The Nightmare Of Blogging On Steemit....... And What A Dream It Could Be

in #blockchain-blogger7 years ago (edited)


The word Nightmare will no doubt conjure up certain images in your head of those nights where you woke up with a start drenched in Sweat, your heart beating like a Turbo Jet Engine, your are sure that whatever you saw was real, but over time you realised that you are alone and alive in your room

Well that is not the kind of Nightmare that I am talking about, the Nightmare I want to talk about is that of Blogging, and it is not one that is peculiar to you alone

It is a Nightmare we all share, we all have and some are still having a personal firsthand experience of it

You can still remember that moment when your friend told you that there is a new social media site that pays you to create content, and you can still remember the look of joy in the person face as he recounted how much money he/she had earned

It's Like Facebook, But You Get Paid

You decide to check it out and wow you find out that your friend was not selling you a Ponzi scheme, so you jump in and Start making posts

Overtime though you find out that you are no making the amount of Money you expected, you feel cheated, you were promised rewards but they are nowhere to be found, you see posts that yours is better than earning a whole lot of money

You have dreamt of the things you would buy with your earnings, but your dreams have slowly morphed into a Nightmare, you watch with outrage as the rich get richer and sometimes take away the earnings of others with their mighty flags

It is a Nightmare from which you want to wake from at all cost

Thankfully I have found the solution to this and I want to share it with you today

I have found out that everything about Blogging on Steemit that makes it a Nightmare, isn't about Steemit or blogging at all


What Blogging On Steemit Is Really About

Blogging on this platform is one of the most misunderstood things about Steemit today, people think it is all about Money, but they are wrong

I am not saying that the Money is not Important, I for myself will like to get value for my work, without the Money on Steemit 98% of us will not be here

Here is my defination of Steemit

Steemit is a mechanism for building a sustainable way of making the impact you want to make

For you to sustain something you need resources, but that is not the only part, and that is where we all get it wrong


Steemit Favours Good Activities

When you start you Steemit walk with meaning overtime, you will always get the support you need, the reward pool flows towards whoever gets the majority of votes, we all have the power to vote and while it is true that there is a form of Inequality in voting but everyone has a say no matter how little

Whatever bad we see on Steemit, whether it is creating many bot accounts to rape the reward pool or discrimatory flagging or trolling, they make us less likely to give that individual our votes

Over the last few months we have seen the activities of the Steemit Police like @stellabelle,@sherlock-holmes , @spamminator, @sadkitten, and the unsung heroes of Steem Cleaners made up of people like @patrice, we are finally rejoicing that the bad guys have gotten their match

In other words, bad acticvities on this platform is not sustainable

But this still begs the question, why is there still much of it out there?

There are still some bad guys on Steemit who seem invincible, or who convienently slip through the cracks of the community police, they seem invincible and Flag resistant


How the Steem Blockchain Eliminates Fraud

One of the beauty of the Steem blockchain is its openess, this makes it hard for bad guys not to leave footprints, evil thrives in secrecy but we can be rest assured that those perpatuating bad activities will always be caught up with

Until now, before in the real world if you had a bad experience or noticed a bad activity, it was very hard to tell the world about it especially whe the culprits seemed invincible, but not anymore

Now everyone has a voice, to share their experience and also talk about what matters to them and how they feel about a particular thing

Something bad might exist, but it will not last


Steemit Reimagined

Many dreams have rose where Nightmares once prevailed, and the dream of Steemit is not different

It is a dream that we have been given an opportunity to shape and the best way to shape that is to contribute positively to this platform no matter how slow the journey might be or feel

Steemit is Beautiful @surpassinggoogle

And the best way to express that beauty is by making a lasting and positive change to the world, deliver on any promises that you might have made

You also have to show respect for everyone and be compassionate, admit your wrongs and work to make friends, always look for an opportunity to give and supress your constant desire to recieve at all cost

We have been opportuned to recieve this Steemit gift early, let us make it joyous for the people who are yet to join


