On Patreon and Air Clinic : How To Become Whale Vomit


Patreon is a Steemit like service that lets users get rewarded by their Followers ( Patrons), unlike Steemit though, a persons followers have to pay to get access to the page of the person they will like to see their content

Patreon is used for different creatives around the World ranging from artists to Musicians, it is an amazing service that proved that people are willing to pay for good content. This also puts the creators on their toes to create quality content so that they will not underdeliver for the Monthly fee

Steemit will experience a rise in content quality if that was the case here.

There are a lot of people who are earning thousands of dollars on Patreon and this is made possible because they have all the attributes of Whale vomit. This is what enables them to demand huge subscription fees for what they do

One of the top Patreon pages earns up to $89,534 Monthly from their podcasts, they have 20,174 patrons so far

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When I say Whale Vomit, it sounds disgusting and I am sure most people will click this post just to make sense of the title, but the truth is that this kind of Whale Vomit I will talk about is actually valuable

The sperm whale is an amazing creature. It has a giant, rectangular head, the sperm whale today grows to 50 to 60 feet long, so it is a very enormous creature.

It is actually the biggest predator on the planet, it is also the predator with the biggest head and teeth along with the biggest brain, it makes the loudest noise of any creature on the planet.

Divers that has swam near it say that when it starts to click and use echo location under water, it feels like you're being kicked in the chest by a horse because of the magnitude of the sound, but it's also the deepest diving mammal,

When it does that, It dives deep into the ocean and it swims down to 3000-4000 feet below sea level, what's it looking for to eat is giant squid, and giant squid themselves are huge, right?

Giant squids are sometimes as big as mini buses that we see on the road, and the only problem with the sperm whale eating those things is that the squid themselves have these razor sharp beaks that they eat fish with, and whatever they're preying on, and they also have little sharp hooks in their tentacles, that they grab this prey with and feed their mouth with

So when the sperm whale is slurping down this giant squid it's almost like, I compare it to you and I eating a thick bowl of Oats with razor blades suspended in it, and it actually has the potential to tear up the Whale from Inside


The sperm whale has a remarkable digestive mechanism built into it, so that whenever it does consume or swallow down something ultra sharp, it actually coats it with this gel like substance and vomits it back into the ocean

This piece of liberated sperm whale vomit that's between the size of a grapefruit and a football, will be floating and bobbing in the ocean water for weeks and months and sometimes even years, and that time in the sea water environment actually changes its composition, and it starts to acquire the properties of a fixative, and fixatives are incredibly valuable to the perfumery industry.

A fixative is what allows a little bottle of perfume that you spend several hundred dollars on that's only a few ounces, not to evaporate, because the perfume of course, is made mostly of alcohol, right?. Sperm whale vomit has been recognized and treasured as an amazingly powerful and effective fixative for years now and it is becoming more and more expensive for perfume brands to purchase it, some have even stopped using It

Perfume brands like Calvin Klein, Christian Dior,, features sperm whale vomit or is purported to. Because it is incredibly value to its unique market that uses it, because it is absolutely unique in its value proposition, it is rare and different from its substitutes. Sperm whale vomit is also, what?

Very Expensive

A pound of Whale vomit costs as much as $6000 to $9000 a pound and some people have struck it big when they stumbled upon a Whale Vomit that washed up the beach

When It comes to applying the principle of Whale vomit in what you do, you have to find ways to totally differentiate yourself from people that are In a similar field with you.

Last week I talked about how Domino Pizza used the "30 minutes or it's free" campaign to carry the Pizza market in the United states, they saw a hole in the Pizza Market which is slow delivery

A bad example of this is Blackberry which tried to beat Apple at their game. And started copying Apple tactics. When you find yourself in a market, don't copy, Innovate


Steemit Air-Clinic

A recent example of this is a Doctor here on Steemit @nairadaddy, who recently started the Air Clinic Initiative. You can read the Introduction post HERE.

Air- Clinic aims to be the Haven for all thing Health on the Steem Blockchain and it has big plans that I know will surely work out well as it's founder Doctor George (@nairadaddy) is a person of excellence

In a seemingly crowded blogsphere like Steemit, there are a lot of things that you can use to make yourself stand out. You may be a person of value and die In obscurity. You have to show people what you can do.

It is called Brand Positioning. And it can only be achieved with content and engagement

Air Clinic is positioned to be a one of a kind and the Discord server is already being populated by Steemians all over the World

So no matter who you are , It is time for you to find ways to contribute positively to the Steemit community. And just like @surpassinggoogle said

Everyone has something to offer

So go out there and shine. We are waiting for you

Thanks For Reading

Image Source : Pexels

Follow @ogochukwu


I am happy to be part of this initiative, after launching my steem-medic idea which is geared towards educating people on health and fitness, @nairadaddy gave me a warmth commendation, few days later he created air-clinic and i was invited to be part of the initiative. steemit is not about the money steemit is diversification of knowledge.
If you will like to read my steem-medic post CLICK


Thansk for reading and your awesome contributions to the community

I just upvoted this because I loved the title. Yes, whale vomit is precious, but in the current context of the word whales, the irony is well played. Even enjoyed the article. Thanks.

Thanks for reading and I am glad that you enjoyed the post @windsrockswater

I just got entertained reading this. Dunno if that was part of the ideas you had while making the article. I got entertained and informed. Keep up the good work.

Lolz was It that good.

I didn't know it appeared. Lol. Had to write another one. Now I have two comments in same post. Awesome. Jay Jay Okocha was so good they named him twice 😎

Educative as usual. I love your anecdotal nexus of things. good one

Thanks for reading @lemmybe

you are welcome

I found this writeup very entertaining. I do not know if one of the ideas you have while making it involves entertainment. But I just got entertained and informed.

Hello @greenrun

Thanks for reading. My major aim was to educate, any other thing is just jara


The jara made my day then.

Upvoted and Followed!

Thank you for this informative article.

I appreciate your sharing and I am hoping to learn enough from articles such as this, so that I will be able to create postings that people actually want to read and can benefit from. :-)

I am glad that you found this post valuable @as-I-see-it

Nice post friend..
I am always read your post.. @ogochukwu

Thanks for your constant engagement @aaawee

have you stated anything on patreon? If so what has your experience been like

Hello @masterroshi

I once considered It and even actually setup a profile there, but I later decided to focus all my attention on Steemit.


I went through this post line after line, and I came out with something, I’ll like to put it in my own way.

When you engaged with rivals, never copy, rather be innovative, a person that copies others is like a blind man who is at mercy of others.

Good one again from @ogochukwu

Thanks @maxdevalue

Any Market with high copy rate will have a slow innovation movement.


I really love how you get the message delivered @ogochukwu

Thanks for reading @tfame3865

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