in #blockchain6 years ago

If you are an investor or you are aspiring to be one, then this article is for you. In this article, I will be talking about investing, Trading, Trading platforms, Transportation, The transport industry and most importantly CARGOCOIN which I think is the big break that the transport industry have been yearning for, and for you my avid readers, CARGOCOIN is that oppurtunity you've been waiting for. With this you can elevate your portfolio to that level which you thought impossible. read along and discover the future!!

Trading definition, the act or process of buying, selling, or exchanging commodities, at either wholesale or retail, within a country or between countries: domestic trade; foreign trade. trading occurs on different platforms and stages with the use of various interface of interaction, there are various forms of trading which includes: bond trading, forex trading, shares trading, physical trading etc.

PEOPLE engage in trading for various reasons which includes:

To engage in buying and selling for profit.

  1. To make an exchange of one thing for another.

the reasons go on and on, one thing common to all kinds of Trade is TRANSPORTATION it's the bridge between customers and suppliers it brings the consumer and the goods together without transport trading will be nothing but an imagination( in depth analysis and definition of the transport industry is below)


What is Investing?
Investing: The act of committing money or capital to an endeavor with the expectation of obtaining an additional income or profit.

Legendary investor Warren Buffett defines investing as “… the process of laying out money now to receive more money in the future.” The goal of investing is to put your money to work in one or more types of investment vehicles in the hopes of growing your money over time.

Investing is really about “working smarter and not harder.” Most of us work hard at our jobs, whether for a company or our own business. We often work long hours, which requires sacrifice and adds stress. Taking some of our hard-earned money and investing for our future needs is a way to make the most of what we earn.

Investing is also about making priorities for your money. Spending is easy and gives instant gratification — whether the splurge is on a new outfit, a vacation to some exotic spot or dinner in a fancy restaurant. All of these are wonderful and make life more enjoyable. But investing requires prioritizing our financial futures over our present desires.

Investing is a way to set aside money while you are busy with life and have that money work for you so that you can fully reap the rewards of your labor in the future. Investing is a means to a happier ending.

The transportation industry is responsible for moving people, animals, and goods from one location to another, whether by land, air, or sea. This large industry includes a wide variety of organizations, such as travel airlines, railways, and cruise lines, municipal transportation companies, freight railways, cargo trucking, and air and express delivery services. These companies may ship within certain regions of the United States or both nationally and internationally. According to SelectUSA, the U.S. transportation and logistics industry accounted for 8.3 percent of the annual gross domestic product, with spending in this industry totaling $1.45 trillion in 2014.

Over the centuries, developments in transportation have changed how we live and work. In the early days, man used horses, mules, and other animals to travel to different locations and to transport goods. Man-made boats and ships were used to travel along coastal waterways and across oceans for exploration and trade. Most people settled in areas nearest to the coasts because road travel was difficult and often dangerous at the time. As far back as the 1600s, water transportation was used to ship agricultural products to different ports. In the 1800s, railroads were built throughout the United States, resulting in more areas of the country being developed and populated, and even more goods from around the country delivered to these areas. The transportation industry evolved further in the 1900s, with the introduction of the automobile and the airplane.

