#FollowFriday - Bringing Old Twitter Tradition to Steemit!

in #followfriday7 years ago

Many a year ago, when I was active on Twitter (with the same account name as here), there was a nice user discovery trend - Follow Friday. So before Twitter added the algorithm to offer accounts for you to follow - you had to rely on your friends.

Steemit has a similar account discovery issue. Finding good new authors to follow isn't easy, so many of us see the same old account names in our feed and miss out on awesome content.

Let's change that.

Let's make Fridays a day we introduce some of the people we follow to one another. 

I think I'll go ahead and add a weekly "flavor" to my Follow Friday posts. Today's flavor: 

Real World Friends and Family!

As my bio on top of the page says, I am polyamorous. Two of my significant others are on Steemit, so I have no choice but to list them first.


If you're into D&D character building, artistic photography and original photoshop art, you should visit Barak's profile. On other social networks he tends to be shy, but it looks like Steemit is helping him open up, so please help me encourage him to post more of his art and thoughts on the platform.


Itai started writing a game development blog on steemit, but doesn't always find the time to work on the game or the blog. So he often posts social commentary, blogs of self-reflection, and contributes the occasional restaurant review.


Didi is a book published, crowdfunding expert and brilliant editor. He's fairly new to Steemit and posts about a variety of topics from wrestling to feminism to podcasts and SFF.


Guy is one of the most prolific bloggers I've ever met. He writes about anime, but recently began to publish poetry (and even got curied). He also has some interesting insights on Steemit worthy of a read.


Though he doesn't post much, I owe him for bringing me to Steemit. His posts, rare as they are, offer breathtaking photos from northern Israel and sustainability projects for his home.

Your turn! Post your Friday favorites and be sure to tag the post with #followfriday .


Like what you've read? Check out some of my previous posts!


This really is a marvelous idea. I need to make a post. I love when people do a curative type post as it really helps us all to connect. I have found a lot of other wonderful artists thanks to such curating endeavours, so hats off to you! And here is to #followfriday

This is a great initiative. You're right; we kind of just sit with the same people in our feed, and miss out on great new stuff. Love the concept here!

Finding good new authors to follow isn't easy, so many of us see the same old account names in our feed and miss out on awesome content.

You are perfectly right about this... Great idea!

I'll list them here

He writes excellent fiction and non-fiction. I love his style of writing and discourse. He spurs me to new writings

I love his strength in building newbies. He gives back to the society

I am totally new here and just adapting to the community. It's been interesting all the way

Sadly I don't have any real life friends over on steemit. Most refused to join when the steem price was at 1$, now they don't want to join because its too hard to make any profit here.

I personally think that profits are just the bonus. This platform is for people willing to dedicate content creation skills.

Great post <3

Agreed. Also, it is very possible to make a profit if you know how to network.

my friends and family also will not join. I may have lost some credibility with face to face MLM deals and especially with the shutting down of Bitconnect it is hard to convince some of the value of Steemit and the blockchain. Oh well, their loss and our gain.

Useful post thank you @techslut

That's a great idea. I'll start doing this. But I'm still going to post for #fungi-friday, too! ; )

This is the best, i promise do #followfriday. Twitter is come back!! jaja
Have a nice day, following U now :)

פוסט מגניב לאללה ממש השתפרת מאז הפעם האחרונה שנכנסתי אלייך 👍

תודה רבה! אני משתדלת.

Great idea ! My #followfriday pick is @elpompador. For all of you out there who are cryptocurrency aficionado I truly recommend. He brings a lot of valuable information and he's honest.

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