First Impressions About Brave Browser - The Basic Attention Token Vehicle

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Basic Attention Token, or BAT, as it's the name of the token, is yet another attempt at disrupting the so-called "attention economy" by using the blockchain. Backed by an impressive technical team (Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and co-founder of Mozilla is the leading character in this team) BAT made some impressive progress lately.

They just recently announced they'll start including YouTubers in their BAT payment program. If you don't know how this work, well, it's a bit like Patreon. You set up a monthly quota that you wish to donate from your wallet (which means you, as a consumer, have to buy those tokens first) and then Brave, the browser, will distribute those tokens based on the amount of time you spend on each of the sites enrolled. That's pretty much it, except with today's release, Brave can automatically detect the author of a YouTube video, no matter where that video is embedded, which is pretty bad ass, if you ask me.

So, I decided to take Brave for a spin. Below it's a screenshot of consumed form Brave. You can see the 3 ads from anonymous ads blocked and also the JSEcoin mining script disabled. Neat :)

Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 8.35.28 PM.png

Here are my thoughts after about one hour of using it:

  • it's fast (I'm writing this from a Brave browser)
  • it's clean, it really looks and feels neat
  • it's still a bit rough around the UX, some settings can be placed in different areas, but this is normal, as it is a very new product. I expect a lot of the UX to change as the product matures and there's more of a user base to draw feedback from
  • it does block a lot of ads ads and scripts, so if you're looking for an integrated browser + ad blocker, I think this is your choice
  • it's stable (not a single crash in one hour, although at times it felt a bit sluggish)

I still don't have any BAT tokens or any other crypto in my wallet, so I can't say anything about the actual rewarding process, but, if time permits, I will test that too in the near future.

All in all, a neat piece of software.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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Very cool. Thanks for all your efforts. Really enjoy following you. Oh, and I got time today to do a TA update on STEEM as I promised a couple of days ago.

BTW, Steemit Devs are asking for our opinions and ideas for the 2018 road map.

I came across a suggestion for the ability to categorize posts within each of our blogs. While there are many who suggest that there be a tab for the likes of resteems and Zappl, this particular suggestion is the only one I have seen to date that talks about a more comprehensive organizational solution. If you’d like to see something like this, please upvote the suggestion and pass this informational note around.

Just below that same comment I added a couple of ideas that I haven’t yet seen put forth by anyone else. If you like those two ideas, again, please upvote the comment and alert other users you know to do the same.

Thanks a bunch!

Anyone know how to register BOTH a website and a youtube channel in their system? They give you the choice of one or the other and I did the website option but now can't find a youtube option..

I saw that glitch too and it felt under the "UX glitches" that I talked about. I think they simply didn't code it right and it may be addressed in future versions.

oh ok, i see - yes, maybe so.

I guess that the price of BAT will go bullish now...

I wish I'd be able to move the price with just an article :))) Anyway, I like how you think...

Sometimes single post or video can go viral and change the market sentiment to a great extent....never under estimate anything...

With great power comes great responsibility... and a knock on your door from the SEC...

Something gave it a little bit of a jump yesterday :

it might rise higher the price because of this :)

It's a nice simple little browser (emphasis on the "simple", I don't know if they planned it that way or if it's just sparse right now because it's still pretty new). It's become the main browser for my youngest child as it's less effort for him to deal with and does a similar enough job to the Firefox with "fortifox" extensions I set all my kids up with.

Have also recommended my big kids use it as quite often middle child was using Chrome to get some websites to work because scripts calling scripts calling other scripts to the point of idiocy was causing things to fail in Firefox even after allowing scripts! But they're old enough to decide if they want to do that now.

I haven't yet made the switch as I can't scroll with my tablet (which is a really minor issue and less so now that I have a mouse for my off-hand because let's face it scrolling with a tablet kind of bites when it's a very long document XD).

Hope you're able to test out the BATs at some point and enlighten the rest of us ;D (or at least me XD)


Yeap, I'm going to keep an eye on the payment process as well, it really got my attention :)

Been using it on my phone for 4+ months. Absolutely love it.

I have the orange lion sitting on my taskbar for a while now...problem I had with it is that "sluggishness" meaning after a few minutes it won't respond nor refresh is not frozen it is just like you took away his body and all that is left is his skin...will gladly use it when this bug is fixed

looks really cool need to try that out :D

Buna Seara Dragos!
So basically what you are saying is that using Brave browser while we are on Steemit for example is giving us in time free BAT?

Noooo, it's the other way around :)

Browserul Brave are un portofel, pe care il poti alimenta cu BAT, BTC, ETH sau LTC. In setari, stabilesti un buget lunar pe care vrei sa il cheltuiesti si browseerul distribuie acesti bani catre siturile pe care tu le vizitezi, bineinteles, daca siturile sunt in programul de publihseri al BAT. Daca esti YouTuber, poti fi adaugat automat in acest progam si vei primit BAT, daca cineva care foloseste Brave si are BAT in portofel se uita la videourile tale. Face sens?

Da acum am inteles... totul este clar.
Ma gandeam eu ca nu are cum sa faca astia un browser care sa te plateasca in modena cypto ca il folosesti! :)))
O seara placuta!

I thought they were going to reward people for using the brave browser and viewing brave ads. Do you know if this is the case? I can't find any information and that would be a make or break for me using the brave browser.

From what I read, they're still planning to have their own ads too.

Awesome, I think that's the point I will probably convert solely to Brave and will be happy to use my rewards to support youtubers and steem sites like :D. It will be interesting what technology wins out. BAT or Browser miners to help support sites and compete with adsense.

Probably a combination of both.

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