The Number One Productivity Hack and How To Raise Your Army

in #blockchain-blogger7 years ago (edited)


Productivity is one word that has been thrown around a lot. It's cousin Multitasking holds a distant second. But what does productivity mean ?

Everyone out there on the web is looking for productivity hacks. In the race to get more done, we often forget that productivity does not mean doing smart work, It is more about doing organized work

And Organized work comes from something your really care about. If you hate your Job, you can always find smart waays to reduce your workload or evade tasks. When you doing something you actually care about, you will be more organised and It will also make you do your daily tasks even on days you don't feel like it

For the past 28 days I have been writing a blog post everyday. The reason that I have been able to achieve this is because I really care about What I do, and even On days I did not feel like creating content, I still Organized myself to achieve the goal of writing a post

This is one of the reasons why you should find a Niche or blog about things you really care about, you will have enough daily fuel to come out and create something that will bring your audience value

If you actually care and believe in the work your are doing and look forward to it, that is a strong enough fuel for productivity than any smart maneuvers you can put In place to get things done

This is the greatest productivity hack of all, actually caring about what you do. So stop doing stuff you know little or nothing about and focus on what matters to You


Building An Army

@darthnava is a Steemian who ran into some severe medical problems some Months back. He was hospitalised and did not have enough Money to pay his bills, so he made a Steemit post describing his predicatment, and In a matter of days he recieved more than enough Money to pay off his bills, a lot of whales upvoted his post giving it a total payout of over $17,500, and Steemians like @papa-pepper still made freewill donations

Now you may be wondering what made him get more than what he needed, the secret of this is that he was able to build an Army of remarkable individuals who were eager to help him out

He was known in the Steemit Community as a person of Value so when he needed help people found It more easier to help him Out, because he has built a certain amount of relationship with many steemians

Now when I say Army you may not really get what I am saying. Building an Army is simply finding out people you are called to serve, and when you find those people you spend time serving them and bringing them value

An Army does not appear out of thin air. The most Important thing is answering this two Important questions

  • What Am I Creating

  • Who Am I Serving

Finding the answer to this two questions is Instrumental to building and serving an Army. For the past Ten Months i have been on this Platform seeking out people who identify with the message of providing value and also holding people in high esteem. I have come in contact with a lot of stories and exoerineces along the way and I have also made some very strong ans amazing connections


Giving Is The Best Communication

There are a lot of things that the instant payouts that Steemit offers has done to the perception of people when It comes to Giving. The fact that we can be Instantly rewarded for our work in a blogging world where you have to wait for Months or even years to earn some thing tangible form a Wordpress or Blogger Platform is totally mind blowing

This however have also had also had its side effects. Steemians have grown a culture of Instant gratification. I am not saying the system of earning of earning on Steemit is broken, I am saying that It has led to Us building a system of instant gratification around it.

So when you tell people that the best way to grow their blog or profile is by post engagement , they fail to heed the advice since comments rarely bring any form of tangible earnings. Most Steemians prefer to write up to Four post a day rather than write one or two and spend the remainder of their time engaging with others

This led @gbenga to write a post some few months back, whose title can be summarized as

Everyone Is Writing, No One Is Reading

I always tell people that they need to separate their Clark Kent activity from their SuperMan activity ( Clark Kent Is SuperMan Human Identity). This is because putting another logo of the SuperMan suit will make it look stupid

Your Clark Kent activity is whatever that goes on In your blog ranging from creating content to replying your readers. Your Superman activity is actions outside your blog, ,maybe you are a Curator or you run a community project On Steemit or Discord, or it may be any other thing you do that brings value to the community In some way

You should not expect your SuperMan activities to bring you Money. They however create goodwill for you, which lets Clark Kent earn more down the Line. So the fact that you commented on someone post and the perosn did not upvote your comment should not make you stop commenting on the post of others

Comments are an opportunity for you to really shown the community how valuable your Input is and why people should pay attention to you. Below is a reply I got from @rok-sivante when I made a comment in his blog post.

Screenshot (50).png

The truth is that when you are consistent with bringing value, people will always notice and appreciate you. Connections are not made or built with just one Interaction or conversation, they built over time.

And the best way to do it is for you to repeatedly create a positive Impact in the lives of people

It is could be as simple as making your expertise available to the community. Steemians like @maryfavour and @stellabelle hold AMA's on their blogs to help people out with things they don't know or have difficulty with.

The truth is that there are a lot of things that you can do to make Impact here on Steemit and they are the things that will mark you out as a person of value.

So go out there and Create Value

Thanks For Reading

Image Source:



True that. Let's create value first, other nice things like SBD and STEEM would always fall in line. Cheers

Thanks for reading @greenrun

You are welcome

I totally agree with you. Creating value and presence is the key here.

You have to be seen in order to be heard @cwen

As far as "building an army", i'm pretty sure you have enough people in your ranks to take on the Romans with out the Trojan horse haha! Always appreciate your insight bro!

Thanks for reading and your kind words @waphilip

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