CUDDLE AirDrop! Experimenting with Blockchains and Silliness

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

I am not an economist or crypto specialist. I am the little girl who goes around poking things and asking "What does this button do?" a lot. My experience on Steemit is, in many ways, just that. Learning new things through creative experimentation. 

Thanks to Steemit, I've learned a lot about the crypto world, and even though I truly suck at math (no, seriously, I do) I've been able to do some pretty cool things in the past few months.

One of them is the CUDDLE.

Wait, what?

With the ICO craze rocking the VC and startup world, I find myself thinking of alternative uses for the technology. Specifically, fun ones. Bitshares lets pretty much anyone create an account and mint their own token for whatever purpose they want. My purpose: to spread cuddles and hugs (without too much number crunching).

Steemit is an awesome community, and I've met so many people who deserve my hugs and cuddles. Alas, most of them are located miles away and up until now, I could only show my love through little emoji hearts. That's basic. So why not use the blockchain? 

With the help of my awesome friends at the @buildteam , and specifically the brilliant @furious-one , I managed to mint my own little token of appreciation.

Meet the CUDDLE!

The CUDDLE token is just that - a token for cuddles, minted on the official National Hug Day. Want to send someone a virtual cuddle? Do it! Got a bunch of CUDDLES but kinda need cash? Try trading them on the market! No idea what that does yet, but go for it!

There's no other purpose for these tokens aside from spreading joy and smiles and potentially serve as an affectionate IOU.

OMG Can I have a cuddle?

Absolutely! Enter your Bitshares account name in the comments to get your free cuddles! 50 cuddles will be sent to each of the first 20 users to comment on this post

Want even more CUDDLEs? Put together a token graphics for the CUDDLE, and if I like it you'll get another 250 CUDDLEs!!!

Can I make my own silly and useless token?

Sure! My next post to Steemit will be a tutorial for non-developers mortals on how to mint your very own token to have fun with by spending just a few SBD.

I have no idea what I am doing, but I am enjoying every minute.

Like what you've read? Check out some of my previous posts!


Hahha, that's really cool.
I liked this idea of sharing love with others.I didn't know about it before, now I will give a look to bitshares and waiting for your next tutorial.

Accurate historical depiction of @techslut:

bad button.gif

Now, while it was the national hug day, I feel we are now in an international territory. Not only because you and I are not in fact American, but because this is the purpose of the cuddles. To spread the joy the world over.

Now, I must ask, if cuddles are decentralized, who's giving them exactly? And can cuddles be something that is given by one, to another? I always thought cuddles were a mutual activity. That is the true joy of cuddles, that to give, is to receive.

And now I'm thinking the crypto-world needs a mutual crypto-currency, that the more you use it, the more of it there is. BRB, writing a White Paper.

I love you, you know. <3

I'll proof that white paper.

Here is cuddle for you! I draw his for logo but in the end added legs and hair :)
On Bitshares I am marina-art

So cute! <3

100 cuddles sent to you!

Thank you! I was thinking today about representation of your Cuddles. I thing that pink cute monster in the shape of envelope will deliver idea. It is like you see gif of the letter at first and when you open it you can see Cuddle. Just an idea :0)

What if it was shaped like a heart?

He can looks like folded origami heart. That way it will remind ether logo or eos logo style too an be recognisable

here is the update

will sketch some tomorrow

He can be shaped like heart too :) Heart shapped envelope/monster with eyeballs :) Sounds fun!


this is my username on bitshares: trmpmn

Thanks my lady!


I prefer free CUDDLEs but I put some orders into the market for fun.

Oooh now I am curious. Tell me what happens!!!

CUDDLEs have officially traded on the DEX. It will be interesting to see what price people will buy/sell for. Let's be honest, if I knew that my order would be filled with a CUDDLE from You, I'd set a higher buy price. As is stands though, it's a CUDDLE from a random stranger. Not sure how I feel about that LOL. I mean, a HUG from a random stranger is one thing, but...

Uhm... I did not fill that order. I haven't sold any cuddles, just handed them out.

Yeah, that's my point... Who have I exchanged a CUDDLE with?

Forgot to post this:

Wow. I might have to mint more! And I have no idea who you cuddled with and I bloody love all of this! LOLOLOL

wait I'm i late? , i saw this 27minutes of you posting, i upvoted it, i left it open to finish my chores so to can sit like a king and read, but i am late. 😢 😢 i can't get any cuddles for my tears.

but yea, the idea is all nice, awesome blessed are the hands that giveth you know.
the man above is your guild for all the awesome, story telling and tecky stuffs you are inventing right here.

There's still time and plenty of cuddles. What's your bitshares account? :)

was surprised when i check the market cap on open ledger, here bitmar5 thanks for the cuddles

Cuddles sent! Use them well. <3

Did I make it for some free cuddles, please? :D

Plenty left! Just leave your bitshares account name in the comments and you'll get cuddles. I need to sleep as it is close to 1AM but I promise to send cuddles to anyone who comments as long as I have them.

Oh! Thank you! ❤️❤️

It's rthgrl, my silent steemit name :P

Cuddles sent! Still a bunch left so feel free to resteem and share the joy of cuddles with one and all.

might be too late? it's after 12 now and Shrek took his monster shape - but doesn't he deserve some cuddles? he is cute and has a good heart all the same!

kidding - i guess many comments doesn't qualify for cuddles - at least not for the coins. in this case: kivsha1 is the name :)

Sent you some cuddles and there's plenty more left!

Will you be doing a Cuddle SMT, too?

If it's as simple as a bitshares asset? Fuck yeah!

This is very generous of you. I wish you the best with your new token. It certainly has a great name.
On Bitshares I am:

Enjoy the cuddles! <3

Thanks so much! I look forward to the tutorial you mentioned.

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