Transport is a key element of the international trade. Any physical commodity or good which is manufactured and traded is to be delivered. Transport enables trade between people, which has proved to be essential for the development of civilizations. The right mode of transport is fundamental to ensure efficient and costeffective trade. The right partner, at the right time and right price is essential in order to achieve efficiency. There are four ways of transport – sea, road, rail and air. In most cases more than one type of transport is used. The shipping industry is the least technologically developed economic sector. This fact allows us to introduce the CargoCoin and penetrate the global marketplace at faster pace with relatively low competition. Brief statistics of the financial aspects of the industry and the potential market. • 10.3 BILLION tons in 2016 - world seaborne trade;UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) • 1.8 BILLION tons carried in containers; • 8.5 BILLION tons carried in bulk, break bulk, liquid; • 701 MILLION TEUs were handled on ports worldwide in 2016; (UNCTAD) • US $380 BILLION in freight rates within the global economy, estimated by the (UNCTAD) the operation of merchant ships to the global economy, equivalent to about 5% of total world trade; • 1.9 BILLION TONS of DWT – world merchant fleet International Chamber of Shipping; • 90% of the world trade: The international shipping industry is responsible for the carriage of around 90% of world trade; IMO (International Maritime Organisation) • 50,000 merchant ships trading internationally, transporting every kind of cargo; (IMO) • USD 12 TRILLION – Value of Seaborne trade, (heading towards the size of China’s economy!); (WTO estimate.) • 1.2 MILLION Seafarers from virtually every nationality; • Shipping is the most fuel efficient and carbon friendly form of commercial transport; (UNCTAD) • Steady long-term growth of trade and transport on global scale; (*UNCTAD) Taking into account the global statistics on trade and transport the CargoCoin platform objective is to penetrate interconnected multi-billion industries with smart contract crypto solutions, as a services and utilities provider. The Platform creates a strong link between the Physical world and the crypto universe.

Today, the transportation industry faces several challenges, many of which are related to consistent changes in the regulatory environment. The American Transportation Research Institute released a report in October of 2015 that listed the top 10 issues facing the trucking industry. The top three (in order) were Hours of Service Regulations, the Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) Program, and Driver Shortage.

Compliance, Safety, and Accountability
According to the FMCSA, the CSA is an “initiative to improve large truck and bus safety and ultimately reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities that are related to commercial motor vehicles.”

The primary tracker for this initiative is the Safety Measurement System (SMS), which measures the performance of drivers and carriers based on seven Behavioral Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs). The seven categories are Unsafe Driving, HOS Compliance, Driver Fitness, Controlled Substances/Alcohol, Vehicle Maintenance, Hazardous Materials Compliance and Crash Indicators.

The ATRI report disputes the effectiveness of these measurements being good predictors of crash risk. The report goes on to indicate inconsistencies in how this information is gathered and tracked from state to state, indicating a system that may need to be re-evaluated.

The size of the transport industry is tremendous – the global value of the seaborne trade itself is over $12 trillion (WTO statistics). The value of freight rates is USD 380 Billion is 2017 (UNCTAD). Although the shipping industry is one of the largest economic sectors it is the least technologically advanced one. Today paper documents are issued for all shipped cargoes, no matter of the transport means. All original documents are being sent by couriers, taking time and money. All cargoes and freights are being paid for in traditional ways – via bank wire transfers or letter of credit. Those are expensive, slow and nonconfidential methods. Increasingly more often USD and EUR transactions are being blocked for weeks by US correspondent banks. Anyone in the industry has encountered that problem. Original documents delivery delays and money transfer delays cause unaccounted extra costs, opportunity cost & depreciation of assets, while disturbing a long supply chain

We are used to having union talks a year before contracts expire, which puts every importer on edge. However, it seems they are starting the talks earlier now. The ILWU contract is ending in 2019, and we are hearing the news that this year the ILWU would like to have talks earlier this year. If the risks that I mentioned above indeed pose a threat, we will most likely have labor union disputes, since as the number of containers decrease, the risk of a dispute over compensation increases.

For the last 5-6 years, there has been an overcapacity problem, where the supply was around 5 – 6% with the U.S. (demand) economy growing at a modest 2.3 – 2.4% (which also led to Hanjin’s collapse.) With the new alliances in effect, and demand slowly catching up with supply, carriers will have every incentive to keep rates high. This will be a problem, especially during peak season where carriers will do their best to limit the space to low freight amounts and maximize the space to people who pay more.

In short, these threats are real as can be, and every importer should be ready to face these challenges, keeping up with the trends. These are 2018’s shipping industry challenges.


