Blogging With Emotions.....How Uncertainty Stifles Creativity On Steemit


We have all been there, you wake up in Morning feeling good, you know that the day is going to be productive, you take out a notebook and jot down the idea that you got sometime during the Night

You blog post will blow people off their feet, after sitting behind your computer screen, you punch out a post of 1000 words feeling happy every step of the way at the level of your genius

The Whales won't be able to resist this

After posting you run off to work or school at the case maybe, while checking your post on your phone every step of the way to find out how well it is doing

But by the end of the day, you find out that you did not get the level of rewards and Interaction you expected, and your spirit is crushed

Spending time to create another post will seem like a total waste of time

Uncertainty Creeps In

This is the major reason why most Steemians neglect their blogs, but there is a major excuse most use to cover up for there lack of activity, and I have been recieving this excuse from some people I talk with


The Perception Of Limited Time

I am very busy, I don't have time for Steemit.

If you use that excuse, you really need to review your daily activities to find out what not having enough time means, people who claim not to have time often find themselves conceeding their "Limited Time" to Facebook and Youtube.

So you really need to ask yourself, whether your Time to Interact on Steemit is Limited or not, we have always used that excuse to cloak the uncertainity lurking in our mind

The Truth is that Steemit rewards all form of activity, no time spent on this platform is wisely is wasted, there are days I don't post content but still make a good amount of Money with Insightful comments on the post of others

Also spending time with Steemit communities on Discord have enabled me make Valuable Connections I know will bring me value down the Line


Wrong Focus

Wasting time pondering whether a post will do well is a blatant waste of your time, it is true that knowing how things will play out when an action is taken is appealing

There are few things in Life that comes with 100% assurance of working out well

You should stop Focusing on the wrong things and ask yourself the right questions

You should focus on finding your target audience, what their desires and goals are, what problems they face, and how you can be of value to them

Don't Blog With Emotions, Blog With Purpose.


What requires 100% Certainty

There are things you actually need to be Certain about, you need to sit down and ask your self why you are blogging in the first place

Steemit is not just a place to earn money with content

Steemit Is a mechanism for you to need to use and effect the change you want to see in the World.

Money without purpose will not do you any good, real wealth does not come from Hard Work, It comes from Purpose

To illustrate my point, if you were asked to Choose between hanging a potrait of Aliko Dangote and Nelson Mandela in your home, who will you choose

True Wealth does not come from Money, It comes from Purpose

Finding the role you need to play to move Steemit forward is what will bring you the rewards you so greatly desire

So you need to search within yourself and find out why you must exist here on this platform, then sit down and write out ways to achieve it

Don't Worry Facebook and Netflix will be there when you are done

Are there other things that hinder you from contributing to the Steemit Community, share them in the comments below

Thanks For Reading

Read My Last Post: The NIghtmare Of Blogging On Steemit...And What A Dream It Can Be

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Banner design: @justcallmemyth

Follow @ogochukwu



Great advice! I try to post once a day. Sometimes it's just a picture or a video, but I think we can gain something from each post. It might just be followers or exposure. Monetary rewards are just an added bonus

Hello @drewley

Even though i have a fluid posting schedule, I try to post at least twice a day.

And yes it is true, no action on this platform is wasted.


Sir your simplicity brings certainty to the doubting mind, i have really learnt from this.

Thanks for reading @josediccus

True talk,, sometimes laziness takes over,, but i force myself someway , somehow, sometimes i'd read through other peoples post to get inspiration to write, steeming with purpose definitely pays

Yes @tony-duke, it is better to remain here and get inspiration from others.


Do I really have to hang a picture of Nelson Mandela... he was a racist and a Commie!

Thats your own opinion

Thnx @ogochukwu for putting this info all together.

Thanks for reading @oguz

Good Post and keep it up..

Thanks for reading @nomishiekh

I totally agree with you ! As for me I quickly came to my senses with Steemit

You just wrote what was on my mind all this while..... Nice one bro and I will keep the spirit up

Thanks for reading @hamzeto. I am glad the post was able to inspire you.

U are welcome as u always deliver all the time, more grease bro

That feeling is what I called The Zero Feeling, and surprisingly it was one of my highest earning post. No matter how difficult it may be, the upvotes shouldn't be your only motivation. Because if it is, then you would be up for series of heartbreaks and disappointment.

Hello @greenrun

That is very true we all came for the rewards but we have to build or join a community.


Hello @ogochukwu.

Steemit Is a mechanism for you to need to use and effect the change you want to see in the World.

You have actually said more than enough with this post. The point is that we have to change our orientation about the platform in other to appreciate the beauty in it.

I wrote someone about the wrong reasons to write on steemit one time and this work is just an augmentation to my own.

Thanks alot for this.

Hello @gunneresq

I am glad that you views align with mine. This is one of the topics we have to hammer at everyday, a lot of people have to realize this point.

It is not about the 'change' you make, it is about the Change you make.


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