Bunnypuncher debate topic - Let's figure out: WEED (3 good entries will win 2 Steem each)

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


I'm an older bunny and have been around the world a time or two. This has come up for me as I'm sure it has for others. Almost everyone will be faced with the choice: Marijuana should I try it or not.

Back when I was young I ended up trying it mostly due to peer pressure of friends smoking it. For a few years in high school and college I smoked it occasionally. It was never really a drug I cared for as it made me paranoid feeling (I know it shouldn't do that I'm weird I guess). But I had many friends that would smoke it every day.

When my oldest son was born I gave up smoking cigarettes and weed since I did not want that around my child. So for 21 years I haven't smoked much of anything (which is hard since I don't think you ever get over cravings for these things).

I'm not opposed to making marijuana legal as it already is in some states. I don't think I would use it much myself since quitting smoking. Lots of people are for making it legal. So what do people on Steem think about marijuana?


Marijuana: explain why recreational marijuana should or should not be legal. Let's hear your thoughts on the issue.


I will pick three (3) good entries and send them each 2 STEEM each. I don't know what I mean by good so I can't really explain it. Maybe something logical, heart felt, funny, or witty.

ps: Image is from PNGtree I'm a licensed user. Don't want the image police getting me for that.

Need an upvote boost don't forget to use @bpclan.


Marihuana should have been delisted as a Category I drug a long time ago. Category I applies only to drugs with no known therapeutic uses and abuse potential. Marinol, that is, THC, was the first treatment for glaucoma. CBD and other cannabinoids show great medical potential. Finally, the ban on marihuana has stifled the creation of jute, or hemp, industry. This is a variety grown for its fiber, with low cannabinoid content.

Alcohol is a far more dangerous drug than marihuana. It is associated with violent crimes. THC makes people less violent. I'd rather live in a nation of potheads than alcoholics.

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reasons why the issue about marijuana is controversial:

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1-It has been falsely said that smoking marijuana does not affect health. According to studies published by the US Drug Abuse National Institute, among the effects of consuming marijuana are: distorted perception of reality; loss of memory and learning ability; lack of motor coordination; disorientation; inability to think clearly, to react and solve problems; loss of cognitive abilities, which may be permanent; anxiety attacks, paranoia, panic; phobias, hallucinations; increased heart rate and low pressure, which increases the risk of heart attack by four times; low immune system; respiratory problems; cough; pulmonary congestion and cancer, because it contains more carcinogenic substances than tobacco.

2-It would seriously affect the economy to dedicate to the cultivation of drugs - that is, something that will ruin the health and life of the population - land that could be dedicated to food and / or medicinal crops.

  1. Legalizing marijuana would not stop the violence; it would only serve to enrich a few landowners who are already rubbing their hands thinking about the profits they will get.

  2. More than ninety-nine percent of cocaine and heroin addicts owe this addiction to one day they gave in to the temptation to alienate themselves and allowed themselves to try marijuana. And once they crossed that threshold, they continued to experiment with increasingly stronger drugs. Marijuana is the gateway to more serious addictions.

  3. Many people who today do not dare to try marijuana because it is forbidden would do so if it were legal. Soon not only adults, but young people, adolescents and even children, would be consuming it, starting their sad path of addiction and destruction.

  4. If, although it is prohibited, tobacco cigarettes are sold to motorists, marijuana cigarettes will also be sold. Now we will not only have to take care of the drunkards they handle, also of the 'marihuanos'! And when the road accidents increase, will the authorities install 'marihuanímetros' next to the 'breathalyzers?'.

Again no clue. All the way through your post. And by the way you can't really become intoxicated with cannabis and become a liability on the road. It's not a central nervous system depressant. Do you want to kinda shoot your argument down?...

And last but not least? Stop the violence... Yes Oregon legalization has dropped the black market for Cannabis taking away profit potential for cartels and gangs.

Try education and some facts. A stoned driver is actually safer than a drunk.

Next up? Teens and minor usage has dropped in legal states...

Also opiate and alcohol abuse.

Oh inhumanity... Gateway drug? You are kidding me now how about milk and blaming a spoon for making you fat...

Oh and mixed up the order... I've been a medical marijuana patient with nearly 20 yard of legal medical marijuana activism and see a ton of opinion and government biased propaganda without a single fact. This is amazing. I hope this person has some free will.

The mind is a powerful thing to waste. This one bought the propaganda hook line and sinker.

Oh nice part about it being forbidden... Only by the state and the personal liberties you gave up.

I do live in a state where medical marihuana (their spelling. not mine) is legal; and recreational is on the November ballot.

That being noted:

  • I am a legal card carrying MMMP card holder and grower in my state.
  • I have an auto-immune disease which causes major episodes of vertigo, nausea and, more or less, mental discombobulation in my daily life

I grow and consume for medical reasons, not recreational use. Without the usage of marijuana, my life would be worthless. It helps me get through an episode of vertigo; which occurs 3-4 days per week. It helps ease me through the nausea. It helps me maintain a somewhat livable life. It helps me sleep off the vertigo and so many other symptoms that can make my daily life miserable. CBD oil is the same.

