Peak Insanity- I should Throw in The Towel

in #blog6 years ago

Everyday with every story it's just MORE PEAK INSANITY.

With the Never Ending MIND CONTROL & PSY-OPS, The stories the Illuminati Shitinami (Rhyming anyone) put out would have to get more Degenerate Everyday inorder to SHOCK us....

BUT at the same time, as society as a whole gets more DEGENERATE & people go off the rails & loose their minds, the stories WOULD also get more INSANE.

Is that an INSANITY FEEDBACK LOOP? (Negative feedback loop) Order out of Chaos. Let the Slaves all go Crazy & then make it easier for them to STAMP that Jackboot on the face of humanity or microchip & transhumanize us all with robots.


This story here- which at this point, I am not even going to BOTHER to double check or fact check.


story here-

I think I'll just post a few more photo-essays after this one & then try to quit steemit altogether- FOR THE SUMMER at least.

Bye Everyone. Stay SANE! Have A Nice Summer. With The Deutsche bank bowing up, the Italian Market Collapsing, The Migrant VS Homeland People Invasion War in Euro & the recent Burning Down of 7 MIGRANT Centers in Scandinavia, the Volcanoes Erupting, The Earthquakes a Rumbling, ALL THOSE NEW WAVE ENERGIES BOMBARDING the Earthling from OUTERSPACE, the INTENSIFIED CAMPAIGN from the LOONEYS to Mainstream Pedophilia, Transgender & Homos- every one, man, woman & child should get micro chipped, vaccinated & a D!ck ----- scratch that & make it a - BIG Black & Muslim D!CK up their rears. Let's see how the FIREWORKS BLOW OFF THIS SUMMER.

It's like a Once In A Life Time World Wide- Global Event Peak Insanity Mad House on Steroids with lots of Mental Retardation, Perversions, Mind Altering Drugs all thrown in together....

So you can understand why I think I should throw in the towel, take a break from Posting this summer. I DO NOT WANT TO CONTRIBUTE the all the background noise. Plus, at this pace how in the world is it possible to keep up with it all?


you re seriously fucking deluded.

Yes I am as you put it- "seriously deluded."

However what YOU fail to realize is that YOU are Even More DELUDED!

This story also appeared on HUFF POST- one of the Mainstream Pedo-Normalizing - White Genocide- Pro HOMO Fake News Sites Out There. Huffington Post- started by Ariana Huffington a multi-millionaire who flies around the world in a private jet. She was herself MARRIED to a HOMO/ BI-SEXUAL MAN- she managed his Political Campaign for Office out in CALIFORNIA - When the CAMPAIGN FAILED- THEY DIVORCED.


They are trying to LINK Pedos with White Supremacists & Libertarians. It's all BULLSHIT!

For the RECORD I do believe there a PEDOS, Woman Beaters & Every VARIETY of Power Hunger Perverts & Psychos in POLITICAL OFFICE. I think at this point they are probably at least 25%-50%. AND I THINK they are in all spectrums of the Political Aisle- from STRAIGHT CHRISTIANS, to Jews, to Muslims, from white to black to every color in between, from man to woman to REPUBLICAN to DEMOCRAT!

I just happen to think though- that the LBGT Community & The Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, Hindu Type Indians & the DEMOCRATS & SOCIALISTS & COMMUNISTS- MAKE UP A FAR GREATER PORTION OF THESE SICKOS!

@sapphic AKA anacapbarbie's Little Crazy Lap Dog Is Back too! Seriously, I've got some dog treats & bones in my purse, I'll throw ya one, if we ever cross paths in real life (HEAVEN FORBID!)

I would love to cross paths with you in real life, so I can watch you run and scamper, as creatures like you are weak as piss, all braggadocio online and that is about it.

However we have a global list of white trash deviants like yourself, that the Gay Mafia share with our other Illuminati sponsored terrorist organisations, bent on destroying your way of life and your eradication from the planets surface.

I suggest you see a psychiatrist, we have already sent them your dossier, so they are waiting for you.

P.S. don't look at the image below....fuck you looked..oh well, making our job easy.


Your are literally & pathetically One of the Most INSANE & STUPID TROLLS I have ever had the MISFORTUNE to stumble upon in CYBERSPACE.

No WACKJOB- I Do Not BACK DOWN in PERSON. I would Just TASER YOUR SICK, NASTY, PERVERTED & Disgusting ASS with a CATTLE PROD- IF ANY MISERABLE & HELLISH CREATURE such as yourself ever tried to lay one finger on me.

