and let me pay them slowly back and that doesn't exist when your credit is bad. I always excellent or 700+ level credit scores. I am not used to this. I have been scrounging for money for about 3 years now. To put it bluntly, the name @rentmoney is actually something I should've thought up. :) I appreciate the guidance sincerely. Let me know if I can ever return a favor somehow.

We all hit hard times and winning the lotto sure does sound nice. Good luck with the bounty blogs if you choose to do them. If you have anymore questions about them I will do my best to answer them but I am no expert in them as I previously mentioned I did less then a dozen of them.

Ok, thanks once more. I'm keeping my eyes open for opportunities.

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ooh i love Corvette any day

Yes I sure do miss my cars....

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