Understanding and responding to changes in future demand
In the past, there has been a clear pattern of growth in personal travel (vehicle kilometres travelled) but this growth has stalled in recent years. There is some debate whether this trend is the result of economic factors or a structural shift in attitudes towards personal transportation. This makes understanding the future demand for transport a major challenge.

As the choices people make about how and when they travel change, there are significant implications for where we choose to invest, and how we keep Auckland and our other urban centres moving. For the transport system to contribute to a thriving New Zealand, we need to recognise that we are trying to improve access, not just mobility. We can achieve this with good transport systems, with good spatial planning or by improving digital access.

How we integrate these approaches is critical.

To reduce the uncertainty we face around future demand for personal travel, we need to better understand the factors affecting the changing patterns of demand. These include social trends, as well as the speed in development, uptake and impact of new technologies.

There is also a need to build flexibility into the system where we can — this will allow us to respond more quickly to changing patterns of demand, and reduce the likelihood that we will make investments that will become unnecessary.

Finally, we need to recognise that the investment decisions we make will shape patterns of demand and not just respond to them. We should move away from the approach of seeking to simply predict future demand and then provide for it. We should instead debate the sort of access we want and decide how to invest to support the future.

Embracing the technology challenge and opportunity
Intelligent transport systems are revolutionising transport globally, and these technologies offer some of the best prospects for improvements in safety, efficiency and environmental outcomes. The Government, and regulators globally, will be challenged to keep up with the pace of technological change and ensure that transport rules and regulations or other barriers are not preventing a new technology or business model from being adopted, or deterring developers from investing in research and development. For example, we have seen a rapid increase in the use of remotely piloted aircraft (or ‘drones’), which are being used for an increasingly diverse range of civilian applications, including aerial photography, search and rescue, and agricultural crop spraying.

Another example will be the scope for ‘connected vehicles’ of the future to allow better utilisation of roading networks. This might fundamentally alter the nature of future transport solutions to address Auckland’s growing congestion challenge.

The Government will have an important role in helping to realise the benefits of these technologies — as an investor, facilitator and regulator. However, in most cases, the development of new technologies will be led by the private sector. Their success or otherwise will be determined by whether consumers value them, and there may not be any need for the Government to be involved.


Investing wisely to support THE TRANSPORT industry economic growth
Understanding the relationship between transport and economic development, and therefore why and when to invest in transport infrastructure, is a key challenge for the Government.

Transport has a critical role in supporting economic growth. As a country, we depend on international aviation and maritime links to connect us to the global marketplace. Alongside that, the Government has a target of growing exports from 30 per cent to 40 per cent of GDP. We need to avoid unnecessary regulatory barriers to international freight and ensure that our policies encourage the smooth operation of our ports.

While investment in transport has historically been a driver for economic growth, that benefit is largely seen when an economy is developing, and as a country puts in place the necessary transport systems to support a modern economy. Once those networks are in place, the focus shifts to reducing the costs of doing business along these routes (addressing bottlenecks) to maintain relative economic competitiveness.

Transport investments that connect regions to other markets can have a two-way effect. New connections can allow the development of economic activity in a region or they can allow existing economic activity to be drawn away from the region



CargoCoin is designed to be a smart contract, crypto currency platform, decentralising global trade and transport. The platform target is to facilitate and optimise the interaction amongst traders, freight forwarders, shipping lines, booking agents as well as all other parties involved in the international trade and transport of commodities and cargoes. The platform users experience outlines well-balanced ecosystem based on cutting edge crypto security and frictionless interaction. CargoCoin objective is to provide a global marketplace environment and utilities for facilitation of trade, transport, exchange of documents and payment options at low cost in real time. The platform architecture is based on the principles of high level of security, transparency, traceability and accountability. It is set up in a way that the participants can take advantage of any part of it alone, or in combination with other sections. It can be used as a very simple platform or as a complex smart contract utility with various payment options. The link between physical trade and transport with online crypto technologies delivers the opportunity for implementation of a large scale project and allows for further expansion. CargoCoin platform options provide infinite possibilities for added value to the users and the participants. All utilities on the platform operate with CargoCoins. The ultimate aim is boosting demand and facilitating the usage of the tokens. CargoCoin Team interest is set in line with the interest of the ICO supporters!