I can only hope you've ELECTED for bottom half re-assignment surgery or whatever sprem might be left in your shrunken balls are are weak & deformed, that you can never procreate.

Hopefully your telling the truth on your profile & your half way around the GLOBE in Australia. If they keep importing the Muslims onto Australia- maybe you'll get caught in the crossfire of some Haji Alla Akbar Blowing Himself Up.

I read just now on one of your posts & this is a direct quote from YOU-

sapphic - I have deliberately not worn panties before and it's very thrilling.

Ya I bet it was. You get a thrill out of walking around wearing makeup & presenting yourself as a WOMAN & then if any guy does try to0 sneak a peak up your skirt- BOY IS HE IN FOR A REAL SURPRISE!

Like I said - you are a sick PERV & your Brain does not work properly.

You are a sick fuck and need locking up to protect yourself, seriously you are so obsessed with people's genitals it's just sick.

Get a fucking therapist for the love of whatever god you pray too.

And pray to pray that God saves you from this sad fucking merisable life that you have, that you are such a desperate tiny tiny person, with fucking no worth to the world whatsoever, then to post this, this shit dribbling shit nonsense that falls out your mouth... I'm mean I get a sad kinda amusement out of this, but it's getting like kicking a dog shit, some of it will get in my shoe, but I'll just wipe it off on your shabby assed clothes.


Stop thinking about genitals and children... You sick sick thing.

PS can you please step your game up, the gay Mafia, don't believe me that you can be a contender, but I believe in you, don't let me down shit for brains, my next level in the illuminati depends on it.

There We Have It- Keep Showing the World Just Exactly WHO YOU ARE & WHAT YOU ARE REALLY LIKE.

You have stated in this & other posts I should be Locked Up, Electroshocked, Drugged Up- By Force in a Mental Institution- ALL because I disagree with the MAINSTREAMING & Forcing Of The LBGT AGENDA onto Every Man, Woman & Child on Planet Earth.

Now on this post you make repeated references to DOG SHIT & your Desire to Smear it onto OTHER PEOPLE.

That right there is a HUGE CLUE as to what REALLY goes on in the Minds of Most Mentally Deranged LBGT Extremists.

Never once in my entire life had I ever thought or desires to do such a thing to ANY PERSON on planet Earth- No Matter How Vile They may be.

It also further points out what the LBGT EXTREMIST Movement is really about, in Plain Daylight. It has NOTHING what-so-ever to do with ACCEPTANCE. It has Nothing What-So-Ever To Do With Live & Let Live. It Has Only To Do with Mentally Depraved & Possibly Demonic Infested Individuals who are trying to FORCE their "LBGT LIFESTYLE" Down the throats of everyone else.

You have also made references to me having my entire life been miserable. Pure PROJECTION. It's a psychological mechanism whereby PATHOLOGICAL People PROJECT their own self-hated traits (which they refuse to recognize & acknowledge about themselves onto others).

You ask me to please step up my game- as if this were just some sick little spitting match you enjoy playing. For me this is about me being able to reach- just 1 individual- just one & helping to wake them up to the TRUTH.

I used to be a TRUSTING PERSON & I bought that WHOLE LIE- That all People on planet Earth were 100% Fundamentally the SAME. Meaning that ALL Races, All Nationalities, All Sexual Fetishes, Straight, Gay - What-ever - Basically we were all the same. It also goes with the LIE that people are not EVIL just SICK.

Then after many many many years upon planet earth- I woke up from that BRAINWASHING.

You like to refer to yourself as the GAY MAFIA. That right there shows your INTENTION- not for US to Accept YOU & Let you Live Your Life as you choose. BUT YOU'RE THE MAFIA! YOU SEEK TO IMPOSE YOUR FILTH UPON THE REST OF HUMANITY- AT ALL TIMES & WILL NOT LEAVE US ALONE!

Someone can't handle the truth, honey bun, keep the rage spittle flying.

I honestly don't give a fuck about you literally, this is just trolling dipshits like yourself for shits and giggles.

But my morals are kicking in and I have now formed the professional opinion that are are not just a wack job, but a seriously hurt person, on some deep level someone has hurt you very badly.

So badly that you need to seek out anything or person you can project your pain onto.

Someone who can be held responsible for why your life has no meaning.

And there is no fun in kicking a sick animal, so I give you my best sad pity face.

Please honestly for your best mental health, speak to someone about these issues.

