Blocktrades contest / My journey on Steem ❤️

in #blocktradescontest6 years ago (edited)


Thank you my lovely friend @patinya103 for the nomination, see her post here:

Steem becomes very silent. The Steem price is at the bottom, people lost their interest in blogging and earning reward. Today I woke up to see Steem price at 0,30 $ and it was the lowest price I have ever seen since I am here and yes, it discouraging all of us, the motivation went down…

This is why I choose to join this interesting contest, the most encouraging one in this situation from @anomadsoul and @blocktrades . See the contest announcement here:
Screenshot 2018-11-27 at 20.27.16.png

I started my journey on Steem about 10 months ago. First 5-6 months was nothing interesting. I blogged only in my local language and had no attention to get to know the whole Steem world.

My Fundition journey

My brother brought me to Fundition and suggested me to apply for the ambassador position. Thank you Miemie @addicttolife , @fundition for your trust and gave me a chance to be part of the team.

I have been very helpful and try the the best I could to promote Fundition (organized contests, collecting donations etc) Recently, I have got a promotion and became a Fundition angel.

My Tasteem journey

I was applying for a position as Tasteem Global team supporter, thank you Travis @travisung , @tasteem for giving me a chance to start my work there.

At the beginning, Tasteem had a huge problem with plagiarism and abuses. After a week of investigation, I could improve the situation and became a Tasteem Global team manager.

My job at Tasteem is not always easy, we have to deal sometimes with aggressive spammers but that’s part of our job. Thank you my team for all your support ❤️
Screenshot 2018-11-27 at 20.27.16.png

I would like to represent myself with this post:

@travelgirl and I are in the same teams. We both are Fundition angels and working together at Tasteem Global. As Travelgirl took part at the Steem Fest, we could arrange to meet in Vienna and finally meet in real life. It was a great experience and she is a very lovely person.

On that day I told her about my duty as a curator team member at @artisteem , an interesting platform, which supports the artists on Steem.

Actually I am a very busy steemian and always do my best to support the community. Recently I’ve met new friends at the Steemit meet-up and regularly support each other’s activities on Steem. (@globalschool , @manncpt @jnmarteau @gaxi )
Screenshot 2018-11-27 at 20.27.16.png

Regarding to the contest requirements, I can clearly proved my activities on Steem.

  • I post at least 4-5 times a week more than 3-4 months now (Tasteem rewards my work by upvoting my posts)

  • I have made actually a lot of comments and in this case, way more than 60 in 2 months (3,500 ÷ 10 months= approx, 350 comments per month)😅


I am not just part of at least 3 communities but also part of the team:

Fundition / Angel
Tasteem / Global team manager
Artisteem / Lead curator

  • I try my best in the limited of time. Working for many platforms does not allow me to have much time for my blog. My english is not perfect but I am always effort my best for everything I do.

  • I stop using bidbots for at least 3-4 months (only use once a while long ago , each time maximum 3-5 SBD) My reputation is 63 and this has nothing to do with bidbots.

*** Resteemed the contest announcement, used #blocktradescontest, my selection post is before the announcement and not older than 2 weeks, the link is added to this post etc.(the post is a bit longer than 20 lines, sorry😅)

Thank you all my lovely friends at Friendsgroup and I would like to nominate my diligent Tasteem supporter @anggreklestari for this contest. I love you and thank you for your great support!

@siamcat ❤️

Vote for Blocktrades as your witness here:

Fundition Social Links:

Join a community with heart based giving at its core





Wonderful and very inspiring achievements! I am glad we could meet thanks to your incredible initiatives. =)

We love your great project, you guys are awesome ❤️

A winning post if ever I saw one

Thank you for your encouragement 🌻

You are really an exemplary and worthy Steempeeps, as it is amazing how you can be in so many places with a very limited time. Thanks to some collaborations with @youarehope I could meet you, that was a short time ago, since I did it it has been very incredible, I respect you so much, you are also very beautiful. I do not know English very well either, but Steemit is a place that gradually eliminates barriers. Dear friend, much success in the contest.

Thank you very much. Your words mean a lot to me 🌻

Great journey you've been having here @siamcat! I could prove your efforts just from how often I see you working in the Discord channels of @fundition, @tasteem and @artisteem. :) Best luck to you with the contest!

Thank you for your support 🌻



you are great dear..................

Hey, nice to see you.
Thank you for your visiting 😸

@Siamcat is a diligent manager for @Tasteem GL. Thank you for your hard work and for always looking out for other team members. I am very glad to be part of your team ^^.

Thank you sweet Takos ❤️

You do so much for the community! amazing.

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