The full scale scope of the project extends to all trade and transport areas i.e. the shipping industry (containers, bulk, break bulk, liquid bulk), inland transportation (trucks, railways), air cargo (transportation by planes, drones, etc.), other types of “new age” transport such as pipeline transport, space cargo, intercity and outer city shared rides. Dedicated platforms for the different types of transport will be interconnected, allowing for infinite functionality. The objective is the creation of synergy between the commodities & cargo traders with all transport means on a global scale. The integration of all participants and utilities delivers unique, FIRST of its kind Ecosystem. CargoCoin is designed to utilise the platforms, both as a secure transfer and storage method by the means of smart contracts, as well as a payment unit for services, freight and cargoes. The CargoCoin concept fully unleashes the potential of block chain crypto currencies to act, not just as a means of payment and store of value, but also as an interactive way of sending, receiving, approving, rejecting and signing documents through the process. CargoCoin is to be based on the newest ERC223 token standard. It has major improvements compared to the ERC20 token standard. The ERC 233 allows for more advanced, precise and universal handling of smart contracts, required for the project, while avoiding potential token traps. The issued tokens are designed to fully act as smart contracts programmed in Solidity and available as open source for everyone to review and inspect the code, thus serving all purposes of the project simultaneously. The CargoCoin platform links the physical world of trade and transport to the blockchain.

I’ve gone through CARGOCOIN'S policies, philosophies and what they hope to achieve and i can vouch for them and say it is a brilliant plan and a hell of a job have been done by the CARGOCOIN team in bringing and putting all these together. if you want to have that cutting edge in your investments and put your portfolio over the top believe me when i say you've just got your rabbit’s foot with CARGOCOIN.

CargoCoin smart platform objective is to create a global market place for trade & transport services supported by smart contracts & crypto payment methods. In order to introduce the SMART UTILITIES (smart contracts & payment methods) that create and increase the value of the CargoCoin we take a reverse but entirely market oriented approach. The Core is a Global marketplace platform (SERVICES) facilitating the supply and demand for transport of all cargo types, including other essential services that are vital for shipping and trading. The use of the free services naturally implements the platform’s SMART UTILITIES. The Marketplace is designed to be FREE for all users. The CargoCoin objective is maximum number of users, participants and enhancement of their interaction.

Never before has there being a platform that BRINGS a total revamp of the Transport scene like CARGOCOIN does, it is very user friendly and my research on this project has shown me that it’s going to be a very successful project. it’s various advantages to both users and the economy are endless a few of which are:

The CargoCoin blockchain technology delivers revolution of the trade & transport by fostering optimisation. It will eliminate a number of problems:

  1. Reducing Fraud – CargoCoin minimises the risk of fraud and in many cases completely eliminates it, by not releasing any payments until the counter parties’ pre-set conditions are met & publicly available proof of the payment has been made or secured in a smart escrow utility. Payments will be guaranteed by default. Fraudulent endorsement and duplication of ownership documents is ruled out.

  2. Lowering Costs – CargoCoin will significantly reduce costs, compared to high percentages and other fine print fees that are charged through the whole process by banks, couriers, insurers, brokers, agents, lines, etc. Guaranteed payments will not incur any costs, as it is the case with Bank L/C at the moment.

  3. Minimising Delays – CargoCoin avoids the delays by providing instant exchange, review and approval of documents and payments between the parties involved. Further delays are caused by different time zones, different public holidays, etc. The blockchain is always at work 24/7 and does not depend on human intervention. It is 7 estimated that payment delays alone cost around $19 billion per year (*UNCATD) in losses.