I feel an episode starting, I will take some CBD oil or hit my THC e-cig... and I am relaxing. The anxiety of knowing what will be happening during the oncoming episode is starting to drift away.

But as for the recreational reasons to make this legal:

  • Just imagine ALL the people that can be put to work... from growers to trimmers, botanists and farmers. From the truck drivers and harvesters to the sales' staff. Unemployment would take a huge drop. People of all levels of education could benefit from employment. Plus... let's not forget the state revenue that could be taken in. Excise tax on the sales could pay for rebuilding roads and other infrastructure... school systems could get some much needed revenue for supplies... sales tax could be lowered to make the cost of living more attainable for some.
  • Opioid addiction- My husband is one of the sad cases of doctors writing prescriptions for controlled, Schedule 1 opioids. For over 5 years he has been taking all sorts of controlled substances for chronic pain (even after having neck and back surgeries). The doctors think NOTHING of writing out a script for percocet, oxycontin or morphine when marijuana is a much better alternative. Marijuana doesn't infiltrate your body and add acetaminophen; ruining your kidneys or building up in your system and liver- which can cause organ failure.

I am 100% advocating for marijuana to be made legal- at both the state and federal levels.

Excellent comment you are for sure in the running for the top 3 :)

Thank you! Speaking the truth is what I'm all about; and advocating for medical marijauna, as well as the stigma implanted into the general public's minds due to government/Harry Anslinger's close-minded thinking are part of the main reason why any cannabis related laws are hindered.

Mad respect for you golden!

Thank you @jonyoudyer! Back at ya!

Source the nug. This is simple math. I say yes!
weed legalization meme 2.jpg

It should be legal because it was put here by mother nature to use as a plant. No plant should be illegal. Notice how they can't patent a plant.
Alcohol and big pharma was not put here by MN. We as humans have over 1000 THC receptors in our bodies..... yes you, the person who's totally against weed......you have them too. What? This means that through out humans existence here on this mudball that we've used this plant over time to a point that our bodies developed these receptors(or maybe they've been with us from the beginning?). Hmmmmm, makes ya stop and think doesn't it? This plant has so many benefits that I'm not gonna even attempt to start listing them. Oh, there's also not one recorded death from overdose pertaining to this plant.... hmmmm. No one should have to have a license to use it or grow it if they so choose. That shit is all about lining someone else's pockets with fiat(Don't the medical and Insurance Companies do enough of this already?). Cooking with it IMO was way better than smoking although I did inhale...... so none Clintonesk(what a jackass!) Let's not forget it's prolific rooting system that would greatly benefit places like Cali with all their mudslide issues. If it were everywhere the green health of the planet would be booming and there would be a shitload less to deal with from the perspective of the lame ass war on drugs. In my opinion it should be thought of as basil. Let's face it if you go to anyone's bathroom med cabinet it's full of pills that'll kill you and "ARE" killing you slowly(brainwashed sheep/just change your diet) but this wonderful plant is illegal and extorted from the people. If for nothing else it should be free and clear for usage by those who choose to partake. By the way, I haven't been around it for at least a decade now but I believe what I wrote. It truly is a miracle plant and this is why its been demonized and kept from the people for so long. Freeing the weed doesn't make fiat.............


Why start a habit that would be difficult to let go to begin with?

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There is nothing so precious than having good health which can be guaranteed through healthy habits to a large extent. Recreational Marijuana is not good for our health and can cause serious damages to it in a long run. Consequences of smoking marijuana or recreational marijuana includes:

• It consistently destroys the lungs which could obstruct breathing.

• It hurts the mind which goes further to reduce our ability to assimilate in learning or retention of memory which can results in poor performance not just in school but at work and when performing other activities.

• For pregnant women, it could harm the baby so badly that it could lead to they loss of the baby or result to the baby delivered deformed or under weight which might result to intensive care of the infant.

Finally, it reduces our longevity and causes health complications which might lead to spending a fortune on one's health. So instead of going through this process of spending your resources, pains and unhealthy body; don't start at all. "Say No To Recreational Marijuana and Yes to Good Health And A Sound Mind." Thank You.

THANKS @bunnypuncher

I also want to use this medium to say I'm excited that you didn't stop your contests @bunnypuncher. Thanks for bringing this insightful topic today.

I got to really like doing contests and interacting with people. I surprised myself how much I did started liking contests and talking to Steemians. So I took the downvote stuff a little too personal and got on a rant. I try not to do stuff like that in my older age but sometimes I lose my temper and take stuff a bit too personal. And once I'm on a rant I could complain for days on a topic. Usually pink bunny talks be back to sense but this time she was offended too. So I dragged things on bit too long bitching about downvotes.

