On Whale Vomit, Productivity, and Building An Army


Last week Blockchain Blogger series saw us treat some Interesting topics, though I wrote only two posts they were hard hitting as It made a lot of people have a rethink of the processes they take In growing their blog

Steemit is a very Interesting place and sometimes there are a lot of doubts on how to really work on this platform, there are some that are of the opinion that people don't really care, that we are all here for the Steem

So they end up not trying to Interact with the Human part of this platform, some just write posts, boost it with bots then go offline, hoping that someone else will also give them an upvote

However I have been on this platform for 319 days and there are one thing that I am sure of is that Steemians value consistency and hardwork, they also prefer to be treated as Humans and not just as another source of Upvotes

So when you present yourself to them as a person of Value, they are bound to respond positively and also value your work

The first post of last week was : On Patreon and Air Clinic : How To Become Whale Vomit

This post simply talked about the Importance of being remarkable In whatever you are doing. Just like I said above people respond to excellence and they will appreciate you for this

The post also Illustrated the awesome process that turns the sperm whale vomit into a substance worth thousands of dollars. It is a must read

The following are comments from readers:

@as-i-see-it said :

Upvoted and Followed!

Thank you for this informative article.

I appreciate your sharing and I am hoping to learn enough from articles such as this, so that I will be able to create postings that people actually want to read and can benefit from. :-)

@maxdevalue said :

I went through this post line after line, and I came out with something, I’ll like to put it in my own way.

When you engaged with rivals, never copy, rather be innovative, a person that copies others is like a blind man who is at mercy of others.

Good one again from @ogochukwu


The second post of the week was titled : The Number One Productivtiy Hack and How to Raise Your Army

This post explained that true productivity comes from doing what you love. That alone brings you intense energy to push forward in days that you don't feel like doing anything

The post also talked about the importance of building your army here On steemit, that will also help you when the need arises. And that will only be possible if you prove yourself to be a person of value

The following are comments from the readers

@greenrun said :

True that. Let's create value first, other nice things like SBD and STEEM would always fall in line. Cheers

@waphilip said:

As far as "building an army", i'm pretty sure you have enough people in your ranks to take on the Romans with out the Trojan horse haha! Always appreciate your insight bro!

Thats All For Last week posts, I hope to bring more thought provoking posts this week In my constant race to bring you value. Thanks to Steemians like @greenrun , @waphilip @cwen , @modernpastor @rok-sivante , @surpassinggoogle and a whole host of others for their constant support

Thanks For Reading

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Follow @ogochukwu


I need an army so we could have invade crypto towns and come back with bounties! Good to see your post. Awaiting the next one. Cheers.

PS: You are just 46 days shy of being here for a year. A year of consistent blogging. Congratulations. It takes super passion to pull that off.

Thanks for your constant engagement @greenrun

It is people like you that fuels me to put in my best, and I will keep pumping out Whale Vomit

have someone ever told u that u are a creative writer, i mean this is a good work ure doing for the steemit cummunity ..keep the hard work on brother ..jah bless

@ogochukwu how can I join your group/guild

Download Discord App on Playstore. set up your profile and follow the link in my profile url

Thanks for inviting me in... Your posts and steemit wallet is encouraging enough ..lol... At least am encouraged to work hard. I've read all your mentorship materials and I find them exciting and helpful. Thanks for doing what you do (Emeka Nwa Enugu)

So when you present yourself to them as a person of Value, they are bound to respond positively and also value your work

This what have have learn. You need to value other for them to value you. Don't just post for posting sake but for it to make an impact.


Thanks for reading @seyiodus

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