  4. Increasing Trust – CargoCoin relies on the public infrastructure of the Ethereum blockchain, backed by thousands of people in a peer-to-peer decentralised infrastructure. Using a proven and trusted technology speaks for itself.

  5. Securing Information – CargoCoin is naturally secured. It relies on the blockchain’s proven hashing algorithm technology. There is no possibility of sensitive commercial information leakage by intermediaries, such as banks, brokers, agents, etc. While it is fully confidential it also allows for full publicity of the transactions details that are to be visible by all parties and the public.

  6. Safe Archiving – CargoCoin, not just allows but fully relies for full historic storage of all transactions ever conducted, thus avoiding risks of physical loss or destruction of paper documents, while at the same time allowing for easy searching and reviewing past information stored in the cloud.

Flexibility – CargoCoin is flexible and allows the parties involved to easily select the terms that they choose to interact with. Options for standard or custom negotiated terms, conditions and forms will boost the user experience. Elimination of language barriers will further facilitate the eco-system participants

Why you should invest this Early ?
Early stage and existing companies might worth extremely low and have huge potential to fast-growing. Smart startup companies today can scale up hundreds of time faster than they could just a few years back. There’s never been better time to invest. This opportunity now available not only for venture capital or institutional investors, but for retail investors and for you too.

What is an ICO?
For those who don’t know an ICO literally means Initial Coin Offering, ICO is crowdfunding via use of cryptocurrency, which can be a source of capital for startup or existing companies. In an ICO a percentage of the newly issued cryptocurrency is sold to investors in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. now that we are all acquainted with what an ICO is it brings us to the main topic of this article.


CargoCoin’s designated short symbol: CRGO. A total supply of 100 mln. tokens will be offered at stage 1, each with 18 decimals. The ICO will be broken down in two stages – pre-ICO and an actual ICO. The pre-ICO will run for a very short period of time and will be open to the public for a set period of time. The price of 1 CRGO will be fixed at 0.50 USD during the pre-ICO stage. A total of 10 mln. CRGO tokens will be distributed during the pre-ICO stage. During the preICO, Supporters will be able to purchase CRGOs at 50% of its regular price. The pre-ICO will run for 15 days – from April, 1st 2018 @ 00:00 – April, 15th 2018 @ 23:59. The soft cap is estimated to reach USD 5 mil. Following the pre-ICO an ICO will take place and 55 mil. tokens will be distributed each at a price of 1.00 USD. The ICO phase 1 will start on April, 16th 2018 @ 00:00 and will last until May, 15th @ 23:59. The ICO period could be extended with further phases if the hard is not reached. The hard cap is estimated to reach USD 55 mil. The total capitalisation of CargoCoin after completing the initial coin offering for stage 1 is estimated to reach USD 60 mil. Since CargoCoin is ERC223 based, tokens will be distributed after the ERC223 standard is officially released on the Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts are fully developed and tested, as issuing the tokens is irreversible and further changes to the dApp’s Solidity code cannot be made.

Token Distribution
CargoCoin will be distributed as follows: ➢ 10% pre-ICO (soft cap); ➢ 55% ICO (hard cap); ➢ 15% distributed towards the team and advisers. Available after up to 6 months following the successful completion of the ICO. ➢ 10% bounty & affiliate program ➢ 10% reserved for exchanges liquidity, etc.

                                        CARGOCOIN DISTRIBUTION

100% of the raised funds from the token sale will be used for the development of stage 1 platform and for the implementation of the marketing strategies, as described in this white paper

                                                         FUND UTILIZATION 


Participating in the Initial Coin Offering
To purchase CargoCoin visit after April, 1st 2018 and contribute to the project. During the pre-ICO and ICO process CagoCoin tokens are available at the specified cost.

For more information,please visit :
ANN Thread:
Author cryptobillions1

bitcointalk link-;u=1873741

Etherum Address: 0x9124dA55DFe6d7d43CB9f8f263e39688EbdcaF6C



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