Need to listen to pink bunny more!!!! Blue bunny doesn't know everything like he thinks he does.

Infamous mrs b 🥇

Posted using Partiko iOS

I lurk around keeping an eye on blue bunny :) Usually if he gets out of control I clip his ears back to size.

Sounds painful lol, I suppose those ears are like nails and just keep growing?

So you must be the real bunny puncher and blue buddy is the one your punching?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Lol @mrsbunnypuncher, that's why you are there to guide him.

It's normal for every normal person to feel bad about downvotes especially when you have worked so hard to build a reputation @bunnypuncher. I'm glad you are not so bothered about the downvotes because situations like this could make one loose peace of mind. I'm also glad pick bunny spoke some sense into you lol. Everything will be fine in a long run, don't be discouraged by anything.

You are right everything will be fine in the long run. I'm not discouraged anymore and I don't know why I was in such a mood the other day. Maybe it was some bad carrots or something.

just take a puff of the contest thing...every thing will be all right.laughing-bunny-vector-1163835.jpg

why is it difficult? are you sure that marijuana makes you addicted? if yes, how are they became addicted? i know a friend using it sometimes for herbal medications and also it helps you relax, did you know that if you weed marijuana also can make you sleep even if you have an insomia, i can prove that because i can see my friend doing that, i also read an article but didn't show in media because their reputation might destroyed, but in that article stated that marijuana helped him to healed from cancer illness. well im not mad dude, hope you also don't, just sharing some ideas because @bunnypuncher stated there for a debate and i think it's fun. lol

Posted using Partiko Android

I dunno whenever I am around people that smoke (cigarettes or weed) I just feel tempted to smoke. When I was younger I always like smoking and gave it up for Mrs B and our baby not really that I wanted to. So despite so many years of not doing I feel the urge a little when I'm around people that are smoking. I fight the urge as I know I shouldn't start smoking after so long for health, costs, and Mrs B wrath. But still there is always that bit of temptation I must fight.

well if you think your family about this matter you shouldn't because even though it's a herbal, the smoke can still harm the people arround you and i think what you did is perfect as father though

Posted using Partiko Android

Edibles or oral oils defeat the lung health and carcinogenic arguments. Vaping also is much better for lung health but not as good the oral variants.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I can't deny that after going to Las Vegas I do now like edibles :)

Aye well if the body stone is better for you then the heady high I would suggest trying a tincture, alcohol based mixtures. I had a weed beer last weekend, I don’t like beer so I thought it was gross, I was pleasantly surprised with how effective it was very quick acting unlike normal edibles you have to wait on!

You can get tinctures that are super potent and just one drop under the tongue will do you for the day. Don’t make plans to do anything when dabbling with a tincture the first time 😉

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Facts? I beg to differ... You have wild claims. And alot of misinformation.


I had tried marijuana few times and here in India it is illegal, but i did it anyway, but i am not addicted to it at all. In my view addiction is related to psychology. You control mind and addiction can not happen to you.

So on the topic of taking marijuana, in my point of view, everyone should try it once because it brings a feeling of being out of world, which is needed in this busy world. But the matter is, this ingredient gives such a feeling that human mind can not come out of it and want to have that sense every time.

As we all know every action has equal and opposite reaction, the feeling that is produced inside the body by smoking marijuana is due to the consumption of stored energy inside us, so it is waste of energy, it makes us vulnerable, it keeps our mind occupied in it. And it makes us dependable on it.

But marijuana itself is a kind of medicine that makes our mind feel pleasure taking away the depression,but if we take it occasionally. As we all know it is a powerful natural ingredient and have equally powerful effect on our body.

At last i can only say that due to marijuana i felt that something else is there other than this objective world that we see, a different kind of awareness of energy, but it is not for people who are psychologically weak, who are addicted to these things easily.

I believe marijuana should be legalized for all. After analyzing other drugs readily available at even convenience stores in America the effects seems harmless. I know that everyone is different but the side affects on society seem harmless in comparison. Some people say if Marijuana was legalized they wouldn't need their mood enhancing drugs prescribed by medical doctors.
I think legalized Marijuana would also boost agricultural profits for American Farmers. No more Farm Aid cause Willie Nelson should be able to retire in peace. Thanks for the contest seems interesting I'll enjoy reading the other enteries.

Yea I think this will be a good one. Can't go wrong with a topic like weed LOL

Yea lots of opinions no clear answers. The grey areas of life reveil alot of ones mind.

Very wise words there.

Marijuana is now legal in a majority of states. Marijuana has some well proven benefits, including relief for long term pain. But smoking marijuana can have some bad effects on our health, including making brething problems worse. If marijuana is consumed in food or beverage, these effects are somewhat delayed usually appearing hollucination 30 minutes to 1hr because the drug must first pass through the digestive system eating or drinking marijuana delivers sgnificantly less bloosdtream. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the united state, its use is widespread among people more than million young adults ages.

What God have created, humans should not ban.

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