The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, The Future Will Be Decentralized!

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

2017 is huge for the crypto world! Anyone following the news and markets is probably enjoying the rise of Bitcoin and all the altcoins who are reaching new heights and some even make the headlines.


From governments trying to regulate the flow of wealth distribution in these networks to malicious hackers who try to steal private keys, right now the crypto world looks a little bit like the Wild West. No one really knows what the future holds for Bitcoin and all its brothers and sisters, the evergrowing number of altcoins out there. I will not be surprised if a major correction hits the market sooner or later. Looking at the price action of Bitcoin lately, I think most of us agree that a sharp rise like that is a warning for something big. Whether the price skyrockets or crashes to the ground, what many people outside the crypto world fail to realize is that Bitcoin is not that important. The blockchain is the underlying foundation that is driving this whole thing.

But can we turn our backs on technology? The blockchain is opening doors for new tools to interact with the world in ways that were impossible in the past. History is being written right now. So even if the "bubble" pops and Bitcoin dies we are far from canceling the crypto revolution. We are just at the beginning of a new technological era where decentralization will play a major role. People no longer trust governments and institutions like banks or corporations. We are waking up to the realization that there is another, probably a better, way of distributing wealth and make decisions in a truly peer-to-peer way, without the need of the ​middleman or centralized institutions​​. The blockchain is giving the power back to the people and this scares the status quo, a lot! I'm not surprised at all when I see so many negative publicity from the mass media and the fake news surrounding the crypto world. As more people enter the field regulators and organizations will try to fight the flow​ of adoption​. A battle​ of interests is undergoing rigt now. A battle we all know who will ultimately​ win. Adopting the blockchain is inevitable! Decentralization is the future!


As we enter the next era of informational technologies the demand for trustworthy, transperant ​networks and platforms will increase, be that with the Internet Of Things (IoT), Smart Contracts, unregulated instant money transfers or the countless other dapps (decentralized apps) that​ are in demand, one thing is for sure - Bitcoin may not be around for much longer but The Blockchain is not going anywhere! Are you onboard?
Image sources: 1, 2,3


Напълно съм съгласен с теб. Блокчейн технологията е тази, която предстои да навлезе във всяка сфера от живота ни през следващите години. И съм сигурен, че биткойн няма да има нищо общо с това, просто защото ще бъде изместен от нещо далеч по-добро!

Но през това време биткойн е врата към това ново пространство това за мех е много по ценно от всички останали достоинства на биткойн. Със сигурност биткойн ще се използва и в бъдеще само че за по големи транзакций. Много хора все още не осъзнават какъв еволюционе скок ни предстои да направиме и не става въпрос само за парите. Блокчейн технологията ще навлезне във всичко в близко бъдеще.

Биткойнът не е това, което беше. Рекламираха го като транзакции без посредник с почти минимални такси. В играта съм от 2 години и половина. Днес вече ми искат по 19 долара и то за бърза транзакция, което вече не е нормално... Да не говорим колко се чака да се изпълни самата транзакция.

това е така BTC не е готов технологично за масова употреба все още и не знам дали някога ще бъде но за мен е достаъчно че прокарва пътя на тази технолгия.

Дано дано!

This GIF I made today is my comment :)

Not sure how to respond to this.

"2017 is huge for the crypto world! Anyone following the news and markets is probably enjoying the rise of Bitcoin and all the altcoins who are reaching new heights"

This is I was referring to.

I agree with you blockein is here to stay and it newest technological revolution and it is leading by the big daddy BTC humanity to new level of prosperity. Everyday more and more people realize that untly we reach a threshold after that it start the early adoption face of BTC and Blockchain technology. Thank you for this article.

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