So NOW you FINALLY admit you are trolling. You try to add more PROJECTION of Your own Deep seated HURT onto me & then still Try to HAVE the LAST WORD.

I suppose those FEMALE HORMONES are having some effect- Just Like a BITCH , to always want the LAST Word No matter how stupid it makes them sound.

Take a look at the words you chose to write in your comment of attempted PROJECTION-

I honestly don't give a fuck about you literally,
a seriously hurt person, on some deep level someone has hurt you very badly.
why your life has no meaning.
in kicking a sick animal

You Know nothing about me. We have never met. YOU CAME TROLLING OVER ON MY POSTS & Won't Stop.

If you were honest with yourself- you would see those words you wrote- that is your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND coming forward, with What You Really think of yourself.

You only prove my Point- MOST of the LBGT Crowd is Seriously Psychologically Damaged.

Bye the way, that photo you use- the way it is cropped & with the shading at the top- makes you look like you're wearing a Witches Hat & have some straw hair coming out at the bottom. Really I'm not trolling or trying to be rude here. That is my honest impression & has been from day one- when you first trolled me. But then again, maybe that is the look you're after. I saw the other photos of yourself you posted on your blog page. Those are some UGLY UGLY UGLY Tattoos. I was not going to mention that either, but YOU Came Trolling Again & Tried to PROJECT your Own Lack of self worth & Self Hatred onto me. I bring it up not to be INSULTING, but because I ALSO have another THEORY- that those who DEFACE their own skin & body with UGLY UGLY UGLY Tattoos- lack any real sense of self-esteem. Or of they do have Self-Esteem- get those Nasty TATTOOS during a period when they are going through DEPRESSION. Which I have read a number of times, DEPRESSION sometimes being described as ANGER turned INWARD onto One's self- Self Anger.

Hell you crack me up sometimes!

I just got a downvote from my one of my OLD Admirers , @ancapbarbie, the crazy trannie is back. I knew you had an obsession, but GEEZ give it a break. Like I said the PEAK MULTI-CULTURAL TRANNIE TANSGENDER PSYCHO PSY-OPT. They want EVERY LAST Child, Woman & Man On Planet Earth with one stuck in the REAR!

WHAT ARE THE ODDS! The Quantum Healing Device- this EXACT ONE- the SCIO-
They call it a BIO-Feedback Machine- but it works on same/ similar prinicples as the ZYTO Hand Screening & Royal Rife Frequency Generator & electrodermal screening.

YOU GOTTA BE Mother F-ckin Kidding me. I HAVE HAD ALL OF THEM DONE! Got to tell you the Scio- Quantum Device I got no results from & thought it was hokey pokey & didn't work.

The Electro-dermal Screening & The Zyto- I can attest to - Do Work.

WHat are the odds my man, what are the odds? You posting that just now & I've tried it out & it's put out bu a trannie. By the way how do you spell trannie?

I spell it trannie or tranny but Americans spell it non binary gender identity...

Have you had your hot sauce enema today?

It's bloody cold here and I'll miss your overheated posts!

I just watched a 1971 movie called "The French Connection" and the main character said "Never trust a nigger" - only you would say that now - you are not a libtard

That was a good movie. I should load up some old Charles Bronson, Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Robert Mitchem, Humphrey Bogart, James Coburn, Clark Gable, Steve McQueen Type Movies & watch them this summer- I'm Getting Starved for Testosterone, with all the pussies & dough-boys & sissys- I've seen lately.

But if you're serious on the enema question- NO!

If you like though, I could put up a post on some HARD-CORE Cleanses & Detox Routines.

Yes do it - at least 10 people on Steemit will believe every word and go and do it :)

That is what I was afraid of. They won't be able to see me bust out laughing near the end of the story telling /err instruction giving. Will follow it 100% with out doing any double checking on their own. The best part would be people who've never done any CLEANSES or Detoxes AT ALL- Just Jumping in Gung Ho. I do however- find that photo you just posted on my page a bit crude. LOL

If you get sued for giving medical advice I've found you a lawyer

Pedos and homos are vulnerable to blackmailing so they are often put in positions of power, that way they will do what the hidden powers tell em to. Bill was getting too involved in extraterrestrial disclosure so they sent monica to suck his kk so he shut up. If he didn't then he too would be proven a pedophile. The cia, which is an extension of the Jesuit Order, supplies powerful people with children so that such people can be blackmailed and controlled with the feeling of guilt.

that's some serious funny thoughts, fuck you peeps are funny.

True, but I just think this particular story is Fake & Phony. I did not take it seriously.

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