Building The Dream

We must take up the responsibility we have as early adopters to make this platform better, not just for oursleves but for the people who are yet to join

Always report any suspicious activity you see to the appropriate authorities, ignoring them will also affect you down the line

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Above is a Famous Poem by Martin Niemoller

Life is short, so let us all do something that matters and never feel that you are too small, in the words of the Legendary Steve Jobs

The people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do

Thanks For Reading

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Banner Design : @justcallmemyth

Follow @ogochukwu



I like your view of Steemit, great post

Thanks for reading @luisneira

Steemit is a wonderful plathform. Everyone is here to be rewarded, but beyond the reward, enjoying what you do here is more important. Give it your all, post your best quality posts, make friends, comment on peoples post, the earnings will definitely come. And if the earnings don't come, just keep enjoying yourself...
It's steem steem steem!

Hello @sunnyebinum

Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.


I agree, you are right, just have fun and blog about what you are interested in right? 😀 😃 😄 😁 Have a wonderful day!

Very inspiring post @ogochukwu . This platform has so much to offer. We have here pretty much everything that allows us to express whatever we wish. Apart from blogging we have D tube, dsound, busy, peerhub etc and there is no other platforms out there that offers so much for being creative. Steemit gives an opportunity to every idea to be rewarded accordingly to the crawd will. Of course it is not get rich quick scheme, but it has limitless potential for patient people. Thanks for sharing

hello @ronimm

Thanks for reading and for sharing your insights. I appreciate


Very cool post. I really enjoyed you definition of Steem.

By the way, how do you make your posts look like this? These are bold text right? Do they have anything else special to them? They look great. I really love how they come out.

Hello @teamsteem

I am glad that your found the post interesting, I had to dig deep to really know what Steemit is all about

My post font looks bold because I used html tags. I will send you the Markdown tags on Discord


You do write great great content, so hopefully you get the rewards due for it. Its a process but over time i would hope that the best people on the site rise to the top and that will only happen from the users on the site putting them there.

Hello @niallon11

Thank you for your kind words. I always try to give my best at all times no matter what happens.


Only people that come here for a quick buck feel it's a nightmare. Those that understand that you actually need to work, to prove yourself will do whatever it takes. And we create a community here - it's inevitable. Over time you get to know people, share their problems and their joys - we're no longer strangers.

True Words @ladyrebecca

Thanks for stopping by.


Yeah true. I like the contests, they are creative. Like @papa-pepper is starting one now on selfies. 😀 😃 😄 😁 Have a wonderful day!

this is very very encouraging for people like us.thanks @ogochukwu.

Thanks for reading

Very informative and comforting. Am sure to become better in blogging on steemit if I utilize these guide. Thanks for sharing @ogochukwu.

Thanks for reading and your kind words @cutedicta

Steemit is still awesome. It's the theater of dreams. The dream you have is dependent on your outlook in life, it could be a nightmare if the outlook is bad, or a sweet dream.
Steemit rocks either way. Would still blog on steemit either way. I've spent years on FB and got $0. So I think steemit is just too awesome. Just popped in to say hello.

Thanks for dropping by @greenrun.

It is comments like your that keep me engaged and fueled up.


Thank you too. You rock. ✌️

Yeah FB zero. I've been thinking of powering down not sure what the effect on my audience will be. 😀 😃 😄 😁 Have a wonderful day!

Why do you want to power down? Throwing in the towel?

Hi, not sure. Want to see if I can retain my audience without having a lot of steem, just doing some experimenting. I saw people with high reps but low sp so that kind of motivated me to do it I guess. 😐 😑 😯 😦 😧 😮 😲 😵 I hope you have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND!

In every twelve there must be a judas

Steemit is a very promising platform but its so unfortunate that some people see it as an avenue to scam other users.

Awsome post @ogochukwu

Hello @camzy

Bad activities on this platform will not last.

We should strive to contribute positively at all times.


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