Reflections on a Monday morning...

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

When I look at the people around me and read what they all write and see what they can all do, I feel woefully under qualified.

These guys are educated, leaders of their fields or heading there. Whereas I didn't even finish High School.

That never really bothered me before, but these days, surrounded by so many degrees, when all I can really offer up is my year 10 certificate - I always wonder to myself.. What am I doing here? What do I have to offer?

I read someone's rant today about how people that succeed here have put their money into Steemit..

I'm only a minnow, I have never put money into my account but I feel very successful here.

But I measure that success by the amount of meaningful relationships I have formed here and the things my friends and I achieve together.

Never have I ever measured it by the amount I have in my wallet. When really, I think perhaps I need to be focusing on the earning part more because there's something I haven't told you guys.

Most of you are aware I have a 16 year old daughter. What you all don't know is she was diagnosed with Scoliosis in April. The specialist said the bend is too far gone, although we felt we caught it on time, we didn't and it seems she will need spinal surgery after her HSC which is at the end of next year.

Really instead of being on Steemit I need to be getting back to my day job and making money to pay for chiro (in our bid to avoid spinal surgery) which she has to go to twice a week.

I don't really talk about it because I can't you guys...

My Steem Power is my emergency money. If chiro fails, expect me to be powering down towards the end of next year and I am hoping to God the price of Steem skyrockets as it could mean the difference between metal rods or stem cells.

Everything considered, unless I go back to my day job, I really should start looking after myself and putting more time into meaningful, @curie worthy posts instead of spending my time building communities.

Because that's what I've realised I contribute here.

I help build communities.

What I lack in education I seem to make up in, in my ability to gather people and get them to believe in themselves and what they are capable of.

I spend a lot of time talking to community leaders, helping their organisation grow, giving them ideas from things I have learned from @SteemPh and offer my services if they need graphics for their community free of charge.

Why do I do this?

Because I can. Because I believe in


We've all read it, heard it. But how many of us actually really OWN IT?

If you haven't realised this yet. Steemit is the beginning of the change we have all long prayed for and should be seen and treated as that.

The fact that we all have stock in Steemit (Steem Power) should really further people's incentive to help grow the community because - You, WE are part shareholder of Steemit.

Act like you own it and grow it!

I will admit, some of my motivation to grow Steemit comes from what I may have to face next year and it's in my best interest to get Steem over the $10 mark by the end of next year just in case chiro fails.

But my biggest motivation to grow Steemit is to change lives.

It's changing my life and I want to bring people with me.

And that doesn't mean just lives in the Philippines but lives all over the world - that's why I like working with and finding community leaders everywhere.

Service to others pays off.

I don't really know what would have happened to me if I decided to just focus on the earning money side instead of the community building aspect of Steemit.

I sure as hell wouldn't have met all the wonderful people I now regard as Family. I wouldn't have been a part of so many amazing charities and initiatives. I wouldn't have seen the birth of communities and watched as people banded together in a common cause and that is, love and belief in Steemit.

So take it from me when I say your success here is dependent on the attitude in which you want to approach the platform. Don't just think about what the platform can do for you, think about what YOU can do for the platform. You'd be surprised at how much further you get.


Picture taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 3.


"be the change"
i am with you.

💗 Thank you @mohammedfelahi

I visited my aunt last weekend and was sharing steemit together with my cousins and she said:
You spent too much time on that platform (steemit) you must have millions already , I politely replied I have a million smiles.

The truth is (and it's on the blockchain) my wallet does not have substantial $$$ but what I got from it is so much more rewarding than the SBDs, Steem and SP. The @steemph family and the wonderful people i have met are priceless. You have touched so many lives and inspired a lot more.

we, your family is behind you all the way. we will not falter, and we will move as one.

sending you my warmest virtual hugs

I'm so touched @precise, Thank you.

I think this is one of the reasons I didn't want to come out and tell you guys, it's because I just knew you would all be amazingly supporting and Id end up crying all day just in awe of everyone. 💗

Momi @bearone! You are a rare gem who's sparkle benefits everyone around you, maybe why you are able to build communities (in plural form) everywhere.
One wouldn't have an idea of your worries, as you hide it quite well.

Let me tell you this, our beloved Arly,

We are able to reach out and help lots of people within and out side the community, steemph will definitely extend all the help we can, for your beautiful princess.

I love you Arly. You truly have one of the purest hearts I've seen here.

aww @dreamiely, I love you too.. Now stop you're gonna make me cry <3

I can battle it out and have multiple negotiations and arguments all happening at once but, talking out loud about this is just something that renders me useless lol

Thank you for always being here for me dreamy, you and the SteemPh Fam have been such a blessing to me.

Hope your daughter is not in much pain because of her scolio and that her therapy will be quick in fixing her scolio.

I don't try to think also in terms of steem power or reputation here but we try in our own ways to leave a mark where we can and that's the whole point of @steemph right?

Life is not about your accomplishments or diplomas but about how many lives you touched and helped change for the better. ❤❤❤

Thanks @luvabi 💗

It is the point, I agree and I think you just proved that SteemPh has a personality type.

We are the "touch and change lives for the better'" people :)

And you a blessing to lots others. With Papa God's grace all will be well ^_^

This is actually one of the most inspiring posts I've ever read on this platform, I was about to give up and quit until I saw this and it just rekindled a glowing flame in me.
THANKS for writing this, I'm actually glad to be a part of this community and to have met someone like you today via this post.

@immarojas is absolutely correct, I am really happy to read your comment @kingchuks - I went to your page and have to say you write beautifully. Dont let your fears ruin what can be a life changing experience for you ❤ Is there a national Nigerian group?

