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RE: “Consortium blockchains” (e.g. DPoS & Tendermint) can’t Internet scale

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

And by the way, who anointed you as the wise sage of ethics? For some reason I’m imagining you as a thinks-he-knows-it-all snotty brat who blows green snot all over everything while proclaiming the truth. The following is presented for your remedial edification.

Falsely accusing me of hating women is very unethical and can also be classified as hate speech (at least by those who want to limit what is free speech by classifying speech). That is propaganda and sensationalism. Many people might just assume you’re correct without taking the time to truly understand my side. I have not written any hate against women. I have admonished (c.f. also) the ideology and corrupt motivation of feminists who are destroying women, men, family, and society.

I’m all about freedom for everyone. But coercive theft is not freedom.

A person incapable of clear thinking would presume that hate for women equates with social commentary expressing analysis of society’s politically correct ideology. That sort of accusation is a ploy that propagandists employ to shut off the pre-frontal cortex so that people are incapable of clear thinking. Their minds get pushed into the primitive, post-paleozoic, hunter-gatherer fight-or-flight hindbrain mode of human nature. I debated someone recently who referred to this hindbrain as the “lizard brain”.

MEETING THE ENEMY A feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights movement

Do you really think by ignoring damned facts that you’re really looking out for the best interests of women. I posit that White Knighting is actually very harmful to women because it creates moral hazard and many other deleterious ramifications some of which have deleterious effects on the natural reproductive happiness of women. It is as if you do not understand that many women are not happy if they can’t find what they think is a “strong man”. When the State destroys all the strength of men, then even a devout liberal genius such as Eric Raymond explains that the females end up unhappy because they can’t find any males at their perceived status level. I am fully in agreement with allowing women the freedom to destroy themselves with their own hypergamy if they do wish (heck I may even partake as their hypergamous target of infatuation), as long as society doesn’t make me pay for it with taxes and the coercive collectivized power to steal from the man in divorce (because for one reason this enables the power vacuum that drags us into World Wars and megadeath). I have written damned facts about genders, hypergamy, feminism and such. These facts may be difficult for you to accept. Just as it may be difficult for those who support Socialism to admit that the Communists have killed 50–100 million people in the 20th century and admit that Socialism is just Communism in disguise.

I’m also in agreement with females achieving what they can achieve as long as it’s a meritocracy of the free market, not the government trampling on the free market causing the society to collapse by for example forcing companies to hire females for jobs they can’t do well. I do take notice of females who excel for example in STEM fields. I am not against those exceptional cases. I even work on decentralization technology which knows nothing about gender and provides a level meritorious playing field.

Even Jordan Peterson explained that the very high IQ female attorneys in the top law firms quit by their late 20s or early 30s to go make a family. This is just one of those damned facts of nature that women can’t even understand about their own plight even when women admit that females are inherently misogynist! (as they were programmed to be by evolution)

Laura Callaghan, for The New York Times

Fantasies about how everyone should be equal are just fantasies. Fantasies are not reality. Fantasies crash hard into reality. Every damn time in human history. Do you want some more megadeath with that fantasy? Or can I somehow convince you to wake up your pre-frontal cortex since I presume you’re a male then you should have the capability of overcoming hindbrain emotion and being rational.

click here to read some irrational propaganda from a feminist

The above linked irrational blog hasn’t cited any of the conflicting data. The reason that females consume more than males is because they’re hypergamous and they prioritize human relations, emotions, and feelings. These conclusions are supported by all the data. And is that even a bad thing that women are women? Would we prefer that women became men and men become women? Lunacy.

White knights are evil men – a man who white knights another man’s woman is a man who will spread hateful lies about his friend behind his friend’s back to sow discord and anger between friends. A man who white knights another man’s woman also engages in every kind of depraved and cowardly evil. When you punch a woman, no matter how much she deserves it, you show weakness and loss of frame, and weakness attracts evil. Deal with a misbehaving woman with firmness and strength, you will have no problems. Deal with her from weakness, white knights will materialize like flies on rotting meat.

P.S. I of course agree with your admonishment of @chryspano for abusing the flagging feature. And we now see that my predictions of Steem’s failure are coming to fruition. In 2016 I had proposed decentralized curation to ameliorate that abuse.

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