The Blocktrades Contest | Node.js Greek Translation - Part 7

This is my entry for the Blocktrades' Scholarship Contest, that will give 2 upvotes each week for all December, to 8 lucky Steemians (fingers crossed, I'll be one of them! xD) You can learn more about this contest, by clicking here

Let's make it the way I love making posts: Wall of text with sections!

Am I eligible?

Post at least 3 times/week for the past 2 months: Check ✅
Made at least 60 comments in the past 2 months: Check ✅
You are part of a community: Check ✅
Top quality, made with effort posts: Check ✅
Higher than 50, without bidbots: Check! ✅

Let's get a little bit more in-depth...

Communities that I am active in:

  • I am part of the Translations category of Utopian, where we translate Open Source software. I am both a translator and a language manager/proofreader for the Greek language, together with @ruth-girl (she's still the boss though, I'm just there to help her!) I am also regularly contributing to @utopian-io, for an app I'm creating for the Translations category. The past 2 weeks were kinda busy for me, so I didn't do a lot utopian-wise, but as soon as my schedule gets a little bit lighter, I'll start again!

  • The app I told you above, is part of our team's effort to bring more insights and transparency on what the Greek team is doing, via our community account, with weekly reports and some upcoming stuff, that we believe will help our fellow translators and @utopian-io in general.

  • I am also one of the many @actifit delegators, and I'm actually trying to make my life better (and healthier), using the app.

Top quality posts

Quality is something subjective. Most of my posts are top quality for me. I'm not denying that I have published some shit-posts in the past, but most of my posts take at least 30 minutes to type, another 10-20 minutes to gather videos and images, and sometimes another 20-minute window of editing after posting it! There are some exceptions though: my actifit posts! I've worked on them while walking xD

Bidbots? No thanks!

I haven't used any bidbots, unless @minnowbooster and the likes are considered bidbots. In this case, I have used some in the past, but usually for small amounts (I haven't paid in total more than $50 to minnowbooster and smartsteem)

In no more than 20 lines, explain why do you think you are a role model Steemian who engages daily with other users and posts quality content regularly.

By all means, I'm not a role model, unless you want a role model to avoid! I have no posting patterns (except for the translation ones). I'm posting anything I feel like (while most Steemians have some topics they use), and this is dysfunctional for everyone! But I'm not in for the money (although it would be awesome to be able to get $100+ on my posts). I just like posting randomly (from recipes, actifit reports and random things happening in my life, to the music I compose and my utopian contributions). While most people are discouraged by the low Steem prices, there is always a silver lining to keep posting. You will make your account a little bit stronger by gathering more supporters ;)

My best post...

I was going to be quirky, as I usually am, and use a recipe I posted as my best post. But there's no better post to use for this, than a translation contribution that shows how much I'm willing to work, in order to publish a great post, so here it is: Node.js Greek Translation - Part 7

Thanks @katerinaramm for inviting me to take part in this contest!


I am very happy to see you participate, I admit you made me look up at the quirky and even though it is true.. YOU GOT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LONG HAIR I have seen on a man : P
This, combined with your commitment, hard work, quality and value of what you are giving back to the community, is for sure worthy of an extra acknowledgment & reward.

Here's a cold φραπεδιά to start the day!

I could really use a very strong φραπεδιά today.. Thank you!

kalimeraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... kali epitixiaaaaaa!! :)

Καλημέρα Νίκο! Ευχαριστώ πολύ!

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