And reading it from the most inspiring person in our #SteemPh family means it's meant for you. We have reasons to live for that sometimes we forget and quit. There's a lot of beauty in the world, and in people that sometimes we lack time to appreciate them all.
Momi @bearone will be very happy to read your comment thank you.

I'm not that good with words sometimes (most really), I know you know what I want to say Momi Bear. We're here for you. Smile! You'll get through it with God's grace. There are tons of people who love you here. You're a super awesome person!

grin I know what you're saying @deveerei 💗

I love you too - Thank you

one thing that i know, keep fighting !
face your problem with a good way, you have amazing friends around you..
still with your good things..!! never fall down

Thank you @orcheva :) I do have amazing friends around me and I honestly couldnt go a day without them.

great..!! keep strong !!
oh hey....i have a drawing contest..maybe you want to join in..? :)

Never met an enthusiastic and loving woman in Steemit than you @bearone. I always look up a person like you as a driving force to serve others. You are amazing of what you are, and truly deserves a crown. I personally thank you for all the good things you made. The joy in our hearts to have you is overwheling and that Steemit in the Philippines will never grow like this without you. Your leadership, talent, and passion to serve others led us here - a truly recognized community.

Nah, you don't need to get a degree. The way you are, and the talent that you have is a living testimony that intelligence is never measured by a degree. Its on the person itself. You are truly amazing and inspiring. You add fuel to the fire burning in my soul to serve others.

I also did a power down for about 200 STEEM to help me fund my school fees. Thanks to Steemit, and yes you can power down. But I hope you'll bounce back. If in case you need help, the community is always ready to help you!

Much love,


@jassennessaj Thank you 💗 That means so much to me it really does. You are an inspiration to me in more ways than you could ever know. I admire your enthusiasm, energy and can do, will do, I'm there already - attitude. You approach all you do with so much zest for life, I find you quite amazing and you're one of the people I'm talking about when I say I wonder what Im doing here. You are a star, Jass.

There is no way I can take credit for the rise of #SteemPh. This has been a phenomenal and continuous effort from everyone involved and I mean EVERYONE. So many people, that if I tagged everyone, I'm sure I'll get flagged.

This is something WE did together as a community and something we should all be proud of achieving together. They say there is strength in numbers, in our case it is very true.

I'm glad you powered down to pay for your bills, for me that's what it's there for. In fact I actually expect quite a few from #SteemPh to power down - things happen you know. But with our numbers steadily growing and set to grow further as we expand and increase our recruitment efforts, it will not be too hard to bounce back especially if we continue to work together and support each other.

Thank you again Jass 💗

Hello @bearone, this is such an inspiring and eye opener to everyone on steemit. As what I always tell to my self and everyone that I invite on steemit, "do not be blinded by the earnings that steemit can offer" because the true treasure that steemit has is the relationships that's been forged in this loving community and learnings for us to grow personally and professionally. We have not talked that much on discord cause only love radio connects us. I have ever been wanting to talk to you regarding how to grow in the community because I've noticed you are really active helping other posts which truly need attention specially on volunteer works and fund raising which reflects what kind of person you are and many people really look up to you. I just want you to know that even if we don't know that much yet and haven't even gotten a chance to talk with each other regarding the community, I think you are a good person and looking forward to connect with you and work with you soon :)

one of steemph.cebu core leaders , cebu events & meet up organizer.

Hi @itinerantph 💗 Thank you so much.

"do not be blinded by the earnings that steemit can offer" because the true treasure that steemit has is the relationships that's been forged in this loving community and learnings for us to grow personally and professionally. that is precisely the SteemPh personality type. The one who see's more potential in the relationships formed rather than money earned.

Looking at the money us short term. Looking at building relationships is long term.

I know we only interact when you rescue me with your Boyce Avenue playlist but I see you and all you do for our community and I was very happy to see your name in the Cebu Core list.

Im looking forward to touch base with you soon.

That Boyce Avenue playlist po ^____^ . By the way, thanks a lot to @surpassinggoogle, little by little I'm able to understand how steemit really works. Sometimes I can't keep up with steemit because with so much work in the outside world. But I'm do learning from you guys just so you know. Thanks a lot ^____^

I am looking forward to the healing of your daughter. It may seem so hard for you or harder than I think it is, but then I pray for the best for you and your family. You were able to help others, I know the superior one will help you.

Thank you @gailbelga. Me too. :)
It is hard, it's really hard. I don't even know how to express it properly.

I wholehearted appreciate your prayers. I have been praying too and hope as always things work out in the end.

It will always work in the end. Aja! <3

Sorry to know about the condition of your daughter. Prayers for her that she will be better and hope that it will be God's will that she will not be needing a surgery.

You are good in graphics and that can bring you a long way. Curie is supportive to the artists and talented Steemians such as you. Making graphics tutorial posts and tagging it "education" might bring more upvotes for you. Never thought you did not got a degree, it did not shows. I think it does not matter a lot too here as it will really not about what your educational attainment is, as what you mentioned, it was about what you can offer.

Steemgigs could also one of your options with your talent that you can offer. Keep believing on this "Because I can. Because I believe in". :)

Whatever path or step you chose, I am sure it will be for the best of your daughter and family. Have a nice day ms. Bearone. :)

Thank you very much @zararina

I too pray she will not need surgery. It's my biggest wish to be honest with you. Surgery scares me.

and Thank you so much for your tips! I have been wondering how I can up my game and I will definitely think of a new tutorial and tag it educational. You havent escaped my notice, I know what you do around here and for our community and I appreciate all you do.


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